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[数据库系统] 学分管理系统

是我应我们学校学工部做的软件,其主要是解决想我们学校这样的条件--各个办公室之间还没有建立联网,而且学校分为两个校区(又不在一个城市).   因此,学工部每年的学分登记工作都很麻烦.每学年初,学工部要把当年发布的学分评测规定发到各系,学年末又要把从系里面提交的学分表收齐,然后手工登记,非常的麻烦.有时是系里面的学分报表太乱,有些资料丢失,要么是,系里面把各年的学分评测规定弄混,经常搞的他们一头雾水,于是为他们就请我做这个系统.   这个系统的工作流程是,每个学年初,学工部输入当年的学分评定规定,然后到处成为学分评测数据,然后Copy给各个系,各个系在每个学年中,输入新的专业,年级,班级和新生的资料,然后登记学分评测的纪录和考试的成绩.当学年末到了,各系把党学年的数据导成数据库,然后copy给学工部,学工部就可以用电脑纪录所有的学分纪录.
should I do our school among a software, it is our resolve to schools such conditions-- every office has not yet been established between the network and the school is divided into two campuses (not in a city). Therefore, each of the credit among a registration work very troublesome. Every beginning of the school year, among a year should release the credit evaluation of the provisions of the various faculties, should also learn from the end line inside the table collected credits, and then manual registration, very troublesome. Sometimes there is too much of the credit chaos statements, some of the information lost, or is that the inclusion of the line inside the credits Evaluating requirements confused, often that of their loss, so they asked me to do on the system. the workflow system (2005-11-10, Visual Basic, 1921KB, 下载66次)
