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[进程与线程] vcthreads

VC 多线程操作实例源代码 如何安全终止线程 如何创建UI线程 如何创建Worker线程 如何等待线程结束 如何挂起和恢复线程 如何获得线程的退出码 如何使用互斥量 如何使用临界区 如何使用事件 如何使用信号量 有此实例代码,多线程无忧!
VC multi-threaded operating source code examples how to safely terminate a thread how to create a UI thread how to create a Worker thread to wait for the end of the thread to suspend and resume threads on how to obtain the exit code of how to use the thread mutex how to use the critical section how to use the event how to use the signal volume of this sample code, multi-threaded worry! (2011-11-08, Visual C++, 131KB, 下载44次)


[进程与线程] 51job-master

Using multi thread crawler method to obtain the future worry free recruitment data analysis (2017-10-24, Python, 9600KB, 下载10次)


[进程与线程] Transfer

特性 多线程任务模式,易扩展 系统服务运行方式,重启无忧 支持FTP、Email、MSMQ、ActiveMQ等多种常用传输方式,可扩展 稳定、易用、开源
Characteristic Multi threaded task mode, easy to expand System service operation mode, restart worry free Support FTP, Email, MSMQ, ActiveMQ, and other commonly used transmission mode, can be extended Stable, easy to use, open source (2016-07-13, Visual C++, 554KB, 下载3次)
