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[源码/资料] Python操作三大主流数据库 实战网易新闻客户端

分享视频教程——《Python操作三大主流数据库 实战网易新闻客户端》,完整版15章! 本课程专为只懂Python语法的同学准备,在逐步讲解MySQL、MongoDB、Redis 三大主流数据库基础知识的同时,带你用Python 操作三种数据库搭建一个简易的网易新闻移动端前后台,在实操实练中掌握不同类型数据库的特性,落地不同场景下数据库技术的应用。 (2022-09-21, SQL, 1KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Burp抓包使用详解

Self test, self server, looking for code, for entertainment (2020-08-01, SQL, 439KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] BaiduMap_cityCenter

Regional country map SQL (2020-04-21, SQL, 6KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] tslafcd

This system is used for all Web applications, such as website management backstage, website member center, CMS, CRM, OA. (2018-10-22, SQL, 5KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] XYCMS_XX_v3.3

XYCMS Central Primary School station system is a school website construction system developed by asp+access. (2018-10-19, SQL, 6524KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] flvplayer

源码下载 PHP源码 影音娱乐 秀影的flv播放代码
PHP source codes download entertainment show shadow flv player codes (2016-06-29, SQL, 4KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] resume

FKQQ新闻小偷程序,可即时抓取最新新闻,数据平均每5分钟更新一次。 config.php为配置文件。 代码无加密,除版权外的html代码,大家可以自由修改。
FKQQ thief news program, the latest news instantly crawl, average data is updated every five minutes. config.php configuration file. No encryption codes, in addition to copyright outside of the html code, you can freely modify. (2016-05-11, SQL, 16KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] High-availability-MySQL

A build mysql data center data, great learning value (2016-04-14, SQL, 22102KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] bfgqsql

Storm Harbor Auto Channel separation program, the program has integrated more than a dozen real estate, dating, human resources, commerce, news release, a mall at the North of supply and demand, Yellow Pages, oblog blog, logistics, picking, etc. (2016-04-02, SQL, 3071KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] news

A news display to the MT4 trading software in the index, to see the news more convenient! (2015-11-17, SQL, 102KB, 下载20次)



SSH的社区新闻发布系统的设计与实现 源代码+配套论文
Design and implementation of source code+ supporting papers SSH community news publishing system (2015-06-16, SQL, 13069KB, 下载33次)


[WEB开发] datadfmh_v2.1

Data Portal system is a place where free portal built systems, including second homes, rental, real estate, recruitment, second-hand, life information, news, yellow pages, promotions, websites and other places convenient telephone operators commonly used features, support always switch sets the skin, without too much expertise, modify the label to complete most of the page changes, the implementation of each site its own characteristics. (2015-01-28, SQL, 9909KB, 下载9次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] ichat3.1key

The iChat version is iChat video version 2.5 by iChat3.0 video version of Nohara Nosuke s improved (2014-08-26, SQL, 8008KB, 下载5次)


[酒店行业] 95535

Currently most hotels offer a variety of services, but also not the same size, but a bit of scale hotel will contain the following three types of services: catering, accommodation and entertainment. Since we do not have a specific contact and substantive knowledge of the hospitality industry. The database design can only be collected in a number of basic materials and personal intuition, based on a simple imitation of mid-sized hotel management system design, and abstracted into a three-sector, achieving system three services. (2014-04-17, SQL, 84KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] DbSite1.2.3

DbSite企业网站管理系统采用.Net构架,根据需求可配置多种数据库,全站基于SEO核心开发,界面与数据完全分离,内置多个常用网站模块:企业基础信息模块,新闻资讯模块,产品模块,在线留言模块,下载模块,招聘模块,在线回答模块,友情链接模块,广告模块,自定义数据模型等。全站标签自由设置,锚文本自动添加,长尾单自动生成,全静态发布等。 DbSite企业网站管理系统开发了全新的、高效的、灵活性更强的模板引擎。您只需设计前台用户显示,后台界面与功能按需装配。全Html
Enterprise website management system in DbSite using Net framework, according to the demand can be configured to a variety of databases, site-wide SEO-based core developers, interface and data completely separated, built more common site modules: basic information module, news module, product modules, Feedback module, download the module, the recruitment module, answer module, Links module, advertising module, custom data model. The station tag set free anchor text automatically added, long-tailed single automatically generated, fully static publishing. DbSite enterprise website management system developed a new, efficient, more flexible template engine. You need to design front end user, the background interface features on-demand assembly. Full HTML (2013-04-24, SQL, 1557KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] NewsTp_net

rem 检查sql字符串中是否有单引号,有则进行转化 function CheckStr(str) dim tstr,l,i,ch l=len(str) for i=1 to l ch=mid(str,i,1) if ch=" " then tstr=tstr+" " end if tstr=tstr+ch next CheckStr=tstr end function > (2012-12-25, SQL, 557KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] elgg-dyb

Elgg是一款免费开源的社交网站程序(php/mysql),以BLOG为中心实现社会网络的社会性网络构建平台。 elgg作为一个社会性网络构建平台,一经问世,即好评如潮,更有人将其与大名鼎鼎的moodle相提并论。这个平台不仅获得了2007年最佳社会性网络开源CMS平台的荣誉,在今年得到了info world的最高评价。
Elgg is a free open source social web application (php/mysql), BLOG-centric social network of social networks to build the platform. The elgg built as a social network platform by the advent of rave reviews, and more was to be compared with the famous moodle. This platform not only get the best social network open source CMS platform in 2007 and the the info world' s highest honor, in this year. (2012-12-06, SQL, 3760KB, 下载47次)


[.net编程] Business

采用ASP.NET 2.0+SQL的模式构建一个面向中小型企业门户网站的解决方案,采用三层结构,可以更新自己的企业信息、新闻信息和产品信息……
ASP.NET 2.0+SQL the mode to build a solution for small and medium enterprise portal, a three-tier structure, and can update their business information, news and product information ... (2012-08-16, SQL, 2252KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] NewBlog

The blog system, basic functions are, you can try to see (2012-06-21, SQL, 3074KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] using-System

数据库的增删改 采用三层架构 新闻发布系统部分代码 纯自己编写 使用C#加sql
The increasing of database using the three questions of news release system structure of pure his code written using c# and SQL (2012-05-22, SQL, 10KB, 下载7次)
