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按平台查找All Visual C++(2572) 

[OpenCV] Basler-test

Recognize the quadrilateral of the specified color in the image and give the pixel coordinates of its center point (2020-05-26, Visual C++, 13027KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] PlotCenterV2.41

Transfer files through Ethernet, Support Richpeace CAD V8 & V9 PLT graphics output. (2018-10-11, Visual C++, 280KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] 实用外部库

The practical MFC Library of teacher Lv Xin (2017-10-15, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] [孙鑫VC++20集全].PPT+源代码

VC++ detailed explanation of the source code, absolute classic source code, entry necessary (2017-07-07, Visual C++, 3618KB, 下载21次)


[文件操作] NXOPen

NX 二次开发,使用NXOpen开发技术生成动态库文件,创建一个圆柱
NXOpen create a new cylinder (2014-05-06, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载7次)


[对话框与窗口] test1

Midpoint Bresenham algorithm will be extended to the slope of the straight line segment drawn arbitrarily. Using the dialog box to enter the start and end coordinates straight to the screen for the two-dimensional coordinate system center, draw an arbitrary line segment slope. Preparation CLine class member function MoveTo () and LineTo (). On the boundary pixel processing principle is " closed interval starting and ending open interval" that requires a straight line drawn up VC++ the MoveTo () and LineTo () function rendering results. (2013-10-21, Visual C++, 2289KB, 下载6次)


[数学计算] central-limit-theorem

用Monte Carlo方法验证不同变量下中心极限定理依然成立
The central limit theorem is still valid with the Monte Carlo method to verify the different variables (2012-11-02, Visual C++, 5338KB, 下载173次)


[文件格式] RTCM-CMR

The differential data format description differential data received and Hubei CORS. CMR, CMR+ (2012-09-11, Visual C++, 763KB, 下载165次)


[网络编程] DTU-Server-source-Code

DTU 数据中心服务器源代码,对编写DTU的朋友,可以用于参考借鉴一下.
DTU Data Center Server Source Code. (2012-05-09, Visual C++, 3544KB, 下载237次)


[图形图像处理] subpixel04

一种快速结构光条纹中心亚像素精度提取方法.caj 一种亚像素精度的边缘检测方法.caj
A fast structured light stripe center sub-pixel precision extraction. Caj a sub-pixel accuracy of edge detection methods. Caj (2011-09-16, Visual C++, 256KB, 下载41次)


[其他游戏] game_code

肖永亮Visual C++游戏编程基础源码,网上一直都不全,在朋友的光盘上copy回来的。
Xiaoyong Liang Visual C++ Game Programming source, has not been online all at a friend s CD copy back. (2011-07-29, Visual C++, 16557KB, 下载105次)


[Windows编程] sunxin

MFC (2010-03-31, Visual C++, 9929KB, 下载1375次)


[电子书籍] MFCWindows2

MFC Windows程序设计(第二版)中文版 很多人说孙鑫或者vc++技术内幕很经典,但是我要说这本书才是(我认为)学习mfc最经典的教材。至于深入浅出mfc太注重底层细节技术,就像看电视知道怎么开就行,不需要知道太多集成电路板的原理。 另外学习mfc还有没有必要,我觉得有个承上启下的作用,很多mfc编写的大量源代码可以参考,自己重新写可能有点费劲。新的.net平台也支持,并且有了c++基础学习C#其实也很快。 可以单独下载,单独解压。看着觉得合适再下载其他部分。
MFC Windows Programming (second edition) A lot of people say the Chinese version of SUN Xin or vc technology is a classic insider, but I have to say this book is (I think) mfc learning materials and classic. As easy mfc too focused on the bottom of the details of technology, like watching television know how to open on the line, do not need to know that too many of the principles of integrated circuit board. In addition there is no need to learn mfc there, I think there is a role of connecting many mfc prepared a large number of source code can refer to his own re-write may be a bit strenuous. New. Net platform also supports, and with c -based learning is also soon CSharp. Available as a separate download, a separate decompression. Looking at the right feel (2009-01-24, Visual C++, 3872KB, 下载845次)


[VC书籍] VC

SUN Xin (2008-07-23, Visual C++, 734KB, 下载1256次)


[交通/航空行业] GPRS-GSM040806

用VC写的监控中心后台程序。 代码全,可以看到操作界面
Written by VC Daemon Control Center. Code-wide, we can see interface (2008-03-06, Visual C++, 14893KB, 下载1702次)


[串口编程] VisualC++tongxin

VisualC++通信编程工程实例精解 \Chapter 2 \Example 1 MSCOMM控件编程实例 \Example 2 基于Windows API的虚拟终端实现 \Example 3 基于CSerialPort的串口多线程通信框架 \调试工具\串口调试助手 \Chapter 3 \Example 4 Winsock API编程技术——基于Winsock的聊天室程序 \Example 5 CAsyncSocket编程技术——基于CAsyncSocket的局域网通信程序 \Example 6 CSocket编程技术——基于CSocket的局域网聊天室程序 \扩充实例 基于CSocket的网络版中国象棋 \调试工具\TCPUDP调试助手 \Chapter 4 \Example 7 访问远程数据库MS SQLServer实例 \Chapter 5 \Example 8 以RS View32为服务器的OPC客户端编程 \Example 9 一个OPC客户端监视程序 \Chapter 6 \Example 10 一个封装的Modem AT命令操作类的快速拨号程序 \Chapter 7 \Example 11 GSM和GPRS应用实例 \扩充实例 基于CSocket的GPRS数据中心程序 \调试工具和文档\TCPUDP调试助手 MC55_ATC_V02.06.pdf TCP使用方法.doc 常用SMS指令一览表.pdf
err (2008-01-16, Visual C++, 3488KB, 下载1039次)


[图形图像处理] hill_climbing

Climbing algorithm using image segmentation. Algorithm applied to a larger central gray, and gradually descending to the neighborhood of the region segmentation, such as micro-calcifications image. Based on the current window to manually configure the local point, looking for gray-scale local maxima, found under the perspective of 16 seed points. Then 16 points this seed point for regional growth, constraints for the corresponding gray-bound and space bound. (2007-09-29, Visual C++, 91KB, 下载100次)


[图形图像处理] CamShiftDemo

camshift tracking algorithm, it will automatically determine the size of target tracking, the center, direction, Operational very fast, real-time tracking needs, a good DEMO. (2007-05-14, Visual C++, 152KB, 下载1298次)


[图形图象] 车牌定位系统程序

plates source identification procedures, very useful! I also downloaded from the Internet, but I do own some changes! (2004-12-15, Visual C++, 1466KB, 下载3539次)


[手机短信编程] qrzhou_smpp

Thank qrzhou give their valuable source code. This is 3 months after qrzhou developed SMS center and gateway mo source of SMS center for the development or SMPP protocol, cmpp agreement programmers developed a very important reference value, the same time, it can serve as a developer of simulation tests Gateway, qrzhou hematemesis released to the public, but also carried out on the 7th signaling the development of important documents (2002-12-19, Visual C++, 1546KB, 下载1420次)
