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[手机短信编程] SIM_chengxu

SIM300的主要功能有:语音通话、短信收发、GPRS网络数据收发、彩信收发。SIM300模块主要应用在通讯领域,如移动电话、远程数据监控、短信提醒发送、GPRS MODEN。打个比方,如果您要设计移动电话,那么内部主要组件应该包括通讯模块SIM300、中心处理器MCU、显示屏、键盘、话筒听筒。
SIM300 main function has: voice messaging, GPRS network data sending and receiving MMS transceiver SIM300 module is mainly used in the field of communications, such as mobile phone remote data monitoring SMS alerts sent GPRS MODEN, for example, if you want to design a mobile phone, then the internal main component should include communication module SIM300 center processor MCU microphone receiver display keyboard (2013-05-13, C/C++, 9150KB, 下载38次)


[手机短信编程] 51message

设置短消息模式 设置短消息中心 AT+CSCA=“+8613800531500”回车
Short message mode to set the short message service center AT+ CSCA = " +8613800531500" Enter (2011-05-22, C/C++, 3KB, 下载28次)


[手机短信编程] 51contrlGSM

51 contrl GSM #include<reg52.h> #include<intrins.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define RxIn 90 //定义接收的数组长度为90 uchar code AT[]="AT" //握手信号 uchar code ATE[]="ATE" //关回显 uchar code AT_CNMI[]="AT+CNMI=2,1" //设置这组参数来了新信息直接显示到串口,不作存储 uchar code AT_CSCA[]="AT+CSCA=\"+8613800571500\"" //设置服务中心号码 uchar code AT_CMGF[]="AT+CMGF=1" //设置短信的格式为text格式 uchar code AT_CMGR[]="AT+CMGR=" //读取短信指令 uchar code AT_CMGS[]="AT+CMGS=" //发送短信指令 uchar code AT_CMGD[]="AT+CMGD=" //发送短信指令 uchar code successfully[]="Operate Successfully!" //发送操作成功信息到目标号码 uchar code fail[]="Operate failed,try again!"
51 contrl GSM #include<reg52.h> #include<intrins.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define RxIn 90 // uchar code AT[]="AT" // uchar code ATE[]="ATE" //uchar code AT_CNMI[]="AT+CNMI=2,1" //uchar code AT_CSCA[]="AT+CSCA=\"+8613800571500\"" //uchar code AT_CMGF[]="AT+CMGF=1" // uchar code AT_CMGR[]="AT+CMGR=" //uchar code AT_CMGS[]="AT+CMGS=" //uchar code AT_CMGD[]="AT+CMGD=" //uchar code successfully[]="Operate Successfully!" //uchar code fail[]="Operate failed,try again!" (2011-01-28, C/C++, 16KB, 下载27次)
