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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(6) 
按平台查找All PHP(6) 

[教育系统应用] educational-center

educational center (2024-01-20, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[教育系统应用] entertainment-and-self-education

A place to record videos, movies, TV shows, and books I consume for entertainment and self-education (2023-12-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[教育系统应用] pxgl

培训学校管理系统适合于目前的一般培训学校,比如英语、计算机、少儿培训中心等小型培训机构。本系统原本是针对计算机培训所设计。 培训学校管理系统的大体功能为: 一、 学员信息管理: 1. 学员信息管理(会员形式) 2. 操作员流水记录 二、 学员报名管理 1. 学员报名处理学员信
Training school management system is suitable for the current general training schools, such as English, computer, children s training center and other small training institutions. The system was originally designed for computer training. The general function of the training school management system is: Student information management: 1 student information management (member form) 2 operator water records Two, student registration management 1 students to sign up for the students (2016-04-16, PHP, 175KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] sy_online_os

打卡管理系统,内置 系统管理中心 卡务中心管理 师生资料管理 考勤管理 需要的话下载修改对应文字即可,才用ThinkPHP开发,基于其模板技术和RBAC控权策略。
Punch card management system, built-in system management center Card Centre teacher-student data management attendance management need to download modified to correspond to the text can only use ThinkPHP development strategy, based on template technology and RBAC controlling. (2012-05-26, PHP, 3994KB, 下载21次)


[教育系统应用] department

Self-made foreign University School of Computer Science Web site, php+ Sql database+ Ajax. Courses to achieve inquiries, inquiries degree, curriculum recommendations, message board. There are pictures, video player, with flash course proposals. Administrator has landed interface, can realize the database information management, image management, message management, curriculum management. Interface produced by css. Upload photos to support the curriculum changes to respond to messages. (2008-05-24, PHP, 1144KB, 下载70次)


[教育系统应用] stus

LOVESTUdio多校园网络店铺 VER 3.0基于2.0开发,采用PHP+MYSQL技术,扩展了一些新功能,可自定义网页模板,自动生成HTML标签。采用动态处理,静态显示模式,最大限度减轻服务器负担,不会因为访问量增加影响访问速度。 新闻、公告发布,无限级新闻分类,个性化网络店铺,调查,投诉功能。更全面的站内信息搜索,产品搜索更快更方便!支持多校园。强大店铺系统编辑,店铺管理,商品发布,新闻公告发布,多个学校分类。适合建立校园门户、校园社区、校园交易中心、校园网络店铺、校园联盟类网站。 可与任意PHP类论坛、博客、CMS..程序整合。 (2007-09-03, PHP, 2196KB, 下载37次)
