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[企业管理] xh

连锁中心配送系统! 有点强大的系统!方便使用!
failed to translate (2013-05-02, Visual Basic, 674KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] meirongNOW

汽车美容管理系统 一个简单精美的汽车美容网站,实现了公司介绍,新闻中心,服务项目介绍, 服务收费,优秀员工展示,会学、会员展示,客户留言的页面。
A car beauty management system is a simple and beautiful car beauty website, Company News Services introduced service charges, outstanding employees show will learn, Member showcase Feedback page. (2013-04-11, Visual Basic, 2224KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] soure

The system uses the system VB6.0+ SQL2000, a key element of the tourism closely into how to travel to these resources management, has a strong practical, either as a stand-alone systems can also be integrated as a business tourism enterprises management system an important component of the system including user management system, geographic management, attractions resource management, resource management hotels, restaurants, resource management, recreation resource management, transport resource management, tourist routes and offer management, editing functions. (2009-05-07, Visual Basic, 704KB, 下载35次)


[企业管理] LJv2007

企业网站管理系统可以管理新闻栏目二级分类 采用强大的HTML编辑器输入新闻文章
Enterprise website management system can manage the news columns of the two categories using a powerful HTML editor input news articles (2008-04-11, Visual Basic, 2761KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] ducherenshi

人事管理系统vb 1、目的: 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现企业人事管理势在必行。对于大中型企业来说,利用计算机支持企业高效率完成劳动人事管理的日常事务,是适应现代企业制度要求、推动企业劳动人事管理走向科学化、规范化的必要条件;计算机管理所无法比拟的优点检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、保密性好、寿命长、成本低等。这些优点能够极大地提高人事管理的效率,也是企业的科学化、正规化管理,与世界接轨的重要条件。不同的企业具有不同的人事管理制度,这就决定了不同的企业需要不同的人事管理系统。 2、意义: 目前市面上流行的人事管理系统不少。但是,对于企、事业单位的人事管理系统来说,不需要大型的数据库系统。只需要一个操作方便,功能实用,能满足本中心对数据的管理及需求的系统。我们的目标就是在于开发一个功能实用、操作方便,简单明了的人事管理系统.能够录入人事的基本资料,在操作上能够完成诸如添加、修改、删除、按各种条件进行查询、新用户的设置及密码修改等方面的工作,基本满足人事日常业务的需要。本人独立完成了此课题的研究与开发,包括调研、分析、设计、编码、测试、文档编写等内容。
err (2007-12-28, Visual Basic, 786KB, 下载159次)


[企业管理] xsnews

News Management System! This very practical, but costs a lot and I get out Oh劲才. There is a need to enjoy downloaded it. Ha ha. (2007-10-15, Visual Basic, 2183KB, 下载108次)


[企业管理] lyzy

The system includes user management, geographic resource management, attractions management, hotel management, restaurant management, recreation management, traffic management, and tourism routes in the tourism management process to which they are exposed. the full realization of the tourism resources and line management system function (2006-11-14, Visual Basic, 714KB, 下载63次)


[企业管理] 社区服务系统

community services, medical management, personnel management, notification information, recreation and entertainment. . . A good system to share with everyone (2006-02-22, Visual Basic, 3654KB, 下载70次)


[企业管理] 物资管理系统ss

material management information system is a complex and unique flow of materials, funds and information flow processing system. The system's processing features material is the basis for material TX deposit at the center, and financial accounting as the core material for the planning, procurement, warehousing, sales, inquiries statistics integrated management process, including project management, contract management, material management transceiver deposit, storage management, financial audits, and statistical functions, taking into account the operational and management functions to fully meet the company supplies materials management and grassroots units of the basic requirements. (2005-03-29, Visual Basic, 35KB, 下载149次)
