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[MySQL数据库] Food-Order-Application-system

我们的食品配送应用程序通过安全的帐户创建、本地餐厅的无缝浏览、集成的支付网关、实时订单跟踪和社区驱动的反馈来简化在线订购。在Java、Spring Boot和MySQL的支持下,它以用户为中心的设计彻底改变了在线食品配送领域。
Our food delivery app simplifies online ordering with secure account creation, seamless browsing of local restaurants, integrated payment gateways, real-time order tracking, and community-driven feedback. Powered by Java, Spring Boot, and MySQL, it revolutionizes the online food delivery landscape with user-centric design. (2024-03-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] 2

Github is not always online. You can add QQ: 553039957 for details. OA system: This system is an internal bank OA system, which is divided into six modules: official document management, asset management, auxiliary office, file management, personal center, and system management. Main technologies: Springboot+MyBatisPlus+MySQL+jQury, Layui (2023-11-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] integrador-i-proyecto-2

Sistema de gestión de citas médicas para el Centro Médico Uribe. (2023-10-31, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] learning-center-platform

ACME学习中心后端应用程序,说明Spring Boot、Spring Data JPA、Spring Web、Spring Modulith和Spring V..的使用...,
ACME Learning Center Backend Application, illustrating the use of Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Web, Spring Modulith, and Spring Validation, with MySQL persistence. (2023-10-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] ProjectHUb

ProjectHUb,, (2023-10-12, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] HackerNews-API

Spring boot和MySQL RESTful API。黑客新闻项目是一个类似于黑客新闻网站的轻量级系统,允许用户发布...,
Spring boot & MySQL RESTful API. The Hacker News project is a lightweight system similar to Hacker News web site that allows users to post text-based news, up vote/down vote posts, and view a list of top posts. RESTful API that support CRUD operation such as: POST, PUT, GET(all and top top posts), DELETE, PATCH(up vote down and change post) (2023-10-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] MiniHackerNews-RESTFul-API

Spring boot和MySQL RESTful API,用于管理简单的文本新闻帖子。支持最上面的帖子,创建,更新,阅读,删除,向上...,
Spring boot & MySQL RESTful API. The Hacker News project is a lightweight system similar to Hacker News web site that allows users to post text-based news, up vote/down vote posts, and view a list of top posts. RESTful API that support CRUD operation such as: POST, PUT, GET(all and top top posts), DELETE, PATCH(up vote down and change post) (2023-09-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] backend-gamerscore-hub

API para o GamerScore中心,
API para o GamerScore-Hub, (2023-08-31, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] spring-cloud-study

SpringCloud 注册发现、Feign服务调用、Hystrix实战、Zuul项目搭建、mysql实现配置中心
SpringCloud registration discovery, Feign service invocation, Hystrix implementation, Zuul project construction, MySQL implementation configuration center (2022-06-21, Java, 32KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] oa_system

Github won t be online frequently, you can add QQ: 553039957 for more details. OA system: This system is an internal OA system for banks, which is divided into six modules: document management, asset management, auxiliary office, file management, personal center, and system management. Main technologies: Springboot+MyBatisPlus+M (2023-02-23, Java, 2174KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] java-shouji

The Java mobile sales website JSP project based on the SSM framework can be modified into various e-commerce themed mall management systems such as book mall, clothing mall, pet mall, anime mall, snack mall, flower mall, etc. User functions: login registration, personal center editing, product reviews, search function, favorites function, add to shopping cart, order function (2022-04-06, Java, 1063KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] iDouban

研发中心工作室二轮考核项目: 仿豆瓣的在线博客系统,实现用户简单的登录注册,个人信息管理,好友关系管理,文章管理等功能, 后端技术栈为Java+Servlet+tomcat+mysql+JSP,前端技术栈为HTML+CSS+JS+...
The second round of assessment project for the R&D center studio: an online blog system modeled after Douban, which achieves simple user login and registration, personal information management, friend relationship management, article management, and other functions. The backend technology stack is Java+Servlet+tomcat+MySQL+JSP, and the front-end technology stack is HTML+CSS+JS+ (2022-01-17, Java, 11744KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] databasir

Database Document Management Center (2023-03-23, Java, 8762KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] micrograss_mall

This is a website of E-commerce mall developed by java. B2C contains payment Shahe module, shopping cart, personal Center (2019-05-04, Java, 23KB, 下载2次)


[MySQL数据库] MySQL-book

MySQL on a series of e-learning documents, once and for all, do not find everywhere! (2008-11-20, Java, 4547KB, 下载5次)


[MySQL数据库] news

Press Release System prototype, giving top priority, you will make a better press release system, I am using the jsp do. (2008-06-18, Java, 504KB, 下载11次)


[MySQL数据库] news

Press Release System jsp+ Javabean+ Servlet realize, function simple, but worth learning. Mysql5.0 database used (2008-06-01, Java, 485KB, 下载85次)


[MySQL数据库] News

The development of pre-developed system of press releases, use MYSQL+ JAVA to do, and all use of open source free software to do the (2008-05-14, Java, 62280KB, 下载29次)


[MySQL数据库] teachers_manigement_sysytem

management teachers in the school system is set up LAN B/S structure of the office platform. System has four modules : system set up to notify circular leadership Box, the Documentation Center. System development environment : Java, Mysql database, TOMCAT (2007-03-31, Java, 14260KB, 下载97次)


[MySQL数据库] newsrelese

Tomcat JSP Mysql Department issued a news system, the best one under the latest drive MYSQL (2006-03-14, Java, 9127KB, 下载82次)
