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[MySQL数据库] newsletter-system

一个简单的PHP MYSQL新闻稿系统,用于发送大量电子邮件。
A simple PHP MYSQL newsletter system for sending mass emails. (2024-01-10, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] The-Augmented-Eye

使用HTML、CSS、PHP&MySQL从VA-11 HALL-a重新创建新闻网站“增强眼”。,
Recreation of The Augemented Eye, a news website, from VA-11 HALL-A using HTML, CSS, PHP & MySQL., (2023-10-12, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] OnlineNewsSite

An online news site that includes the latest news, news categories and breaking news with an advanced admin panel (2023-01-24, PHP, 9956KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] spacemy

MySpace娱乐项目旨在恢复MySpace 2008的昔日辉煌
A MySpace recreation project aimed at restoring the former glory of MySpace 2008 (2020-08-04, PHP, 5620KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] wtcms

The content management system based on thinkphp can quickly build personal blogs, official websites of companies and schools, and news sites. (2019-12-21, PHP, 37351KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] sftnow

这是一个PHP企业门户网站(包括后台管理系统), 实现了新闻分类管理及发布管理, 角色菜单权限等系统管理
This is a PHP enterprise portal website (including a backend management system) that implements system management such as news classification and release management, role menu permissions, and more (2018-12-29, PHP, 19829KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] j_12055_icebb

简介:IceBB是一个强大,开源,快速的论坛系统基于PHP+MySQL。 IceBB适合于任何规模,不论有多少用户和贴子数,这是因为它具有简洁与高效的代码。 IceBB完全可自由定制包括皮肤和语言。此外它附加一个强大的后台管理中心。
Profile: IceBB is a powerful, open source, rapid Forum system based on PHP+ MySQL. IceBB suitable for any size, regardless of the number of users and the number of posts, this is because it has a concise and efficient code. IceBB completely free to customize, including skin and language. In addition, it attached a strong background management center. (2008-07-28, PHP, 1028KB, 下载2次)
