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按分类查找All 单片机开发(15) 
按平台查找All Java(15) 

[单片机开发] PwMan3

PwMan3,, (2023-08-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] BaiduYunDownload

新闻系统。里面是源码。可以 打开看看。jiade
jia de (2016-12-10, Java, 2610KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] sdtj(20130530)

Lightning statistical (2016-08-25, Java, 1559KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] AiNiPlayer_a5

Ann Zhuo wonderful music player source code is a wonderful actually a bit not wronged the project, the player only a looping animation picture, open the software will automatically scan the SD card music and take less than a minute audio filtering out and random play a music. When the project is in the entertainment, the animation can be changed into a picture of their own to play a designated song to make a private player. In addition to the player to achieve the screen character scrolling, but because of the resolution of the reason I show here is relatively small, you can try on a low resolution. (2016-07-17, Java, 2348KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] egotongfree

包含易沟通网络资源中心数百条信息,后台采用MD5加密,安全可靠 系统默认帐号:admin 密码:egotong 备用帐号:my 密码:123
Easy communication network resource center contains hundreds of pieces of information, background using MD5 encryption, safe and reliable Default Account: admin Password: egotong Alternate Account: my Password: 123 (2016-03-18, Java, 126KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] RSSReader2

Rss News reader, subscribe to the news, and read (2014-05-15, Java, 4201KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] phone-safe

Mobile security steward. There are mobile security, communications guards, software management, task management, traffic management, mobile antivirus, system optimization, common tools, set the center (2014-01-21, Java, 11657KB, 下载13次)


[单片机开发] jfinal-jfinal-master

一、在本地安装部分 jar 包 由于在 maven中心库中未找到jetty-server-8.1.8.jar 与 cos-26Dec2008.jar, 需要先使用如下命令将这两个 jar 包安装在本地 maven 库中 安装 jetty-server-8.1.8.jar mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.jfinal -DartifactId=jetty-server -Dversion=8.1.8 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=jetty-server-8.1.8.jar 安装 cos-26Dec2008.jar mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.jfinal -DartifactId=cos -Dversion=26Dec2008 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=cos-26Dec2008.jar 二、后续将会对 pom.xml 再做调整
一、在本地安装部分 jar 包 由于在 maven中心库中未找到jetty-server-8.1.8.jar 与 cos-26Dec2008.jar, 需要先使用如下命令将这两个 jar 包安装在本地 maven 库中 安装 jetty-server-8.1.8.jar mvn install:install-file-DgroupId=com.jfinal-DartifactId=jetty-server-Dversion=8.1.8-Dpackaging=jar-Dfile=jetty-server-8.1.8.jar 安装 cos-26Dec2008.jar mvn install:install-file-DgroupId=com.jfinal-DartifactId=cos-Dversion=26Dec2008-Dpackaging=jar-Dfile=cos-26Dec2008.jar 二、后续将会对 pom.xml 再做调整 (2014-01-03, Java, 17737KB, 下载11次)


[单片机开发] An-autonomous-intelligent-gateway

Describes a fully automatic intelligent gateway for the cultivation of the grape industry. The sensors collect temperature and humidity of the vineyard upload gateway, gateway to simple data processing and integration uploaded to a remote monitoring center through a wireless network. (2012-07-11, Java, 2021KB, 下载14次)


[单片机开发] android-rss

A spinner at the top in this place, you can select the rss source underneath followed by a listview, used to display the headlines to read the rss source (2012-05-21, Java, 161KB, 下载47次)


[单片机开发] NRF24L01

Multi-function learning machine, fully functional, lots of entertainment, very practical, very good (2011-07-06, Java, 3162KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] 234

说明: a. 待开发软件系统的名称; b. 本项目的任务提出者、开发者、用户和运行该程序系统的计算中心。
Note: a. The name of the software system to be developed b. The task of the project proponents, developers, users and the Computing Center to run the program system. (2010-03-03, Java, 7KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] CreatePro

Fujian Sinosat phone client acceptance procedures, applies to home-school education sectors pass project (2007-11-06, Java, 115KB, 下载21次)


[单片机开发] JavaJDK5

作者:林信良(网络化名良葛格) 学历:台湾大学电机工程学系 经历:SUN教育训练中心讲师
Writer : Lin Hsin-liang (network pseudonym Liang Ge Ge) Education : National Taiwan University Department of Electrical Engineering experience : SUN lecturer in the education and training center (2007-03-28, Java, 1KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] JavaJDK3

作者:林信良(网络化名良葛格) 学历:台湾大学电机工程学系 经历:SUN教育训练中心讲师
Writer : Lin Hsin-liang (network pseudonym Liang Ge Ge) Education : National Taiwan University Department of Electrical Engineering experience : SUN lecturer in the education and training center (2007-03-28, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)
