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[软件设计/软件工程] News

Based on JSP + servlet + MySQL news management system, users can browse and comment on news, administrators can manage and maintain news information (2020-07-04, Java, 17082KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] test-report

面向对象与设计模式实验及详细解答(附源码) 策略模式、命令模式、中介者模式、责任链模式、模板方法模式、观察者模式、装饰模式、组合模式、适配器模式、迭代器模式、多态娱乐实验、简单工厂、工厂方法、抽象工厂模式。
Java Design Patterns (2016-06-12, Java, 1367KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Software-Architecture4P1-

本文基于多个并发视图的使用情况来说明描述软件密集型系统架构的模型。使用多重视图允许独立地处理各"风险承担人":最终用户、开发人员、系统工程师、项目 经理等所关注的问题,并且能够独立地处理功能性和非功能性需求。本文分别对五种视图进行了描述,并同时给出了捕获每种视图的表示方法。这些视图使用以架构 为中心的、场景驱动以及迭代开发过程来进行设计。
Based on the use of multiple concurrent views to illustrate the description of software-intensive systems architecture model. Use multiple views allow processed independently of each "risk": the end-users, developers, systems engineers, project managers and other issues of concern, and can independently handle the functional and non-functional requirements. This paper has been described for the five views, and also gives a capturing each view representation. Use these views to architecture-centric, iterative development process and driving scenes to design. (2014-05-17, Java, 101KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] DDD

Domain Driven Design examples described the news industry as an example (2013-01-21, Java, 551KB, 下载9次)


[软件设计/软件工程] HACMP_5.X-of-IBM

IBM中国技术支持中心-非常棒的HACMP_5.X的培训文档.ppt 能深入浅出地介绍HACMP_5.X相关的方方面面,是对系统架构来说不可多得的一份材料
HACMP_5.X of IBM is a very usefull doc in detail of HACMP_5.X. And will helpfull in your desigh... (2012-11-21, Java, 1809KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] redmine_user_guide

Redmine是用Ruby开发的基于基于web的项目管理软件,是用ROR框架开发的一套跨平台项目管理系统,据说是源于Basecamp的ror版而来,支持多种数据库,有不少自己独特的功能,例如提供wiki、新闻台等,还可以集成其他版本管理系统和BUG跟踪系统,例如SVN、CVS、TD等等。这种 Web 形式的项目管理系统通过“项目(Project)”的形式把成员、任务(问题)、文档、讨论以及各种形式的资源组织在一起,大家参与更新任务、文档等内容来推动项目的进度,同时系统利用时间线索和各种动态的报表形式来自动给成员汇报项目进度
语言 所查询字词的翻译 英语 Redmine is developed using Ruby-based web-based project management software, with ROR of a cross-platform development framework for project management system, is said to come from Basecamp s ror version, supports multiple databases, there are many unique functions, such as providing wiki, news stations, etc., can also be integrated version management system and other BUG tracking system, such as SVN, CVS, TD, and so on. This Web form project management system, through "Project (Project)" in the form of a member of the task (problem), documents, discussions and various forms of resource organizations together, we participate in update tasks, documents, etc. to promote projects progress, and time line and a variety of systems using dynamic form of reports to members on the progress of the project automatically. (2011-07-04, Java, 615KB, 下载12次)


[软件设计/软件工程] ELSFK

A complete design of the Russian box, the use of c language design. Complete code, with documentation, in order to design a set of gaming enthusiasts entertainment software. (2009-05-12, Java, 55KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 2005121229181894

Online search engines (2009-04-24, Java, 5344KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 5ziqiNet

JAVA课程设计(五子棋) 包含论文 摘 要 目前,以计算机技术和网络技术为核心的现代网络技术已在现实生活和生产中得以广泛的使用,休闲类网络游戏集趣味性,娱乐性,互动性和益智性于一体,已经成为多数人群的休闲方式。 本软件使用JAVA语言实现,通过对SCOKET技术的理解,在此基础上建立服务器与多客户端的连接,利用多线程处理多个客户端之间的信息。 通过对软件的编写,加深对以上技术的理解和掌握。 关键词: 多线程 流套接字 APPLET 数据传输
JAVA Course Design (331) contains papers Abstract At present, computer and network technology at the core of modern networking technology in real life and production is widely used. leisure class network game set interesting, entertaining, interactive and informative sexual integration have become the majority of the leisure crowd. The use of Java software language, right SCOKET technical understanding, In this based on the server and multi-client connectivity, the use of a number of multi-threaded processing between the client information. Through the preparation of the software, a deeper understanding of the techniques above to understand and grasp. Keywords : multithreading flow data transmission socket APPLET (2007-02-19, Java, 64KB, 下载336次)
