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[软件设计/软件工程] 鲍威尔棱镜

Powell prism is an optical crossed prism, it can make the laser beam through a straight line optimization into light uniform density, good stability, good linearity. The drawing of Powell prism is better than that of cylindrical lens, which can eliminate the central hot spot of Gauss beam and the distribution of discoloration edge. (2017-12-22, Others, 3KB, 下载6次)


[软件设计/软件工程] cmmi-se-sw-ippd-ss-staged-v1.1-chinese

CMMI全称是Capability Maturity Model Integration,即能力成熟度模型集成(也有称为:软件能力成熟度集成模型)[1] ,是美国国防部的一个设想,1994年由美国国防部(United States Department of Defense)与卡内基-梅隆大学(Carnegie-Mellon University)下的软件工程研究中心(Software Engineering Institute,SEISM)以及美国国防工业协会(National Defense Industrial Association)共同开发和研制的,他们计划把现在所有现存实施的与即将被发展出来的各种能力成熟度模型,集成到一个框架中去,申请此认证的前提条件是该企业具有有效的软件企业认定证书。
"CMMI" redirects here. For the US government organization, see Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. (2017-10-27, Others, 2053KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] motor-controller-hardware-circuit

电动车无刷马达控制器硬件电路详解 PIC16F72为智能控制中心,350W 的整机电路
Electric car brushless motor controller hardware circuit Detailed... (2012-03-06, Others, 383KB, 下载32次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Project_risk_man

本人作为深圳一家软件公司研发中心总监时的一些工作文档。 此文为项目管理的风险管理文档。
As a software company in Shenzhen, director of research and development center at some of the work document. This article for the project management risk management document. (2008-09-16, Others, 221KB, 下载33次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Project_test_man

本人作为深圳一家软件公司研发中心总监时的一些工作文档。 此文为软件项目管理的测试规范。
As a software company in Shenzhen, director of research and development center at some of the work document. Text for the software project management, test specification. (2008-09-16, Others, 296KB, 下载34次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Project_org_man

本人作为深圳一家软件公司研发中心总监时的一些工作文档。 此文为项目管理的相关制度。
As a software company in Shenzhen, director of research and development center at some of the work document. This article related to project management system. (2008-09-16, Others, 252KB, 下载150次)


[软件设计/软件工程] web_news_system+word

Based on the WEB page press release system+ Thesis: The news shows, the latest news tips, news features, such as rolling. Administrators can Web browser client from the background process to achieve the release of news, management, real-time statistics and records to carry out acts. WEB site of this system is a subsystem, an excellent external interface, can be very good with the site s other Subsystem Service press release on the website. (2008-06-18, Others, 192KB, 下载103次)
