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[软件设计/软件工程] network-design

According to the actual situation of the Institute of Management, the construction of the network in the core room using the core switch, the server area switches each one each department (such as dormitories, laboratories, offices, etc.) to deploy a switch, the main building node The switch is connected with the core switch of the network center using the optical fiber, which constitutes the backbone network of the campus Gigabit Ethernet. The access switch connects the dual five types of unshielded twisted pair to the internal wiring points of each room. The business servers, including DHCP, WWW, mail servers are deployed in the core of the server room area. (2017-04-21, DOS, 1455KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] asdsdfsdfsdfsdf

防盗报警器是用物理方法或电子技术,自动探测发生在布防监测区域内的侵入行为,产生报警信号,并辅助提示值班人员发生报警的区域部位,显示可能采取的对策的系统。防盗报警系统是预防抢劫、盗窃等意外事件的重要设施。一旦发生突发事件,就能通过声光报警信号在安保控制中心准确显示出事地点,使于迅速采取应急措施。防盗报警系统与出入口控制系统、闭路电视监控系统、访客对讲系统和电子巡更系统等一起构成了入侵防范系统。防盗报警系统通常由探测器(又称防盗报警器)、传输通道和报警控制器三部分构成。 报警探测器是由传感器和信号处理组成的用来探测入侵者入侵行为的电子和机械部件组成的装置,是防盗报警系统的核心,而传感器又是报警探测器的核心元件。采用不同原理的传感器件,可以构成不同种类、不同用途、达到不同探测目的的报警探测装置。
dfgsdfhgfg fghfghfdghfdghfdghfgh (2013-03-07, DOS, 289KB, 下载1次)
