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[matlab编程] MediaSystem

Entertainment center for searching and viewing your video collection. It will fetch metadata and subtitles from external sources and can be controlled by remote. The GUI is written using JavaFX and video playback uses VLC through vlcj. (2022-06-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] android-tablayout

Android TabLayout实现新闻客服端顶部导航栏
Android TabLayout realizes the top navigation bar of news customer service terminal (2019-11-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] androidHarmony

用于控制罗技和谐终极中心的android应用程序。Logitech Harmony终极Android API。
An android app for controlling the Logitech harmony ultimate hub. Logitech Harmony ultimate Android API. (2014-06-14, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] yjs

This book is an introduction to cloud computing, cloud computing is based on the increase in Internet related services, the use and delivery models, usually involved in the Internet to provide dynamic and easy to expand and often is the virtual resource. Cloud is a metaphor for the Internet, the internet. In the past in the picture is often used to represent the telecommunications network, and later also used to represent the Internet and the underlying infrastructure of the abstract. Therefore, cloud computing can let you experience 10 times per second computing power, with such a strong computing power can simulate nuclear explosions, predict climate change and market trends. The user through the computer, laptop, mobile phone and other access to the data center, according to their own needs. (2015-12-07, Java, 22427KB, 下载4次)


[matlab编程] similarityOfDocuments

compute similarity of articals using bag of words model (2015-08-24, Java, 4KB, 下载3次)


[matlab编程] k-medoids

聚类算法中的k-medoids算法,和 k-means 肯定是非常相似的。事实也确实如此,k-medoids 可以算是 k-means 的一个变种。k-medoids 和 k-means 不一样的地方在于中心点的选取,在 k-medoids 算法中,我们将从当前 cluster 中选取这样一个点——它到其他所有(当前 cluster 中的)点的距离之和最小——作为中心点。
Clustering algorithm k-medoids algorithm, and k-means is certainly very similar. The fact is, k-medoids can be regarded as a variant of k-means. k-medoids and k-means not the same place that the center of the selection, in the k-medoids algorithm, we will the current cluster in a point- its distance to all other (current cluster of) the point of and the minimum- as a central point. (2015-08-09, Java, 14KB, 下载9次)


[matlab编程] zuobiao

using coordinates for the center of gravity method in C# Calling a function of Matlab, For, like C# and Matlab programming very good mixed (2006-12-26, Java, 89KB, 下载69次)
