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按分类查找All 数据结构(82) 

[数据结构] edge-betweenness

edge betweenness,complex network, centrality (2011-09-01, Visual C++, 754KB, 下载368次)


[数据结构] supermarket

学校超市选址问题(带权有向图的中心点) 设计要求:对于某一学校超市,其他各单位到其的距离不同,同时各单位人员去超市的频度也不同。请为超市选址,要求实现总体最优
School Supermarket location problem (with the right of the center of a directed graph) design requirements: For a school supermarkets and other units to its distance from the different units at the same time the frequency of personnel to the supermarket is also different. Please supermarket location, required to achieve the overall optimum (2009-10-29, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载90次)


[数据结构] 3105006959

Data Structure Course Design (2009-05-13, Visual C++, 1713KB, 下载65次)


[数据结构] dssj

电子产品售后服务系统的设计与实现 子产品的市场化竞争日趋激烈,如何在激流中站稳,是目前要考虑的问题,为了更好的适应当今时代信息技术的飞速发展,我们设计建立了一个网上售后服务系统,以服务取胜。本文从通过网站实现售后客户服务的角度出发,系统地介绍了一个售后服务系统的设计及实现过程。本文详细叙述了系统的功能、数据结构、概要设计、详细设计。系统实现了在线客服、常见问题解答、信息报导、客户投诉中心、关于我们、用户登录、客户留言等功能。系统的特点是采用B/S架构,整个网站的管理工作都集中在服务器端,运用多层软件架构确保了系统的扩展性和适用性。
err (2008-01-05, ASP, 1832KB, 下载61次)


[数据结构] Dijkstra

Dijkstra algorithm is a typical shortest path algorithm, used to calculate a node to all other nodes of the shortest path. The main characteristics is the starting point as the center outward expansion layers, until the end date be extended to. Dijkstra shortest path algorithm can arrive at the optimal solution, but because of its calculation of the node traversal, so inefficient. (2008-11-26, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载47次)


[数据结构] include1

学校超市选址问题(带权有向图的中心点) (2009-03-10, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载22次)


[数据结构] xianxingbiao

线性表 队列的算法 题目:假设以带头结点的循环链表表示队列,并且只设一个指针指向队尾(注意不设头指针),试编写相应的置空队、入队、出队的算法。设队列中存放着 n 个字符,试编写算法,判断该字符串是否有中心对称关系
Table queue algorithm linear Title: assumptions in order to take the lead in the cycle of nodes express queue list, and only a pointer to force the end of (note not the first pointer), try to prepare the corresponding empty home team into the team, a team algorithm. Queue-based store with n characters, and test preparation algorithm, to determine whether the string has centro-symmetric relations (2008-06-29, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载20次)


[数据结构] XShortest

Dijkstra算法,A*算法和D*算法 Dijkstra算法是典型最短路算法,用于计算一个节点到其他所有节点的最短路径。主要特点是以起始点为中心向外层层扩展,直到扩展到终点为止。Dijkstra算法能得出最短路径的最优解,但由于它遍历计算的节点很多,所以效率低。 Dijkstra算法是很有代表性的最短路算法,在很多专业课程中都作为基本内容有详细的介绍,如数据结构,图论,运筹学等等。 Dijkstra一般的表述通常有两种方式,一种用永久和临时标号方式,一种是用OPEN, CLOSE表方式,Drew为了和下面要介绍的 A* 算法和 D* 算法表述一致,这里均采用OPEN,CLOSE表的方式。 大概过程: 创建两个表,OPEN, CLOSE。 OPEN表保存所有已生成而未考察的节点,CLOSED表中记录已访问过的节点。 1. 访问路网中里起始点最近且没有被检查过的点,把这个点放入OPEN组中等待检查。 2. 从OPEN表中找出距起始点最近的点,找出这个点的所有子节点,把这个点放到CLOSE表中。 3. 遍历考察这个点的子节点。求出这些子节点距起始点的距离值,放子节点到OPEN表中。 4. 重复2,3,步。直到OPEN表为空,或找到目标点。
zuixiaolujingxuanze (2010-07-03, Visual Basic, 1079KB, 下载20次)


[数据结构] combine

algorithm for tobacco distribution center location,written by c++ (2011-06-18, Visual C++, 696KB, 下载19次)


[数据结构] peisong

Location Model of Euclidean space, gravity model, to solve the logistics distribution center in a single location for such (2008-06-24, Visual C++, 231KB, 下载19次)


[数据结构] duiliewenti

队列相关问题 (C++) 队列的算法 题目:假设以带头结点的循环链表表示队列,并且只设一个指针指向队尾(注意不设头指针),试编写相应的置空队、入队、出队的算法。设队列中存放着 n 个字符,试编写算法,判断该字符串是否有中心对称关系
Queue-related issues (C++) Queue algorithm Title: assumptions in order to take the lead in the cycle of nodes express queue list, and only a pointer to force the end of (note not the first pointer), try to prepare the corresponding empty home team, into the team, a team algorithms. Queue-based store with n characters, and test preparation algorithm, to determine whether the string has centro-symmetric relations (2008-06-29, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载19次)


[数据结构] multiplynewsextraction

Many elements of news content page information extraction algorithms, including title, author, text, time, source, extraction of elements such as (2010-10-25, C#, 347KB, 下载18次)


[数据结构] CPPdata-structure-(-source-code-)

Problem solving (source code) of the principle of C++ data structure with classic, Zuo Fei edited, by Fei Sike Technology R & D Center Electronic Industry Press (2013-05-17, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载16次)


[数据结构] JHCTDXT

err (2009-01-02, Visual C++, 27KB, 下载14次)


[数据结构] Dijkstra

Simple implementation Dijkstra algorithm seek shortest path, can lose several node and various node distance then calculated center node with other node shortest path. (2010-05-11, Visual Basic, 53KB, 下载10次)


[数据结构] NewsTitleAndContentExtractionHAP

Dom tree based on news content page title and content of the automatic extraction procedure (2010-10-25, C#, 104KB, 下载9次)


[数据结构] Dijkstra-algorithm

迪杰斯特拉算法是由荷兰计算机科学家狄克斯特拉于1959 年提出的,因此又叫狄克斯特拉算法。是从一个顶点到其余各顶点的最短路径算法,解决的是有向图中最短路径问题。迪杰斯特拉算法主要特点是以起始点为中心向外层层扩展,直到扩展到终点为止。
Dijkstra algorithm is a Dutch computer scientist Dijkstra proposed in 1959, the so called Dijkstra algorithm. From one vertex to each vertex of the rest of the shortest path algorithm, the solution is a directed graph the shortest path problem. Dijkstra algorithm is the starting point for the center of the main features of the layers extend outward until extended to the end point. (2015-08-11, matlab, 6KB, 下载8次)


[数据结构] cluster

Center symmetric algorithm, paper. Center-based symmetric algorithm (2008-01-03, Others, 118KB, 下载8次)


[数据结构] Dijkstra

Dijkstra algorithm is a typical shortest path algorithm to calculate a node to all other nodes of the shortest path. Main features are a starting point for the center layers expand outward, until the expansion to end up. Dijkstra shortest path algorithm can be obtained the optimal solution, but because it traverses many computing nodes, so the low efficiency (2010-06-12, C/C++, 16KB, 下载7次)


[数据结构] S030602102

赋权有向图中心问题 问题描述: 设G=(V,E)是一个赋权有向图,v是G的一个顶点, v的偏心距定义为: Max {w∈ V,从w到v的最短路径长度} G中偏心距最小的顶点称为G的中心。试利用Floyd 算法设计一个求赋权有向图中心的算法。
Empowering the central issue Digraph Problem Description: Let G = (V, E) is a directed graph Empowering, v is a G vertex, v is defined as the eccentricity: Max (w ∈ V, from w to v the shortest path length) G the minimum eccentricity of the vertex as the center of G. Try using Floyd algorithm for the design of a plan to empower the center to the algorithm. (2009-05-12, Visual C++, 82KB, 下载7次)
