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[数据结构] dijkstra

迪杰斯特拉(Dijkstra)算法是典型最短路径算法,用于计算一个节点到其他节点的最短路径。 它的主要特点是以起始点为中心向外层层扩展(广度优先搜索思想),直到扩展到终点为止
Dijkstra algorithm is a typical shortest path algorithm, which is used to calculate the shortest path from one node to other nodes. Its main feature is to expand to the center of the idea (2020-11-09, C/C++, 1KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] k-means

利用欧式距离对数据进行聚类, (D指的是包含所有元素的集合) 1、从D中随机取k个元素,作为k个簇的各自的中心。 2、分别计算剩下的元素到k个簇中心的相异度,将这些元素分别划归到相异度最低的簇。 3、根据聚类结果,重新计算k个簇各自的中心,计算方法是取簇中所有元素各自维度的算术平均数。 4、将D中全部元素按照新的中心重新聚类。 5、重复第4步,直到聚类结果不再变化。
Clustering Data Using Euclidean Distance (2019-05-28, C/C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] 二分查找

The central idea of two point lookup is to divide the n elements into roughly the same two half, compare a[n/2] with X, if x=a[n/2], then find x, the algorithm terminates; if x<a[n/2], then only continue to search X in the left half of the array a; if x>a[n/2], then only continue to search X in the right half of the group a. (2018-05-13, C/C++, 5081KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] 1

The "importance" calculation of nodes in a social network diagram. (2018-05-12, C/C++, 2KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] WYSGRYU02

运用vc++6完成Bresenham算法的360度橡皮条算法还有中心画圆共享一下 (2018-01-08, C/C++, 33KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] text4

1、设单链表中存放着n个字符,设计算法,判断该字符串中是否有中心对称关系。例如:xyzzyx、xyzyx都算是中心对称的字符串。 2、设计算法判断一个算术表达式的圆括号是否配对。(提示:对表达式进行扫描,遇‘(’进栈,遇‘)’退掉栈顶的‘(’,表达式被扫描完毕,栈为空) 3、假设以带头结点的循环链表表示队列,并只设一个指针指向队尾,编写相应的置队空、入队和出队算法。
1, set a single list of stored in the n characters, the design algorithm to determine whether the central symmetry of the string. For example: xyzzyx, xyzyx are considered symmetrical string. 2, the design algorithm to determine whether the arithmetic expression of a parenthesis pairing. (The expression is scanned, the case is scanned, the case is cleared, the stack is empty) 3, assuming that the head node of the circular list that the queue, and only one pointer to the tail, the corresponding set of empty, into the team and the team algorithm. (2017-04-06, C/C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] Ab201702125

1.随机的选取K个种子点作为初始聚类中心 2.然后求出所有的点到K个聚类中心的距离,找出离每个点最近的聚类中心作为该点的种群中心。 3.经过前两步就形成了K个点群,然后更新K个点群的中心。 4,重复步骤2和3直到满足一定的阈值。
wo zhidao zenme zuo (2017-02-12, C/C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] 1416

飞机加油问题 对于给定的n个国际机场到中心机场的距离d1,d2,...,dn ,以及地面加油费用s,编程计算从距中心机场最远的国际机场飞到中心机场的最少费用
For a given n international airport to the center of the airport from D1, D2,..., DN, as well as the ground refueling cost s, programming calculation from the center of the airport far international airport to fly to the minimum cost center Airport (2013-04-17, C/C++, 405KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] asxcc

Set stored in a single chain n characters, try writing algorithms to determine whether the string center of symmetry, for example, the string xyzzyx is centrosymmetric. (2011-04-15, C/C++, 169KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] Dijkstra

Dijkstra algorithm is a typical shortest path algorithm to calculate a node to all other nodes of the shortest path. Main features are a starting point for the center layers expand outward, until the expansion to end up. Dijkstra shortest path algorithm can be obtained the optimal solution, but because it traverses many computing nodes, so the low efficiency (2010-06-12, C/C++, 16KB, 下载7次)


[数据结构] Dijkstra

Dijkstra算法是典型最短路算法,用于计算一个节点到其他所有节点的最短路径。主要特点是以起始点为中心向外层层扩展,直到扩展到终点为止。Dijkstra算法能得出最短路径的最优解,但由于它遍历计算的节点很多,所以效率低。 Dijkstra算法是很有代表性的最短路算法,在很多专业课程中都作为基本内容有详细的介绍,如数据结构,图论,运筹学等等。
Dijkstra algorithm is a typical shortest path algorithm to calculate a node to all other nodes of the shortest path. Main features are a starting point for the center layers expand outward, until the expansion to end up. Dijkstra shortest path algorithm can arrive at the optimal solution, but because it traverses a lot of computing nodes, so efficiency is low. Dijkstra algorithm is very representative of the shortest path algorithm, in many professional courses are as basic elements in some detail, such as data structures, graph theory, operational research and so on. (2010-06-10, C/C++, 6KB, 下载2次)
