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[网络编程] fluxy

Tcp upd服务器,用于为Skyrock.com设计的新闻提要生成
Tcp upd server for newsfeeds generation designed for Skyrock.com (2011-04-08, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] mprpc

The distributed TCP network communication framework based on RPC service is implemented based on mudoo library, protobuf and zookeeper service configuration center, and is developed with C++on Linux. (2021-08-03, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] Autonomous-Rover

The autonomous rover project is centered on the idea in order to reach to the physically in-accessible locations by humans to achieve the goals such as to surveille the area and analyze the environment conditions in the expedition. Besides, surveillance it carries the moto to research on the detected object and its environment particulars. The (2018-03-19, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] T-Watch_to_Serial_Bluetooth_Terminal

使用鑫源LilyGO TTGO_TWatch_Library和串行蓝牙终端远程读取TTGO T-Watch 2020加速计。,
Read the TTGO T-Watch 2020 Accelerometer remotely using Xinyuan-LilyGO TTGO_TWatch_Library and Serial Bluetooth Terminal., (2022-04-26, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] BLE_HID_Client

ESP32 NimBLE蓝牙低功耗HID客户端中心和鼠标直通,
ESP32 NimBLE Bluetooth Low Energy HID Client Central and Mouse Pass Through, (2022-09-19, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] modblue

nodejs的BLE库,通过WinRT UWP和macos native支持使用hci、dbus、windows本机的中心和外围模式,
BLE library for nodejs that supports central and peripheral mode using hci, dbus, windows native via WinRT UWP and macos native, (2021-10-03, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] nucleus

A simple UDP-based tunnel daemon for point-to-multipoint networks. This allows you to have multiple remote nodes joining a central layer 2 network over UDP. (2014-09-03, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)
