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[NumPy] Chatroom

使用Python开发了一个聊天机器人,通过应用神经对话模型(Seq2Seq)与人类用户进行关于世界新闻的对话,该模型由2个LSTM RNN模型组成。新闻数据来自Reddit.com(r worldnews)。使用了Torch、NumPy和Matplotlib等库。
Developed a Chatbot using Python that holds conversation about world news with a human user by applying Neural conversional model ( Seq2Seq ), which consists of 2 LSTM RNN model. The news data was collected from Reddit.com (r/worldnews). Libraries such as Torch , NumPy and Matplotlib were used. , (2021-08-25, C++, 102KB, 下载0次)


[NumPy] PyQuadraticFormNormal

Python library that implements the computation of the distribution of a linear combination of non-centered χ2 random variables. Can compute the distribution function of Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables , (2022-10-18, C++, 13KB, 下载0次)
