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[游戏] DynamicCentralLineCamera

DynamicCentralLineCamera,, (2019-06-17, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] gameprices

PSN和Eshop CLI。用于在索尼娱乐网络(又名Playstation Netwo)中搜索项目和发出价格下跌警报的命令行工具...,
PSN and Eshop CLI. Command line tool for searching items and alerting price drops in the Sony Entertainment Network aka Playstation Network and Nintendo Eshop (2023-03-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] TP5_Splider

后端通过Thinkphp5实现数据信息抓取基于Thinkphp5 +phpQuery 整理的API接口 + 招聘信息抓取(前程无忧 智联招聘 boss直聘 拉勾网)数据接口 + 新闻分类(头条 军事 娱乐 体育 科技 艺术 教育 要闻)数据接口 + 视频分类(精品视频 搞笑...,
The back-end uses Thinkphp5 to capture data information. API interface based on Thinkphp5+phpQuery collation+recruitment information capture (51job Zhilian recruitment boss direct recruitment hook) data interface+news classification (headline military entertainment sports science, technology and art education news) data interface+video classification (high-quality video funny, (2019-01-22, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] GameSharing

连接Java Google Play Games Services SDK和苹果cocos2d-X游戏中心的C++桥梁。
A C++ bridge to the Java Google Play Games Services SDK and Apple s Game Center for cocos2d-X. (2016-04-12, C++, 286KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Satellite

A multiplayer WebGL space warfare game centered around moon bases and space stations (2017-10-27, JavaScript, 35318KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] nekoyume

Decentralized MMORPG previously based on Dungeon World (2021-01-01, Python, 253KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] ikun-home

(编写中)ikun Home 爱坤之家 ikun.ee 主要收集坤坤的一些在线游戏:鸡乐盒 | 代码均来自网络收集, 本项目仅供娱乐,请勿用于恶意攻击他人!
(Under preparation) ikun Home Ikun.ee mainly collects some of Kunkun s online games: Jile Box | The code is collected from the network. This project is only for entertainment, please do not use it to maliciously attack others! (2023-03-26, HTML, 25726KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] web3py-bsc-or-oec

The contract interaction script of the coin security chain and the European Italian chain, interaction centered exchanges and games (2022-03-02, Python, 30KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] H5Game-Android-App

HTML5游戏中心爱玩是专为智能手机用户倾力打造的手机HTML5小游戏娱乐平台, 千款HTML5精选小游戏免下载, 免安装, 为你的闲暇时间带来无穷乐趣!
HTML5 Game Center Love Play is a mobile HTML5 mini game entertainment platform dedicated to smart phone users. Thousands of HTML5 selected mini games are free of download and installation, bringing endless fun to your leisure time! (2016-10-16, Java, 3898KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Todayinformation

最新鲜的时事新闻,最时尚的手机科技,最好玩的热门游戏,还有各式各样的微博热点。 第一时间听到今日的最新资讯,24小时和你分享生活的每一分钟!
The latest news, the most fashionable mobile technology, the most interesting popular games, and various microblog hotspots. The first time to hear today s latest news, 24 hours to share every minute of life with you! (2016-04-28, Java, 6828KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] game-sdk

趣头条游戏中心 sdk
Fun Toutiao Game Center sdk (2019-11-02, JavaScript, 67KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Egame

基于 Ethereum & IPFS 的去中心化游戏平台
Decentralized game platform based on Ethereum&IPFS (2018-02-25, JavaScript, 4037KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] HoshinoBotVoiceGuessPlugin

HoshinoBot entertainment game plug-in, guess which role the "cygames" voice comes from (2020-11-10, Python, 17KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] NEChatroom

网易云信推出语聊房场景方案,支持语聊 + K 歌、语聊 + 一起听、游戏开黑、多人相亲等多种娱乐社交玩法。提供现成的 Demo App 、可定制的 UI 界面、开源的 Demo 源码,开箱即用,帮助您快速接入、轻松上线语聊房相关业务。
Netease Yunxin launched the scenario scheme of chat room, which supports a variety of entertainment and social play methods such as chat+karaoke, chat+listening together, game blackout, and multi person blind date. It provides ready-made Demo App, customizable UI interface, and open source Demo source code for out of the box use to help you quickly access and easily launch chat room related businesses. (2023-06-19, Swift, 61408KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] spider_draft

The login cracking of various websites is only for exchange and learning, including: 126 mailboxes, 17173189 mailboxes, 360 login centers, 37 play, 39 health, 51 games, 58 local, bilibili, YY live broadcast, one plus mobile phones, China Mobile, Jiuyou, today s headlines, enterprise search, Youku video, information publicity system, Phoenix (2022-02-16, Python, 1963KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Guardians_of_Sunshine

Recreation of the Guardians of Sunshine game from Adventure Time (2020-08-20, C++, 6213KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] AzureServicesForUnity

Accessing Azure services (App Service, Table Storage, CosmosDB with Table API, Event Hubs) from a Unity game (2018-02-07, C#, 73KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] solid-chess

A decentralized chess app build on top of Solid. (2019-03-24, HTML, 3125KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] projectFieldWarning

Project: Field Warning is a community-made RTS game centered around lethal regiment and division-scale warfare. (2022-01-23, C#, 1043966KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] lib9c

Lib9c是一个包含Nine Chronicles的关键实现的库,Nine Chonicles是一个与Libplanet一起开发的去中心化RPG...
Lib9c is a library that contains key implementations of Nine Chronicles, a decentralized RPG developed with Libplanet. Lib9c includes Nine Chronicle s key features like in-game decisions and data models, which can be used to implement game core capabilities. (2023-06-23, C#, 3949KB, 下载0次)
