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按分类查找All 云原生工具(7) 
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[云原生工具] opendc

Open Datacentre provides a set of curated open source products managed by Kubernetes, Helm and Ansible. (2021-09-23, Python, 157KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] DataCenter-LoadBalancer

我将在VM上模拟类似数据中心的流量。并使用RYU和OpenFlow Switch来处理流量和加载备份...
I will simulate similar Data Center like traffic on VM. And use RYU and OpenFlow Switch to handle traffic and load balance the elephant load. (2019-05-31, Python, 149KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] techtrends-project

TechTrends is an online website used as a news sharing platform, that enables consumers to access the latest news within the cloud-native ecosystem. In addition to accessing the available articles, readers are able to create new media articles and share them with the wider community. In this project, you are taking the role of a platform (2021-09-12, Python, 635KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] TechTrends

An online website used as a news sharing platform, that enables consumers to access the latest news within the cloud-native ecosystem as well as create new media articles and post them. Technologies Involved: Flask, SQLite, Docker, K3s, Github Actions, ArgoCD, Helm. (2021-10-31, Python, 2852KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] TechTrends

一个用作新闻共享平台的在线网站(Udacity Cloud Native Architecture Nano Degree计划的一部分),该网站...
An online website used as a news sharing platform(Part of Udacity Cloud Native Architecture Nano Degree program), that enables consumers to access the latest news within the cloud-native ecosystem. In addition to accessing the available articles, readers are able to create new media articles and share them. (2021-09-01, Python, 11KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] techtrends-project

TechTrends is an online website used as a news-sharing platform, that enables consumers to access the latest news within the cloud-native ecosystem. In addition to accessing the available articles, readers are able to create new media articles and share them. (2021-11-29, Python, 2138KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] titan

Titan is an open-source deployment center for cloud-native applications. (2023-02-12, Python, 394KB, 下载0次)
