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[Web服务器] runelite-shields

A simple Flask (python) web-server used to generate chat badges (shields) for RuneLite s Plugin Hub using https: shields.io (2024-03-21, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] Folk-Weather

Folk Weather是一个简单的web应用程序,用于获取您所在城市的天气报告或新闻。你可以得到不同语言的天气预报...
Folk-Weather is a simple web application to get the weather report or news of your city. You can get weather report in different languages. Also, none of your searched locations are stored on the server which makes it more secure and anonymous. (2023-11-11, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] nanoweb

nanoweb is a minimal library for building server-centric multi page web applications that behave like SPAs. (2023-11-12, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] Hermes

A decentralized messaging app, (2023-01-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] Star-Wars-api

A small express server with endpoints centered around Star Wars. This will hopefully demonstrate to us abilities to make an express app, consume data from an API, and manipulate that data into some desired way (2017-04-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] SwedishNews

一个简单的新闻应用程序从Guadian API读取数据,
A simple News app reading data from Guadian API, (2020-01-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] news-scrapping

News scrapping using Python concurrent, (2021-08-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] NEWS-website-using-API

This website works with help of news API, (2023-01-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] crawlr

A web crawler that is tuned for grabbing content from news websites., (2018-03-12, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] Our-News

Fully functional news application, (2022-12-29, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] www.disk001.com

您下载的该文件来自于 感懿娱乐互动 http://www.Pay-4u.Com ——————————————————— 感懿娱乐互动收集各种流行的CMS(内容管理系统),为初识CMS的 站长提供自学的平台。 *************************************** 本站提供DEDECMS、动易CMS、帝国CMS、风讯CMS、 新云CMS、科汛CMS等热门的CMS系统的模板风格下载、模块插件、教程技 巧、帮助中心。
You download the file from the flu-yi-yi, the interactive entertainment http://www.Pay-4u.Com------------------- sense to collect all kinds of popular interactive entertainment The CMS (Content Management System), CMS webmaster for Chu Shi provide self-learning platform.*************************************** Site provides DEDECMS, moving easily CMS, Empire CMS, Wind News CMS, a new cloud CMS, Kesion CMS and other popular CMS system to download the template style, modular plug-ins, tutorials, tips, help center. (2010-02-03, ASP, 256KB, 下载106次)


[Web服务器] DreamArticle

PHP news system source code, provides news distribution system for basic operation and functions. (2009-12-04, PHP, 1412KB, 下载36次)


[Web服务器] fdc2008

房产新闻管理系统,房地产开发公司网站管理系统源码正式版,房地产企业网站管理系统,房地产公司网站自助建站管理系统源码.后台地址/admin,后台帐号admin密码为admin >由广州网软天下http://www.wrtx.cn房地产开发公司网站建设专家自主开发,一个免费房地产网站源代码,完全功能版的房产网站模板,现提供免费版下载,适合房地产公司
Real Estate Information Management System, Real Estate Development Company (2008-10-15, ASP, 7557KB, 下载97次)


[Web服务器] skyNews1.2_Official_Version

新闻系统 好东西 大家下吧 可以上传图片
news system good things you are you can upload pictures (2006-06-24, ASP, 1607KB, 下载134次)


[Web服务器] myTopWinCMS2

拓文asp.net网站内容管理系统 v2.0 v2.0重写了数据访问层,大量修改了逻辑层。新加入软件下载模块,简化生成HTML得步骤,提升生成HTML得性能,搜索引擎加入多关键字搜索功能. 一个开放源码的.net系统,基于三层结构开发;具有VB.NET和C#.NET双版版本.数据库采用SQl Server 2000,使用了大量存储过程,并非单纯的把数据库形式由ACCESS转为MSSQL的程序。 它拥有众多模块:软件下载,新闻文章,留言本,调查投票,友情链接,在线文件管理,公告发布,数据库管理。界面豪华、功能完善、简单易用、管理方便。它能帮助您建立高效率的独立站点。 它支持无限分类、栏目自由排序、批量生成静态文件、支持长文章分页...文章点击统计为动态,省去了隔段时间生成HTML的麻烦;强大的在线编辑文章功能提供了最大的灵活性,却又无需要专门学习,可方便地行图文混排,任意修改。 留言本支持UBB代码、支持关键字过滤、支持禁止指定IP发留言、防灌水机攻击机制、支持阻止广告程序自动灌水。 管理员权限采用基于角色的分配,特别合适多人员维护网站。
Tuong Van Asp. Net Web content management system v2.0 v2.0 rewrite of the data access layer, extensive amendments to the logical layer. New software download module, generating HTML in simplified steps to enhance performance in generating HTML, Search engines add more keyword search function. an open source. net system, based on the three-tier structure development; with VB.NET, and C#.NET-edition version. the database using SQL Server 2000. he used a lot of storage process is not simply a form from the database ACCESS to MSSQL procedures. It has many modules : download software, news articles, message of the survey vote Links, online document management, announcement, database management. Interface luxury, complete functions, easy to use and easy to manage. It can help you build an effi (2006-06-24, ASP, 5570KB, 下载187次)


[Web服务器] asp.net+sql

asp sql series and the website source, including press releases, online exams! (2006-05-12, C/C++, 5522KB, 下载233次)


[Web服务器] cn700_netnews

一个简单的网络新闻发布系统(for c#) 特色: 1 2 3
a simple online news publishing system (for c#) characteristics : 1 2 3 (2006-03-08, C#, 217KB, 下载182次)


[Web服务器] qgWeb32

the adoption of PHP and MYSQL framework! The basic realization of the Small Business site requested by the various features : such as business profiles, product display, corporate news! Enter the background : the default account : admin, Password : admin (2006-02-25, Visual C++, 245KB, 下载391次)


[Web服务器] 中小型公司建站框架

网站的最大特点是强大的后台管理功能,能够对前台的公告栏,友情链接,通知栏, 1 网站配置和使用说明 新闻活动,活动图片,文件下载,职工风采,电话簿进行管理。 网站的最大特色支持更换皮肤功能,并能通过后台管理轻松更换网站的皮肤。默认情况下提供了4钟网站皮肤: 天空蓝,金子黄,罗兰紫,生命绿。同时,网站支持用户添加新皮肤的需求,但是在后台不提供该管理功能,如要添加新皮肤,请直接修改数据库
site is the biggest characteristic of the background of a strong management capabilities, to the right prospects bulletin boards and Links, notice column, a Web site configuration and use information activities, photographs, documents downloaded workers charisma and directory management. Terms of the biggest characteristics to support the replacement of the skin function, and the ability to easily change management background website of the skin. Default under four minutes for the skin site : sky blue, golden yellow, Roland purple, green life. Meanwhile, the website will allow users to add new skin needs, but not in the background to provide the management functions, such as adding new skin, please modify the database (2006-02-20, ASP, 1568KB, 下载469次)


[Web服务器] 新闻发布系统

a powerful information dissemination system, users can comment on, administrators can right all the users, as well as news and information to manage it. (2004-11-02, ASP, 50KB, 下载305次)
