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[代理服务器] ProxyHub

ProxyHub (2024-02-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] MensaHub-Junction

MensaHub Junction is eine Webanwendung,die es erm glicht sich für einen新闻稿zu registrieren。Die Anwendung geh rt zum MensaHub und bietet sowohl Nutzern als auch externen Entwicklern eine Kreuzung zum“MensaHub-Dispatcher”als auch-zum“门萨中心网关”
MensaHub-Junction ist eine Webanwendung, die es erm glicht sich für einen Newsletter zu registrieren. Die Anwendung geh rt zum MensaHub und bietet sowohl Nutzern als auch externen Entwicklern eine Kreuzung zum "MensaHub-Dispatcher" als auch zum "MensaHub-Gateway" (2024-01-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] portafirmas-proxy

Servidor intermidio entre las aplicaciones móviles y el portafirmas de la SEAP服务中心
Servidor intermedio entre las aplicaciones móviles y el portafirmas de la SEAP (2023-12-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] SpringCloudProject

基于 springcloud + springboot 搭建的微服务项目 结构:discovery-注册中心; gateway-网关; 子服务系统- service service2 service配置:Spring Boot、MyBatis、MyBatis Generat...,
Microservice project structure based on spring cloud+spring boot: discovery registry; Gateway gateway; Sub service system - service service2 service configuration: Spring Boot, MyBatis, MyBatis General, (2017-06-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] api-gateway-center

api网关的注册中心 api-gateway-center, api-gateway-sdk 向 api-gateway-center 推送注册接口,之后在通过网关引擎 api-gateway-engin 拉取接口并在本地服务完成注册。,
The api gateway center, the api gateway sdk, pushes the registration interface to the api gateway center, then pulls the interface through the gateway engine api gateway engine and completes the registration in the local service., (2023-08-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] spring-cloud-learning

It is suitable for beginners who are new to the microservice architecture to understand and learn microservices, mainly integrating the registry, service gateway, configuration center, circuit breaker mechanism, and application monitoring., (2023-01-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] springcloud

spring学习教程-把代码写成诗系列 微服务 服务治理 服务中心 服务提供 服务消费 熔断器 网关 eureka ribbon feign hystrix gateway,
Spring Learning Tutorial - Write Code into Poetry Series Micro service Service Governance Service Center Service Provision Service Consumption Fuse Gateway eureka ribbon feign hybrid gateway, (2019-04-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] velocitylobbyplugin

Velocity plugin to add hub and lobby command support. Supports 3.0.0. (2021-07-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] cloudsim

1、怎样创建一个含一台主机的数据中心,并在其上运行一个云任务 2、怎样创建一个含一台主机的数据中心,并在其上运行二个云任务 3、怎样创建一个含2台主机的数据中心,并在其上运行二个不同MIPS需求的云任务 4、怎样创建2个数据中心,各含1台主机,并在其上运行二个云任务 5、怎样创建2个数据中心,各含1台主机,并在其上运行二个用户的云任务 6、怎样创建扩展的仿真 7、怎样创暂停重启仿真,以及动态创建数据中心代理
How to create a data center with a host on which to run a cloud tasks, how to create a data center with a host and two clouds on which to run the task, how to create a containing 2 host data center and cloud task to run on two different MIPS requirements, how to create two data centers, each containing a host on which to run the two cloud Task 5, how to create two data center, each containing a host on which to run the two-user cloud Task 6, how to create an extended simulation, how to record pause restart the simulation, as well as the creation of dynamic data center agent (2013-05-15, Java, 114KB, 下载44次)
