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[按钮控件] SK

1、增加采集模块管理。 2、增加了列表分页采集设置“代码分页设置”。 3、除了清空所有订录按钮。 4、新闻采集代码整合。 5、图片采集代码重新调整。 6、软件采集代码重新调整。 7、修复采集数据显示功能。
1, increase acquisition module management. 2, increasing the list of capture settings tab Code tab settings. 3, in addition to clear all set record button. 4, the code to integrate news gathering. 5, image acquisition code is re-adjusted. 6, the software collects the code re-adjusted. 7, data collection function repair. (2016-04-11, ASP, 974KB, 下载1次)


[按钮控件] 新闻小偷(新浪)加速版

程序采集的新闻页面自动生成静态文件,以备下次使用, 无数据库文件,使用缓存机制,使程序的速度加快很多, 每隔半小时更新一次新闻列表资料,重新设计了首页和列表界面
procedures Acquisition news pages automatically generate static document to prepare for the next use, no database files, the use of caching mechanism so that the procedures for a lot of speed, every half an hour to update information on a news list, the re-design of the portal and interface List (2005-04-02, ASP, 58KB, 下载17次)
