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[其他书籍] OPCServer

OPC 服务器 编写 教程 OPCserver
OPC server is written tutorial OPCserver (2010-10-19, TEXT, 8KB, 下载16次)


[其他书籍] ExcellentNovels1

' ve Seen the excellent network of novels, including TXT novel reader (included in a package folder) (2010-04-22, TEXT, 6286KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] adsl_code

Collection of the current market, the router' s default password, absolutely with reference value (2009-12-12, TEXT, 2KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] vimEditorChineseManual_71

Popular text editor vim Chinese Manual, vim can be used to quickly enter and can be highlighted in different programming languages (2009-07-09, TEXT, 2174KB, 下载41次)


[其他书籍] Documents.tar

the study notes of CISCO routers and switches easy configure (2009-04-02, TEXT, 5KB, 下载34次)


[其他书籍] ZHB

LED controller data can be realized gradually hopping, automatic mode, is the compilation of documents produced (2008-11-22, TEXT, 1KB, 下载90次)


[其他书籍] MP3+DAB

Audio Design has been the most enthusiastic about the subject of electronic engineers in the audio design in the pursuit of perfection far beyond cost considerations. However, the most simple circuit can sometimes provide the best cost-effective program. Although the market on a wide range of new low-power speaker underlines Class D audio performance to the development trend, but on the low-cost, low distortion and low noise is concerned, AB audio performance is still the most competitive. (2008-03-20, TEXT, 103KB, 下载29次)


[其他书籍] audio-frequency

Audio Design has been the most enthusiastic about the subject of electronic engineers in the audio design in the pursuit of perfection far beyond cost considerations. However, the most simple circuit can sometimes provide the best cost-effective program. Although the market on a wide range of new low-power speaker underlines Class D audio performance to the development trend, but on the low-cost, low distortion and low noise is concerned, AB audio performance is still the most competitive. (2008-03-20, TEXT, 202KB, 下载11次)


[其他书籍] arm7-verilog

This is ARM7 processor Verilog-wide code carefully, CPU and Verilog will have great benefits. (2006-06-18, TEXT, 37KB, 下载735次)


[其他书籍] windowsgaoshoujinjie(6)

详解死机的原因和预防方法;隐藏在XP中的28个秘密武器;用PMAGIC安装98和XP双系统;找出WINDOWS XP下的关闭事件跟踪程序;找回丢失的输入法标志;重启时不可忽视的硬盘自检;注册表解锁有奇招妙用系统策略编辑器;注册表损坏之症状和修复;注册表修复不成功的原因(全完)。
lockups Elaborates on the causes and prevention methods; Hidden in the XP 28 secret weapons; PMAGIC with 98 and XP installed dual system; WINDOWS XP identify the closure of the incident tracking procedures; recovery of lost signs input method; Reboot not to be ignored Drive Self Test; Unlock the registry are gimmicks magic of System Policy Editor; registry destruction on the other symptoms and repair; Registry Repair unsuccessful reasons (entirely). (2006-04-19, TEXT, 18KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] 通过小故事学习网络硬件协议

作者通过一个故事的形式讲解了以太网(Ethernet)、集线器和交换机、令牌环网(Token Ring)、ARP(地址解析协议)等
author in the form of a story on the Ethernet (Ethernet), hubs and switches, token ring network (Token Ring), ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) (2006-01-01, TEXT, 3KB, 下载122次)


[其他书籍] 蒋介石传

与我们这个时代的其他军人政治家一样,蒋介石是个无所畏惧的人,允论是在心理上还是精神上都是这样。但他只是一个战术大师而非战略家。他的真正天才是善于搞政治阴谋。   蒋介石对希特勒纳粹及法西斯主义发生了极大兴趣,于是派次子蒋纬国赴德国深造,受希特勒两次召见,并组建一个法西斯机构“蓝衣社”…   蒋介石长得两眼炯炯有神,他经常剃着光头,蓄着短须,带有一股军人的风度。   但是,他的神情却不可思议——这并非因为他不擅言辞,而是因为他总是挂着一脸谦恭的微笑
with us this era of politicians, like other soldiers, Chiang Kai-shek is a fearless person, is allowed on the psychological or mental been the case. But he is only a tactical rather than master strategist. His true genius is good at engaging in political conspiracy. Chiang Kai-shek to Hitler and the Nazi fascism had great interest, Jiang Weiguo second son was sent to Germany in 1993, twice summoned by Hitler, and the formation of a fascist institutions "blue club" Chiang Kai-shek ... a house two longer, he often shave with a shaved head and head to be shorter, with A soldiers gracefully. However, he has looked incredible-- it is not because he's knockout rhetoric, but because he was always humble who can smile (2005-10-31, TEXT, 559KB, 下载8次)
