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[编译器/解释器] p5-Clang

Perl bindings to the Clang compiler s indexing interface (2016-08-01, Perl, 21KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] x68k_gcc_has_converter

转换器将m68k elf gcc生成的asm源转换为HAS.X可为SHARP X680x0处理的格式。
A converter translates asm sources generated by m68k-elf-gcc into a format that processible by HAS.X for SHARP X680x0. (2022-02-24, Perl, 1177KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] gfortran-for-macOS

用于macOS的GNU Fortran(和GCC)编译器
GNU Fortran (and GCC) compilers for macOS (2022-11-18, Perl, 7KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] 20110915_src

For the establishment of a LL (1) grammar compiler automatic generator. To accomplish this compiler generator must deal with the source file twice: first pass lexical analysis, parsing the second time. Parser using LL (1) syntax analysis. First, write the input file defined grammar (grammar can be used in LL (1) analysis), and then create the lexical analyzer, including lexical analysis of the main program, scanner parts, keyword lists. The lexical analysis of the inputs were calculated for each non-terminal grammar symbol of the FIRST set of each non-terminal symbol FOLLOW set, and each set of the rule s SELECT and determine any non-terminal symbol of any two rules SELECT set intersection is not all empty, if it is in line with the input grammar LL (1) the text rule can be analyzed. (2011-09-19, Perl, 37KB, 下载9次)


[编译器/解释器] Perl

Perl是由Larry Wall设计的,并由他不断更新和维护的编程语言.Perl具有高级语言(如C)的强大能力和灵活性。事实上,你将看到,它的许多特性是从C语言中借用来的。与脚本语言一样,Perl不需要编译器和链接器来运行代码,你要做的只是写出程序并告诉Perl来运行而已,这里便给出了一个简明的perl教程。
Larry Wall Perl is designed, updated and maintained by his programming language. Perl has a high-level language (eg C) strong capacity and flexibility. In fact, you will see many of its features are borrowed from the C language to the. And scripting languages, Perl does not need the compiler and linker to run the code, you have to do is write a program and tell Perl to run it, here it gives a simple perl tutorial. (2010-05-18, Perl, 104KB, 下载7次)


[编译器/解释器] perl542b

perl 解释器,运行效率高,操作简单方便
perl interpreter, high efficiency, simple operation (2007-01-19, Perl, 1874KB, 下载3次)
