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[编译器/解释器] clang_api

封装 iOS 系统常用接口,存取bundle中的资源,读取本地化文本,执行选择器和 UserDefaults 的相关操作,调用通知中心的相关操作等。,
Encapsulates common interfaces of iOS system, accesses resources in bundle, reads localized text, executes relevant operations of selector and UserDefaults, calls relevant operations of notification center, etc., (2023-06-26, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] Objective-C-NuREPL-for-iOS

通过使用Nu-Lisp指令的clojure repl,直接向模拟器中正在运行的iOS应用程序发出指令。你可以玩wh...,
Give instructions directly to a running iOS app in the simulator, through a clojure repl using Nu Lisp instructions. You can play with whatever objects that are accessible. Wanted something like RubyMotion REPL. So hacked this up! (2012-10-15, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] XSecurity

A security plug-in in Xcode plus a Clang Static Analyzer Checkers for iOS application development. This plug-in aims to reduce the vulnerability made during development by detecting the vulnerability as it is being created. (2015-02-05, Objective-C, 17486KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] script_vm

jiaoben jieshi qi yuanma (2013-11-14, Objective-C, 1KB, 下载2次)


[编译器/解释器] Object-C-And-Cocoa

本文档使用 Windows上的GNUStep作为 Object-C的编译器,不支持 Object-C 2.0 的相关新特 性,但基本完全支持 Cocoa的 Foundation Kit、App Kit工具库.
This document uses on Windows GNUStep as Object-C compiler, Object-C 2.0 does not support the new features, but the basic support Cocoa Foundation Kit, App Kit tools library. (2013-01-15, Objective-C, 399KB, 下载4次)


[编译器/解释器] lua-5.2.0-tests.tar

Lua是一个强大、快速、轻量级的、可嵌入的脚本语言。 Lua结合简单程序的语法与强大的数据描述构造基于关联数组和可扩展的语义。Lua是动态类型,通过解释字节码的运行一个基于寄存器的虚拟机,自动内存管理和增量垃圾收集,这使得它非常适合配置、脚本、和快速原型。
Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode for a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping. (2012-10-09, Objective-C, 73KB, 下载4次)


[编译器/解释器] IAR_EWARM_5.30_full_keygen

一个IAR FOR ARM的编译器的破解文件,已经验证过可以使用。
An IAR FOR ARM compiler crack file, has already proven you can use. (2010-04-23, Objective-C, 333KB, 下载316次)


[编译器/解释器] LL(1)

一个关于LL(1)的分析器 希望对大家有一点帮助
one of LL (1) of the analyzer we hope to have a bit of help (2009-05-20, Objective-C, 69KB, 下载2次)


[编译器/解释器] TurboC2.0

turc2.0 c 语言编译器,基本的C程序软件
turc2.0c language compiler, the basic software of the C (2008-12-13, Objective-C, 937KB, 下载36次)


[编译器/解释器] Lex

词法分析器设计说明 一、 软件名称 LEX词法分析器 二、 软件运行环境 此软件用C#编写,需运行在Windows xp以上操作系统下,.net Framework 2.0以上版本才能正常运行。 (2008-05-01, Objective-C, 5109KB, 下载52次)


[编译器/解释器] wendukzq

AT89C2051 chips made using a computer adjustable temperature controller V1.51 source (2008-05-01, Objective-C, 51KB, 下载2次)
