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按平台查找All Visual C++(48820) 

[Windows编程] VC++6

VC++ 6 programming method is very good information on the Oh, is particularly helpful for beginners Oh! (2007-11-14, Visual C++, 9128KB, 下载12360次)


[其他书籍] S7-PLCSIMV5.4

西门子仿真编程软件S7-PLCSIM V5.4,用于S7-300/400系列PLC程序的仿真
S7-PLCSIM V5.4 offers the following new features with this release: DP, Industrial Ethernet and PC Internal connection types supported in addition to MPI Formerly, S7-PLCSIM used a default connection of MPI, address 2. With S7-PLCSIM V5.4, you can browse STEP 7 projects and select a networked node for establishing a simulation connection. S7-PLCSIM simulates the CPU of the selected node, all nodes that belong to that CPU, and the subnet of the selected node. Increased number of blocks supported for simulation S7-PLCSIM supports a set of OBs, SFBs, and SFCs as described in the electronic manual and online help. Of these, some are NOPs that is, they do not perform any operation. With S7-PLCSIM V5.4, the number of blocks that are not NOPs has increased. (2009-06-22, Visual C++, 18212KB, 下载12327次)


[VC书籍] vc60zhongwen_leisc11

vc++ VC开发+类库+手册 mfc函数实用手册.rar Visual C++6.0 MFC类库参考手册 pdf VC++ 下载 c++类库 手册 VC60.P vc++类库参考手册 MFC 类库+chm+电子 vc6 msdn中文版下载 vc6 msdn 下载 mfc手册chm vcactivex控件 mfc类库参考手册pdf vc 类库.chm 下载 vc++6 中文版 msdn C++中文类库chm MFC常用函数手册 VC++ MSDN VC 下载 VC常用类库下载 C++类库电子书下载 vc 类库教材下载 类库参考手册 pdf mfc 中文 MSDN 类库 C++函数实用手册电子书 MSDN for c++ 下载 mfc类库大全+chm vc6 msdn msdn chm vc6 msdn vc中文帮助下载 MFC类库手册 电子书 VC 串口编程 VC6 类库参考手册.chm mfc类库参考手册chm vc++下载 vc 6 MSDN vc 下载 msdn for vc6 6.0 MFC类库参考手册 pdf下载 VC60中文版类库参考手册 下载 pdf visualc++类库参考手册 msdn 中文 msdn for vc++6 c++类库手册 MSDN VC6 类库参考手册 c++类库 中文帮助 c++ mfc手册 MSDN C++类库 vc++ MFC类库下载
vc VC library function manual mfc practical manual. Rar MFC Visual C 6.0 class library reference manual pdf download c Class VC manual VC60.P vc library reference manual MFC chm Electronic vc6 VARIANT Chinese version download vc6 VARIANT download mfc manual chm vcactivex Controls mfc library reference manual pdf vc library. chm downloaded vc six Chinese version of Chinese Class C VARIANT c hm MFC common function manual VC MSDN download VC VC common Class C Class download e-books downloaded vc category download the materials library reference manual pdf mfc Chinese MSDN Class C practical manual function f MSDN e-books or c download mfc Class Solutions chm vc6 VARIANT VARIANT chm vc6 vc Chinese VARIANT MFC help manual download e-books VC Serial Programming VC6 library reference manual. chm m (2007-05-03, Visual C++, 7287KB, 下载11113次)


[串口编程] 完整串口通信程序(发送和接受)Vc++源代码

一个比较完整串口通信程序Vc++源代码 相信大家看后一定会有收获的!
a relatively complete serial communication program source code Vc I believe we will certainly have to see after harvest! (2005-12-11, Visual C++, 1842KB, 下载10791次)


[Email客户端] FindMail

Station to write email address search procedures (2004-06-17, Visual C++, 492KB, 下载9638次)


[VC书籍] VC and MFC

本书通过85个实例全面讲述了应用MFC进行Visual C++编程的思想。每个实例均以编写一个应用程序要走的步骤编写。全书共分四部分进行介绍,是基础知识,讲述用户界面的实例,讲述MFC内部处理方面的实例,讲述打包实例。
the book through 85 examples on the application of comprehensive MFC Visual C Programming for the idea. Each case were preparing an application to take steps to prepare. The book is divided into four parts, is the foundation of knowledge about the user interface example, about the internal processing MFC example, about packing case. (2005-04-24, Visual C++, 13418KB, 下载9359次)


[VC书籍] 数字图像处理学:Visual C++实现_10990262

数字图像处理学:Visual C++实现 1数字图象处理导论 2光学基础与视觉系统 3对设备无关位图的访问 4图象的变换 5图象的增强 6图象复原 7图象重建 8图象分割 9图象纹理分析 10图象腐蚀与膨胀 11图象压缩编码 12图象模式识别
Digital Image Processing : Visual C achieving an introduction to digital image processing and optical vision system based on three pairs of device-independent bitmap images visit Transform 4 5 6 enhance the image image recovery image reconstruction 7 8 9 Image segmentation, image texture analysis 10 images corrosion and expansion of 11 Image Coding 12 Pattern recognition (2005-09-10, Visual C++, 10846KB, 下载9167次)


[进程与线程] loadEXE

of non-self-injected into the EXE other process control operation of the code. Very classic things. (2005-01-05, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载8965次)


[图形图象] jiancesuanfa

边缘检测算法 速度快 你一定会满意的。以前是要收费的。现在免费给你们。 源码经过测试真确无误。
edge detection algorithm faster you will surely satisfied. Prior to the charges. Now free to you. Source tested truthful. (2006-02-27, Visual C++, 244KB, 下载7334次)


[进程与线程] kilster

use of thread scheduling Chain link to the code detection process. Basic can be detected all current Rootkit hidden process. System programming enthusiasts certainly under. (2006-01-07, Visual C++, 481KB, 下载7333次)


[多媒体编程] Visual C++视频音频开发实用工程案例精选

这是《Visual C++视频/音频开发实用工程案例精选》一书的源代码。精选了大量的具有商用价值的工程案例,包括视频捕捉系统、视频会议系统和远程视频监控系统的开发技术;网络、多媒体技术的底层实现;MP3深入编程技术等。最后一章为基于IBM ViaVoice的语音识别系统在上位机和下位机之间的通信的架构及实现。
This is the "Visual C video/audio develop practical projects selected cases," a book source. Featured in a great deal of value to the business case works, including video capture systems, video conferencing systems and remote video surveillance systems development; Network, multi-media technology to achieve the bottom; MP3-depth programming skills. The final chapter of the IBM ViaVoice speech recognition system in the PC and the next crew of communication between the organization and realization. (2005-04-25, Visual C++, 21888KB, 下载7154次)


[VC书籍] vc++6.0Socket

这是一本网上很流行的介绍vc++网络编程的电子书,里面的内容很详细!大家要好好学习啊 !
This is a very popular online introduction vc++ Network programming e-books, which detail the content! Everyone to study hard ah! (2007-07-25, Visual C++, 30949KB, 下载6864次)


[Windows编程] C++100

VC++编程100例。包含了很多的实例,包括了很多方面,如界面编辑,文件操作等等。 十分适合初学者。
VC 100 cases. Contain a lot of examples, including many aspects, such as editing interface, documents and so forth. Suitable for beginners. (2006-03-11, Visual C++, 3175KB, 下载6135次)


[游戏] Windows游戏编程大师技巧(第二版)

windows under game programming books, a friend in need can be downloaded (2005-03-22, Visual C++, 11089KB, 下载5196次)


[串口编程] 完整串口通信程序Vc++源代码

a very complete source Kawaguchi communications, I spent a lot of time and energy only to find him. (2005-07-06, Visual C++, 42KB, 下载5075次)


[对话框与窗口] Visual_C++_500_Samples

Visual.C++编程技巧精选500例随书附盘 第1章 消息框 1.消息框设置演示 第2章 常用控件 13.如何使用picturebox 控件浏览多种格式的图像? 12.如何使listcontrol控件支持整栏选择? 11.如何在列表框中自动装载磁盘文件列表? 10.如何显示载有richedit 控件的对话框? 9.如何限制编辑控件输入的字符类型? 8.如何在程序窗口中创建按钮控件? 7.按钮设置演示 6.如何使用滚动条控件? 5.如何使用进度条控件? 4.如何使用列表控件? 3.如何使用树形控件? 2.如何使用标签控件? 1.如何使用滑块控件? 第3章 通用对话框 8.如何在程序启动时弹出文件打开对话框? 7.如何在文件对话框中预览位图文件? 6.文件对话框文件夹操作演示 5.文件对话框使用演示 4.如何使用查找与替换对话框? 3.如何使用页面设置对话框? 2.如何使用颜色对话框? 1.如何使用字体对话框? 第4章 标题栏与菜单栏 26.如何在子菜单中记录历史文件? 25.如何确定顶层菜单所占的行数? 24.如何取消对菜单状态的限制? 23.如何取消应用程序菜单栏? 22.如何获取菜单栏高度? 21.如何在对话框类型的应用程序中加载菜单? 20.如何设计自定义快捷菜单? 19.如何创建一个弹出式菜单? 18.如何触发一个菜
Visual.C programming skills selected 500 cases with Disks Chapter 1 of a news box. Speech news box set Chapter 2 of said common control 13. how to use the picturebox control View Multi-Format Image? 12. How listcontrol Control supportive of the whole column choice? 11. How the list box automatically loading disk document lists? 10. How to show contains dialog richedit controls? 9. How to restrict the importation of editorial control character type? 8. How to create window control buttons? 7. Button to display six. How to use the scroll controls? 5. How to use the progress of control? 4. How to use control list? 3. How to use tree controls? 2. How to use the label control? 1. How to use slider controls? Chapter 3 common dialog 8. How commencement of the proceedings while the document open d (2006-10-14, Visual C++, 22146KB, 下载5008次)


[图片显示] Cimage

The picture processing class storehouse, supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, the GIF form (2001-03-10, Visual C++, 893KB, 下载4943次)


[USB编程] VC++编写USB接口通信程序

Usb communications program examples on how to develop a procedure using USB applications (2005-07-18, Visual C++, 152KB, 下载4671次)


[串口编程] CserialPort类源码

VC++简单而强大的多线程串口编程工具,该CSerialPort类封装了串口通信的基本 数据和方法
VC simple and powerful multithreaded serial programming tools, the CSerialPort type of serial communications package of basic data and methods (2005-08-10, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载4422次)


[Windows CE] EVC_Book

< EVC高级编程及其应用开发>>电子书!!! 共13章,超星转PDF格式,这可是我自己转换独家首次发布!其源码本站已经有人发布过了,可以自己找找。
<EVC high-level programming and application development>> e-books! ! ! A total of 13 chapters, Chaoxing to PDF format, this is my own exclusive conversion the first time! The source website has been released, you can find their own. (2006-10-12, Visual C++, 41401KB, 下载4359次)
