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按分类查找All OpenGL(6) 
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[OpenGL] nonphoto2

Computer Graphics OpenGL programming source, achieve animation effects, and with basic programming OPENGL (Third Edition) to use one book (2016-02-20, DOS, 2KB, 下载3次)


[OpenGL] accanti

Three-dimensional images, using the OpenGL graphics package, C language programming, and they hope to help everyone (2016-02-14, DOS, 3KB, 下载2次)



基于Visual Basic语言的OpenGL三维可视化编程资料很少,希望对从事VB开发的初学者有所帮助.
Visual Basic+OpenGL (2012-01-10, DOS, 154KB, 下载6次)


[OpenGL] (1)

computer graphics programming practical procedures in small TC environment can run (2007-07-04, DOS, 1KB, 下载5次)


[OpenGL] 2005628115114959_600it

char *className = "OPENGL" char *windowName = "OPENGL彩色圆环编程示例" int winX = 0, winY = 0 int winWidth =300, winHeight = 300
char* className = "OpenGL" char* windowNa me = "Color Ring OpenGL Programming Example" int winX = 0, winY = 0 int winWidth = 300, 300 = winHeight (2007-07-01, DOS, 28KB, 下载6次)


[OpenGL] Axx2-1-02

商业系统源码本书以OpenGL开发为核心,精心设计了36个实验。全书共分10章,既介绍了基本的图形学要素,包括2D图形和3D物体的绘制、坐标系变换、光照、材质、2D纹理、曲线和曲面等,又进一步引入利用OpenGL开发图形工程的各种技术,如复杂3D建模、音频系统、摄像机控制、粒子系统、人机交互技术等。    本书图文并茂、实例丰富,所有例程都是基于一个功能齐全的编程框架文件(5DG编程框架文件)开发的,代码有详细的中文注释,可读性很强。本书既可作为高校的图形学实验教材,也是学习OpenGL的理想参考书,适合具有C语言基础的读者使用。
business systems source book to OpenGL development as the core, a carefully designed experiment 36. The book is divided into 10 chapters, we introduced the basic graphics elements, including 2 D and 3 D graphic objects mapping, coordinate transformation, lighting, material quality, 2D texture, curves and surfaces. further development of the introduction of OpenGL graphics engineering technologies, such as complex 3 D modeling, audio system, Camera control, particle systems, human-computer interaction technology. The book illustrated examples of rich, All routines are based on a fully functional programming framework document (5DG programming framework document) development, code detailed Chinese translations, readability strong. The book can as colleges and universities graphics experiment (2006-11-24, DOS, 471KB, 下载168次)
