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[TCP/IP协议栈] Nexbox-Tcp_ip-Demo

该例程 显示 在Nexbox嵌入式模块下 对Tcp-ip进行编程,在Borland C++ 环境实现.
该例程 显示 在Nexbox嵌入式模块下 对Tcp-ip进行编程,在Borland C++ 环境实现. (2015-09-01, Borland C++, 4815KB, 下载1次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] wat2001b

765K 非常强大,著名和实用的TCP/IP等网络功能的编程库,完全免费且简单易用,基于Borland C.它的使用很广泛,比如近年来推出的DOS下的Internet工具大都是用它编写出来的.这是DOS实模式的版本,其它各种说明和资料以及DOS保护模式下TCP/IP的版本可在它的网站http://www.wattcp.com/上找到.推荐程序员使用! 如果使用BC31环境,请在prj中加入lib\目录下的库文件,并调用对应H文件的函数接口
765K is very powerful, well-known and practical TCP/IP networking features such as programming libraries, completely free and easy to use, based on Borland C., its use is extensive, such as the recent launch of the DOS of the Internet under the tools are mostly use it to prepare out. This is the real-mode DOS version, description and information as well as various other DOS protected mode TCP/IP version can be found on its website http://www.wattcp.com/. recommended programmer! 2001.5 (2010-01-29, Borland C++, 765KB, 下载7次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] Tcp

Own package TCPSocket, for self-built C Programming (2008-03-10, Borland C++, 29KB, 下载69次)
