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[TCP/IP协议栈] chat

Program is mainly based on socket (Socket) for network programming, using the TCP protocol, TCP protocol is connection-oriented and is full duplex, that is, the process of the two hosts (such as process A, process B) Once established a good connection, the data flow for both the A B, can also flow from the B A. This procedure uses a fully connected point to point mode, each host is the server that is the client, because it requires the listening port, so when the connection must know the host' s IP address and port number . With the other two host IP and port can be carried out after the handshake process, confirm the connection to the network after a successful dialogue. (2011-05-22, ASP, 120KB, 下载17次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] C

Computer Network projraming about TCP (2011-04-28, ASP, 58KB, 下载6次)
