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[C#编程] 2010cSharpbasic-teacher

c#编程基本教程 的ppt课件,共16章 出自聊城大学 曹银杰
c# programming basic tutorial ppt courseware, a total of 16 chapters from Liaocheng University, Cao Yinjie (2011-01-28, MultiPlatform, 4221KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] MicrosoftVisualC32008StepbySteppdf

本书是针对Microsoft Visual C# 2008最新特性而设计的入门指导手册。Visual C#是Microsoft Visual Studio 2008套件中的一个重要组成部分,是一种现代化的编程语言,设计来解决商务应用中的现实问题。
This book is for Microsoft Visual C# 2008 features the latest design guidance manual entry. Visual C# is Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 package is an important component part of a modern programming language, designed to address business applications of practical problems. (2009-03-26, MultiPlatform, 13182KB, 下载18次)


[C#编程] EventBasedAsyncSample

此示例演示如何使用支持基于事件的异步模式的组件。 基于事件的异步模式为执行异步操作提供了一个事件驱动的编程模型。使用该模型可以在设计时将异步功能生成到应用程序中。有关更多信息。 里面包含C#、vb、jsl三种代码的示例
This example demonstrates how to use support for event-based asynchronous mode components. Asynchronous event-based model for the implementation of asynchronous operation provides an event-driven programming model. The use of the model can be designed to generate asynchronous functions into applications. For more information. Which contains C#, Vb, jsl three examples of code (2008-10-14, MultiPlatform, 169KB, 下载19次)


[C#编程] Csharp

CSharp beginners learning to provide a programming example of such a tool could be as soon as possible (2008-07-29, MultiPlatform, 402KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] Csap_UseDll_Mutex_Code

C# Programming, the use of procedures to avoid overloading Dll (2008-06-17, MultiPlatform, 28KB, 下载2次)


[C#编程] Csap_Mutex_Code

C# Programming, to avoid repetition of this procedure to load the original code (2008-06-17, MultiPlatform, 17KB, 下载2次)


[C#编程] Chapter02

C# 的高级编程。文件打印报表输出。有很强的可读性。辕马下载,即可运行。
C# High-level programming. Print report output files. Have a very strong readability. Download shaft horse can run. (2008-04-23, MultiPlatform, 23KB, 下载11次)


[C#编程] indexers

索引器(C# 编程指南) 索引器允许类或结构的实例就像数组一样进行索引。索引器类似于属性,不同之处在于它们的访问器采用参数。
Indexer (C# Programming Guide) indexer permit or structure, like for instance as an array index. Indexer is similar to attributes, the only difference is that they used the parameters of the accessor. (2008-03-22, MultiPlatform, 4KB, 下载7次)
