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按平台查找All matlab(6) 

[邮电通讯系统] digital-Modem-Demo

Based on of matlab' s Mfile programming, to deepen the understanding of communication theory, and simulation results. (2013-04-15, matlab, 3KB, 下载1次)


[邮电通讯系统] gaosi-

For communication simulation programming, use this program for communication signal to join the Gauss white noise (2012-05-16, matlab, 11KB, 下载6次)


[邮电通讯系统] equalizer_code

EQUALIZER starts an equalizer for audio input on a PC. This is created as a demonstration of ANALOGINPUT and GUI. It performs real-time power spectral density estimation on acquired audio data and displays them in frequency bins. This may not be how a real equalizer works, so it should be used simply as a demo. (2011-01-08, matlab, 4KB, 下载6次)


[邮电通讯系统] GNSS_SDR

GNSS_SDR是一套不可多得的matlab代码。它给出了接收机每一部分的子函数,编程效率高,可读性强。此外,A soft-defined GPS and Galileo Receiver系统的介绍了整个接收机的原理,并针对程序给出说明,通俗易懂。
GNSS_SDR is a set of matlab code for GPS&Galileo Receiver.Every part of the receiver is presented as a function,so it is easy to modify and use.Moreover,the book"A soft-defined GPS and Galileo Receiver" introduces the fundamental theory of the receiver and illustrate the code flow and functions. (2009-03-24, matlab, 1957KB, 下载277次)


[邮电通讯系统] DiscreteTFDs

This package is a signal processing time-frequency analysis on the part of programming environment for matlab. (2008-08-31, matlab, 73KB, 下载26次)


[邮电通讯系统] wqdds0727

用于的dsp builder的matlab实现算法,产生可编程的sin或cos波形,可以通过它作为ddc的dds
For the dsp builder of matlab algorithm, resulting in programmable waveform sin or cos can be as ddc the dds (2008-08-29, matlab, 6KB, 下载12次)
