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[SQL Server] SQLSv2000programmingGuide

sql 2000 编程人员指南
sql 2000 programming guide (2015-05-17, Windows_Unix, 27892KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] tjgl

Some programming source code program, a number of PB and explain the definition of the window (2009-12-20, Windows_Unix, 4689KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] SQL_Windows_tutorial

this book can help you quickly grasp SQL programming techniques, the book provides a wealth of examples, to help you learn how to create and modify database objects, from the database to add and retrieval of data and the change has been added to the data in the database. According to the book SQL : 1999 standard preparation can help you execute a query and modify, create databases, create and modify embedded statements, excluding systems and data related to the fault, and so on. The book is rich in content on the Notes code, and other effective means of teaching. (2006-06-17, Windows_Unix, 15094KB, 下载226次)
