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[SQL Server] SoftUniPythonWebBasic

Basics of Web programming with Python and Django. Basic principles of web development, such as HTTP Protocol. Working with databases (SQL). Creating our own server. Basic concepts in the MVC architecture (2023-05-19, Python, 6298KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Login-Signup-Setup

Project made using Object Oriented Programming.Frontend(tkinter module for GUI) and Backend(SQL server). OTP(One Time Password) security(sending using e-mail) is used while using Signup and in Login window somewhere.Sending Automatically E-mail after creation of Account. also sending Friend Requests. and displaying Friend List......and many (2020-09-30, Python, 24652KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] EA_integration_devis

从软件程序中获取所有设备导出并处理所有设备,然后将其导入sage SQL Server
getting all devis export from the software proges and treat all devis then import this into the sage SQL Server (2021-12-07, Python, 24KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] python-web-django

在Python Web基础课程中,我们将为使用Python和Django进行Web编程奠定基础。我们将学习...
In the Python Web Basics course, we will lay the foundations of Web programming with Python and Django. We will learn the basic principles of web development, such as the HTTP Protocol, learn to work with databases (SQL), create our own server, and learn the basic concepts in the MVC architecture. (2023-03-25, Python, 409KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] MultInjector

MultInjector is an automated, mass SQL Injection tool with preprogrammed tasks for complete server takeover (2018-03-31, Python, 17KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] quickstart-sql-driver-apps

net core、java、node.js、python(flask和Django)编程语言中使用SQL Se...
Sample applications in .net core, java, node.js, python ( flask and Django ) programing languages working with SQL Server connectors and deployed to Azure Web Apps. (2023-02-02, Python, 30KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] CNProj_IntranetMailingSystem

Bulding multiple-client server system using socket programming. When a client tries to send a mail to other client, the message first goes to the mail server, that stores the message in a sql database. And when a new client connects, server queries the database and retrieves all mails of that client (displays inbox of that client) (2019-10-27, Python, 3KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] sunpy-master

该sunpy项目致力于创建一个使用Python编程语言的太阳物理开源软件库。 To begin, install the following requirements: [Python](Python (2.6+) Astropy (0.3.0) NumPy SciPy Matplotlib (1.1+) Suds pandas (0.10.0+) beautifulsoup4 sqlalchemy
The SunPy project is an effort to create an open-source software library for solar physics using the Python programming language. (2014-04-11, Python, 18027KB, 下载6次)
