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[GIS/地图编程] GISCode

《三维虚拟地形漫游系统》,三维图形全部基于OpenGL:编程模式为Visual C++MFC,面向对象编程,采用用模块化设计,易读易懂。
Three-dimensional virtual terrain walkthrough system, all three-dimensional graphics based on OpenGL: programming model for Visual C++ MFC, Object-oriented programming, the use of using modular design, easy to read and understand. (2008-02-22, Visual C++, 7845KB, 下载2401次)


[GIS/地图编程] vc开发gis代码

with vc development gis procedure code, e-books can be downloaded from the Internet, we hope that the contribution to more exchanges (2005-04-24, Visual C++, 391KB, 下载1983次)


[GIS/地图编程] GIS

这就是陈建春的《用Visual C++开发GIS系统》的配套代码。 用来给初学者熟悉VC++图形编程很不错,我当初学MFC的时候就是照着这本书上手的。但作为一个GIS系统来说缺少一些必要的 要素,比如大数据量的管理、空间索引、符号化、投影等等等等等。以现在的眼光看来整个系统的架构设计也不是太好。 这本书再版后改名为《矢量图形系统开发与编程》,内容变化不大
"using Visual C development of GIS systems" supporting code. For beginners to the VC familiar with graphical programming quite well, and I had the time to learn MFC is shining on this book in the business. But as a GIS systems lack the necessary elements, such as the large amount of data management, spatial indexing, symbols, such as projectors, etc.. Now the point of view of the entire system architecture design is not too good. This book reprinted later renamed as "vector graphics systems development and programming", little change (2006-03-07, Visual C++, 143KB, 下载1002次)


[GIS/地图编程] KLMapApp

argis开发 源代码 其中包括argis缓冲区分析,这是argis开发一个必要的步骤
argis development of source code, including argis buffer analysis, which is a necessary step to develop argis (2014-05-01, C#, 2845KB, 下载600次)


[GIS/地图编程] insar

INSAR toolbox of MATLAB, including the treatment of SAR Interferometric baseline estimates, filtering, DEM generation and all other process. (2009-02-17, matlab, 67KB, 下载535次)


[GIS/地图编程] ArcGISEnginePrograming

Detail how to use ArcGIS platform for secondary development, GIS Programming Introduction to the essence of information (2008-03-24, PDF, 14529KB, 下载501次)


[GIS/地图编程] VBA+AO常用代码

ArcObjects programming code used (2005-01-23, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载493次)


[GIS/地图编程] MapSymbolSoft

地图符号设计软件及动态库调用源码2.0 一套完善的符号库是GIS开发的基础,也是GIS开发的核心。地图符号设计软件可以完成任意符号的制作,动态库接口简化了GIS开发,可应用于多种编程语言开发环境。使用该动态库接口显示的矢量地图图形效果非常美观,显示速度快,地图漫游放大缩小平滑,无漏白现象,动态库提供的坐标变换函数使地图缩放和漫游功能实现简单快速。图形符号的显示在底层设计时采用了图形硬件加速和大量优化算法,大大提升了图形显示速度和显示质量,能够实现无闪烁的连续放大。2.0版点符号编辑软件增加了字符图形导入的功能,动态库接口部分并且增加了多窗口显示和符号打印函数,比上一版本有了很大的提高。
err (2008-04-22, Delphi, 2544KB, 下载381次)


[GIS/地图编程] ArcGISEngine

ArcGIS Engine二次开发编程实例,里面有许多有用的例子!
ArcGIS Engine secondary development of programming examples, there are many useful examples! (2008-10-16, Visual C++, 481KB, 下载379次)


[GIS/地图编程] ArcGIS

ArcGIS 9.1.pdf 本书通过大量的实例,从专业开发者的角度系统而详细地讲解了如何进行 ArcGIS 二次开发的编程,选材具有极强的针对性和实用性,内容翔实、基础、 实用,旨在帮助开发人员能尽快掌握ArcGIS 的二次开发。
ArcGIS 9.1.pdf book through a large number of examples, from a professional perspective of system developers and explain in detail how to conduct the secondary development of ArcGIS programming, selection is extremely relevant and practical, informative, basic, practical designed to help developers to quickly grasp the secondary development of ArcGIS. (2008-07-07, Others, 6322KB, 下载352次)


[GIS/地图编程] TIN

TIN generation algorithm, application Growth Act. VC simple interface could be improved. Faster. (2005-10-12, Visual C++, 54KB, 下载322次)


[GIS/地图编程] GIS

GIS-Arcengine programming, to achieve the attribute query, spatial query, field statistics, Buffer generation, and the nearest point of query functions (2009-05-19, Visual Basic, 236KB, 下载318次)


[GIS/地图编程] MWebgis

基于移动WebGIS技术的交通运输稽查系统。从地图数字化、ARCGIS制图、c sharp编程、gprs通讯、soket编程。采用了b/s开发,c/s开发两种模式。本课题以林业运输管理为例。调试环境为windows mobile 6.1。本课题材料本来可以拆成三样独立的部分赚取三倍的积分,但是为了方便网友,支持网站的建设,因此整合在一起。一直上传失败,因此把WEBGIS免费控件另外上传。请在本站搜索aspmap。1)“毕业全部材料”目录(完整的毕业资料):01_毕业论文任务书.doc;02_毕业论文开题报告.doc;03_毕业论文中期检查表.doc;04_毕业论文.doc;05_论文插图1.DWG;06_论文插图2.DWG;07_毕业课题答辩.ppt;08_毕业课题答辩演讲稿.doc;09_毕业实习日记.doc;10_毕业实习报告.doc;11_大学生创新课题开题报告.doc;12_大学生创新课题结题报告.doc;13_大学生创新课题实验报告.doc。2)“移动webgis源码”目录(b/s开发):有shp格式的地图数据,含有等高线。手机浏览器要支持java脚本。1.地图上的路径距离测量2.地图上的简单画图3.地图上的属性操作4.当地图放大到一定程度后,才显示标注。3)“智能手机自定位源码”目录(c/s开发):在智能手机上捕捉GPS信号。
WebGIS technology based mobile inspection system of Transportation. Map digitization, ARCGIS mapping, c sharp programming, gprs communication, soket programming. Using the b/s Development, c/s development mode. The subject of forestry transport management as an example. Debugging environment for windows mobile 6.1. (2010-06-23, C#, 4550KB, 下载283次)


[GIS/地图编程] VB+ArcObject

ArcGIS二次开发编程实例。全书分两部分:基础篇和提高篇。基础篇通过 100多个具体的实例详细地讲解了ArcGIS 二次开发过程中涉及到的各个主要的知识点;提高篇则以实际项目开发为例,综合运用基础篇的各个知识点,详细地展示ArcGIS 二次开发的流程、方法和各种开发技巧。
ArcGIS programming examples of secondary development. The whole book in two parts: the basis of papers and articles improve. The basis of more than 100 articles, through specific examples to explain in detail the process of secondary development of the ArcGIS involved in each of the major points of knowledge improve articles while the actual project development as an example, the integrated use of knowledge based on various papers, the detailed display ArcGIS secondary flow development, methods and development techniques. (2008-08-18, PDF, 2353KB, 下载240次)


[GIS/地图编程] QGIS--qt

qgis 地图二次开发,为初学者尽快掌握地图开发。对大家有很大帮助
Two the development of QGIS map, for beginners to quickly master the map development. There is a great help to you (2015-01-09, Visual C++, 4425KB, 下载203次)


[GIS/地图编程] IntuiLink_VNA

Agilent Vector Network Analyzer Development Kit, can be programmed to realize the control of network analyzer. (2009-02-16, Visual Basic, 9945KB, 下载183次)


[GIS/地图编程] ArcGIS_VB

ArcGIS二次开发编程实例,使用Visual studio BASIC環境
Programming example of the secondary development of ArcGIS (2009-08-01, Visual Basic, 2354KB, 下载175次)


[GIS/地图编程] picture

This procedure provided a neighboring value of interpolation and cubic convolution interpolation of two interpolation methods, can realize an arbitrary ratio of image zoom and rotation of any angle, but because I will not MFC programming, so all results must be to transform the corresponding folder (must be stored graphics files and programs) to view. (2008-06-06, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载159次)


[GIS/地图编程] DAO3

with Kriging transform vc programming, applied geostatistics (2006-06-26, Visual C++, 1294KB, 下载152次)


[GIS/地图编程] mxd

Arc GIS的文档文件*.mxd对外格式是不公开的,里面保存有当前各图层名称、符号、颜色、线性、字体等属性特征,通过ULTRAEDIT读取其二进制格式,编程实现获取点、线、面图层名称、存放路径,mxd文件图层个数等相关信息的读写功能
Arc GIS Documents*. mxd external format is not open, and inside the layers to preserve the current name, symbol, color, linear, fonts and other attributes, through Ultraedit read its binary format, programming access points, Line, surface layer name, storage path, mxd document the number of layers and other related information to read and write functions (2008-04-07, Visual C++, 28KB, 下载148次)
