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按分类查找All GIS/地图编程(4) 
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[GIS/地图编程] CompressBinaryData

MATLAB and VC++ Matlab Coding trip to VC++ As the main platform, the form of hybrid programming using MATLAB function to call the MEX prepared DLL, file compression realize. (2008-10-02, MultiPlatform, 2346KB, 下载7次)


[GIS/地图编程] e00file

arcinfo GIS software systems to exchange documents E00 file format. Very detailed, is an example. GIS is an academic program of supporting information. (2006-10-09, MultiPlatform, 11KB, 下载57次)


[GIS/地图编程] GML3_Translation

GML3 standardized translation to facilitate the learning, especially for the English do not like GIS programmer. (2006-05-08, MultiPlatform, 538KB, 下载47次)


[GIS/地图编程] mapex

MapInfo MapX是一个用来做地图化工作的OCX控件,它可以很容易地在您的应用程序中加入强大的制图功能。它可以把您的数据用地图的形式显示出来,更易于理解。地图形式可以比简单的图表、图形提供更多的信息,而且描述地图比描述数据表更加简单迅速。本章主要对mapx的安装和在编程语言中的使用进行讲解。
MapInfo MapX is used as a map of the OCX controls, it can very easily in your application into a powerful mapping function. It could use your data in the form of maps, and easier to understand. Maps can be more than a simple form of charts, graphics provide more information, and the descriptions over the map data sheet describes more simply and rapidly. This chapter primarily MapX in the installation and programming language on the use. (2005-11-04, MultiPlatform, 144KB, 下载51次)
