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按分类查找All 绘图程序(5) 
按平台查找All C++ Builder(5) 

[绘图程序] 99728371ipaint

BCB 矢量绘图程序,具备 点、线、圆、文字 等基本图形,支持 复制、粘贴、等距排列等多种操作,图元的组合、拆分等已开发,放缩、存储等未完善,希望对广大BCB工作者有所帮助!
BCB vector drawing program, with points, lines, circles, text, and other basic graphics, support copy, paste, equally spaced and other operations, the combination of elements, split, etc. have been developed, zoom, storage, etc. are not perfect, I hope the majority of workers in BCB help! (2013-09-18, C++ Builder, 7246KB, 下载21次)


[绘图程序] CB-1huatuban

Based interface programming in C++Builder, Windows drawing board (2013-03-17, C++ Builder, 760KB, 下载2次)


[绘图程序] Teechart

介绍了利用Teechart 组件如何实现工业控制领域中的实时曲线和历史曲线,对动态曲线的显示方式进行了讨论,给出了相关代码#并在c++Builder 编程环境下完成了动态数据曲线的实时显示和历史数据曲线的显示.
How to draw the real_time curve and historical curve in industrial control field using Teechart groupware is presented in this paper.The different display mode of dynamic curve is discussed and correlated code is shown.and the displaying of real_time curve and historical curve are realized under the circumstance of c++Builder. (2012-12-06, C++ Builder, 203KB, 下载48次)


[绘图程序] Logos

Logo turtle graphics language simulation, drawing with kids programming (2012-05-23, C++ Builder, 294KB, 下载4次)


[绘图程序] drawing12

C builder of the application, it is an imitation windows drawing board. suitable for programmers learning (2007-04-15, C++ Builder, 441KB, 下载40次)
