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[MongoDB] user-and-course-management

开发一个以TypeScript为编程语言的Node.js Express应用程序,将MongoDB与Mongoose集成在一起,用于课程、类别和审查,以及用户身份验证和授权管理。
Develop a Node.js Express application with TypeScript as the programming language, integrating MongoDB with Mongoose for course ,category and review with user authentication and authorization management. (2024-01-06, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MongoDB] user-and-order-management

使用TypeScript作为编程语言开发Node.js Express应用程序,将MongoDB与Mongoose集成,用于用户数据和订单管理。
Develop a Node.js Express application with TypeScript as the programming language, integrating MongoDB with Mongoose for user data and order management. (2024-01-06, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MongoDB] course-category-review-management

开发一个以TypeScript为编程语言的Node.js Express应用程序,将MongoDB与Mongoose集成在一起,用于课程、类别和复习管理。
Develop a Node.js Express application with TypeScript as the programming language, integrating MongoDB with Mongoose for course ,category and review management. (2024-01-06, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MongoDB] auto-shop

In this project was developed an API using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) principles with CRUD to manage vehicle driving., (2023-03-17, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MongoDB] Hungry-for-Grades

A complete Online Learning System for the CSEN704 Course (Advanced Programming Lab) in GUC (German University in Cairo). An OnlineLearning System is a web application through which individuals can attend pre-recorded courses online. Existing web applications include but are not limited to Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning. (2023-01-06, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MongoDB] clean-typescript-api

使用Typescript、NodeJs、Mongodb和所有良好编程实践(如Clean Architecture、SOLID pr...
An API made using Typescript, NodeJs,Mongodb and all good programming practices, such as Clean Architecture, SOLID principles, TDD and Design Patterns. ?? (2021-03-31, TypeScript, 323KB, 下载0次)
