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按分类查找All 防火墙与安全工具(5) 
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[防火墙与安全工具] qnft_Play78FireWall

防火墙的过滤检测 和监控很适合初学者,基于网络编程语言
Detection and monitoring of the firewall filters are suitable for beginners (2011-04-23, Visual Basic, 83KB, 下载15次)


[防火墙与安全工具] freestone

A good source of a personal firewall, to learn useful programming (2009-07-21, Visual Basic, 156KB, 下载21次)


[防火墙与安全工具] [_Process_1876044122005

Process gateway is basically a firewall for processes. It allows you to choose which processes you want to allow to run on your computer. When a new processes is detected, it prompts you to allow or block it. If no option is chosen in 10 seconds it blocks automatically, but that can be disabled. You have the option to password protect all aspects of the program and there are vaious stealth modes. These include hiding itself from taskbar systray, and making itself hidden and only accesable with a Hotkey. It also has the ability to mask itself in CTRL+ALT+DEL (Task Manager). It does this by reading Task Manager memory and editing it. It finds its name and can change it to any other process name, Such as explorer, and in turn change explorer to something else. So if you try ending the process appearing to be Process Gateway, it actually closes another process. Effectivly hiding itself. (2009-05-24, Visual Basic, 305KB, 下载25次)


[防火墙与安全工具] PureVBFireWalltmp

Using VB to develop a network firewall source code, more code can be used as reference for Network Programming. When debugging the first quote " MThreadVB.dll" , otherwise there may be components of the error can not create. Card program to run from time to time, you may need to optimize the process. (2009-05-11, Visual Basic, 364KB, 下载15次)


[防火墙与安全工具] 5ivb_934677

This is a simple firewall, using VB, functional little, but I can learn some lessons from programming, a very useful (2005-04-19, Visual Basic, 19KB, 下载30次)
