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[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] Component-based-software-programming-of-COM

基于COM组件技术软件编程研究Component-based software programming of COM
Component-based software programming of COM (2010-12-01, PDF, 956KB, 下载5次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] Computer_English

Computer training in English, with a focus on English technical documentation, programming the English language. There are interviews in English and so on, very practical (2009-06-04, PDF, 9462KB, 下载32次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] theartofcomputerprogrammingvolume1

Volume 1 introduces the basic concepts of programming and technology, and then explain in detail the structure of the content of information, including information in the computer s internal representation, data structure elements, as well as effective methods of information processing. In addition, the book also describes the programming in a simulated, numerical methods, symbolic computation, software and system design aspects of the primary application. New version of an increase of dozens of simple but important algorithm and technology, and research and development based on current trends in mathematics prior knowledge has done a lot of modifications. (2009-01-15, PDF, 13417KB, 下载10次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] cppbuildercomponent

c++ builder 组件大全 编程必不可少的电子书
c++ builder programming essential components Guinness book (2008-11-12, PDF, 27349KB, 下载47次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] C.compile

This book is one of the prominent characteristics of a comprehensive programming skills. This book to C++ Grammar based on international standards, from the advanced features comprehensive on C++ Compiled language skills, has fully demonstrated the C++ Strong language, diversity, beauty, and artistry. (2008-08-31, PDF, 5862KB, 下载2次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] gprs_at_commands_v13

gsm moden的AT指令集,可作为GSM MODEN二次编程的好帮手
gsm moden the AT instruction set can be used as GSM MODEN quadratic programming a good helper (2008-07-07, PDF, 95KB, 下载12次)
