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按分类查找All 多媒体编程(530) 

[多媒体编程] The-King-of-Fighters

拳皇VC++源码 拳皇VC++源码 拳皇VC++源码 拳皇VC++源码
King of fighters VC++ source code King of fighters VC++ source code King of fighters VC++ source code King of fighters VC++ source code (2017-05-18, Visual C++, 26905KB, 下载39次)


[多媒体编程] Visual.C.the.development.of.practical.engineering

Visual C++视频音频开发实用工程案例精选 ---随书关盘源码 chap2:视频捕捉系统 chap3:视频会议系统 chap4:远程视频监控系统 chap5:MPEG-4播放技术 chap6:MPEG-4编码技术 chap7:MPEG-4解码技术 chap8:MP3深入编程 chap9:XvidQP系统 chap10:DirectShow程序设计 chap11:Direct3D程序设计 chap12:DirectSound程序设计 chap13:DirectMusic程序设计 chap14:语音识别系统
Visual C++ video audio the development of practical engineering cases selected chap2: video capture system chap3: Video Conference System chap4: remote video monitoring system chap5: MPEG-4 playback technology chap6: MPEG-4 encoding technology chap7: MPEG-4 decoding technology chap8: MP3 in-depth programming chap9: XvidQP system chap10: DirectShow programming chap11: Direct3D programming chap12: DirectSound programming chap13: DirectMusic programming chap14: Speech Recognition System (2010-09-10, Visual C++, 15956KB, 下载299次)


[多媒体编程] H264Player

h264 player source, it is worth learning code. Multimedia Programming right-hand man. (2010-04-23, Visual C++, 2232KB, 下载566次)


[多媒体编程] ffmpeg

FFMPEG (2010-04-07, Visual C++, 2648KB, 下载533次)


[多媒体编程] mp3play

Similar to the mp3 player TTPlayer VC source code enables MP3 playback and lyrics display, multi-media programming to learn a good learning materials. (2009-12-22, Visual C++, 188KB, 下载21次)


[多媒体编程] SoundPlayer

A voice player, can support the voices of a variety of formats, using MFC framework of the preparation, suitable for multi-media programming for beginners (2008-08-16, Visual C++, 369KB, 下载99次)


[多媒体编程] Cameradriver

VC programming environment procedures USB camera example, containing all the source code can be compiled to run. (2008-06-28, Visual C++, 2889KB, 下载419次)


[多媒体编程] MediaPlayer

VC++. NET programming examples in Chapter 8 MediaPlayer player, can play wmv and avi format video file (2008-04-09, Visual C++, 3611KB, 下载360次)


[多媒体编程] Ffmpeg_Player

FFmpeg realize the player, on the ffmpeg program has a good reference, in accordance with this code they can realize a variety of multi-media player codecs, for example, mpeg4, mpeg2TS (2007-09-21, Visual C++, 49KB, 下载1236次)


[多媒体编程] MoviePlay

本电影播放器可以播放AVI,MOV.MPG,MPGEG格式的电影文件,使用DirectDraw进行多媒体编程,DirectDraw是DirectX的核心模块, DirectX是windows用于多媒体开发,特别是游戏开发的一套SDK.
The movie player can play AVI, MOV.MPG, MPGEG format movie file, the use of DirectDraw for multimedia programming, DirectDraw is DirectX the core module, DirectX is a windows for multi-media development, in particular a set of game development SDK. (2007-07-16, Visual C++, 65KB, 下载230次)


[多媒体编程] vc++shipinkaifa

vc Video Collection development example, "Remote Video Surveillance", "Speech Recognition System" 13 classic examples. VC is the source. (2007-02-19, Visual C++, 13695KB, 下载2400次)


[多媒体编程] DigitalImageT

visual c++ 是功能强大的编译器,本人在带本科生的毕业设计中,利用VFW32.LIB编写了USB摄像头的AVI图像采集,并对图像进行AVI格式到BMP的解析和提取,并对图像进行分析提取信息。这是学习数字图像和多媒体编程的绝好素材。本代码可在visual c++6.0下运行。
visual c is a powerful compiler, I would bring the number of undergraduate graduation design, VFW32.LIB prepared using USB camera AVI image acquisition, also AVI format images to BMP analytical and extraction and image analysis retrieve information. This is the learning and multimedia digital images of excellent programming material. The code in visual c running under 6.0. (2006-07-04, Visual C++, 4197KB, 下载407次)


[多媒体编程] 264localplaying

ENG source is local broadcast ENG documents, using VC (2006-05-08, Visual C++, 103KB, 下载394次)


[多媒体编程] REALmagicAPIv4

神龙五代解压卡编程资源及源码! 内附说明~~可轻易制作VOD视频软件!
Shenlong Five Dynasties Decompression Card programming resources and source code! Enclosing Note ~ ~ VOD can be easily produced video software! (2006-04-27, Visual C++, 371KB, 下载445次)


[多媒体编程] 3232232

WAVE audio editing source code, Wav file drawing to depict the WAV files to the waveform, has tried to use them. (2006-04-10, Visual C++, 806KB, 下载303次)


[多媒体编程] 一款播放器

一个自编的播放器 可以播放mp3 rm avi等多种格式 采用vc编程
a self player can play MP3 rm avi format using various programming vc (2005-12-28, Visual C++, 2389KB, 下载406次)


[多媒体编程] INTEL 体系结构 MMX 技术程序员参考手intel_mmxd

INTEL 体系结构 MMX 技术程序员参考手册intel_mmxd,多媒体编程必懂!
Intel MMX technology architecture reference manual intel_mmxd programmers, multimedia programming will understand! (2005-08-24, TEXT, 148KB, 下载210次)


[多媒体编程] DirectSound混音器

VC++编写的声音编辑器 可能给学习DirectSound编程的朋友提供一些帮助
VC++ source code for sound editer , can help peoples whoie want to learn DirectSound. (2005-08-08, Visual C++, 125KB, 下载237次)


[多媒体编程] AudioIn

with MIC recording procedures, although there are many at this programming on the article, but this is my summing up of many other specialty increase their efforts summed up, and I hope to help you a bit. (2005-05-01, Visual C++, 91KB, 下载285次)


[多媒体编程] Visual C++视频音频开发实用工程案例精选

这是《Visual C++视频/音频开发实用工程案例精选》一书的源代码。精选了大量的具有商用价值的工程案例,包括视频捕捉系统、视频会议系统和远程视频监控系统的开发技术;网络、多媒体技术的底层实现;MP3深入编程技术等。最后一章为基于IBM ViaVoice的语音识别系统在上位机和下位机之间的通信的架构及实现。
This is the "Visual C video/audio develop practical projects selected cases," a book source. Featured in a great deal of value to the business case works, including video capture systems, video conferencing systems and remote video surveillance systems development; Network, multi-media technology to achieve the bottom; MP3-depth programming skills. The final chapter of the IBM ViaVoice speech recognition system in the PC and the next crew of communication between the organization and realization. (2005-04-25, Visual C++, 21888KB, 下载7154次)
