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[其他书籍] 特权同学 Verilog边码边学 Lesson12 脉冲计数器

特权同学 Verilog边码边学 hhhhhhhh
Verilog Privileged students learning while coding (2021-04-13, VHDL, 418KB, 下载0次)


[其他书籍] 无线传感网络

近年来,随着微机电系统(Micro-Electro-Mechanism System,简称MEMS )、无线通 信、信息网络与数字集成电路等技术的迅速发展,低成本、低功耗以及多功能的传感器 得到广泛应用。这些微型的传感器节点集成了数据感知、处理与传输等功能,通过节点间的相互协作,以无线多跳方式组成一个自组织网络,即无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks,简称WSN ) 。WSN最主要的任务就是监测物理环境,并将节点感知的信息高效、准确地转发到基站(C Sink )。这种数据交互模式将真实的物理世界和逻辑的信息世界融合在一起,深刻地改变了人与自然的交互方式。无线传感器网络广泛地应用于以下领域。
Wireless sensor networks(WSN ) have exoteric environment, dynamic topology structure and limited resource node, which enables its security issue to be the research hotspot and difficulty point of this field. This thesis is focus on structure and reliable data transmit of WSN, and the framework is as following. (2017-07-10, C/C++, 27629KB, 下载13次)


[其他书籍] xin

This is some of the articles on photovoltaic inverter design, we can see (2012-04-15, PDF, 33585KB, 下载26次)


[其他书籍] bianmadeaomi

本书用大量的篇幅讲述了与计算机原理相关的条种编码方法, 并通过数字逻辑电路(包括逻辑与开关,逻辑门电路与触发器,二进制加法器等)以及存储器、微处理器的形式、组织及发展阐述了编码的实现。
This book tells a lot of space associated with the principle of Article kinds of computer coding methods, and through the digital logic circuit (including the logic and switches, logic gates and flip-flop, binary adder, etc.) and memory, the microprocessor in the form of Organization and implementation of the development of elaborated code. (2011-03-19, Others, 6453KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] zuchegyuanli

计算机组成原理 课件 包括算法 指令 存储器等相关内容
Courseware, including computer organization instruction memory algorithms and other related content (2010-12-30, Visual C++, 3789KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] register

Register information. Useful. Easy access. Go travel, murder arson, necessary Collection. (2010-06-01, Asm, 41KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] VHDL_shuzhizhong

在学习使用仿真软件的基础上,掌握Verilog HDL或AHDL软件编程方法,设计不同类型的控制器;然后在硬件设备仿真器上下载、联调,对电路进行功能测试与验证 ;达到指标要求和功能实现,并将结果在仿真器上演示。
In learning to use simulation software, based on the Verilog HDL or AHDL to master the software programming and design of different types of controller then in the hardware emulator download, FBI, the circuit functional testing and verification requirements and capabilities for achieving the targets implementation, and the results demonstrate in the emulator. (2010-01-27, VHDL, 1648KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] IASadministrationguide

IASadministration guide oracle IAS服务器操作指南,非常值得学习的资料
IASadministration guide oracle IAS server operations guide, well worth learning information (2010-01-25, Java, 464KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] DNS_configure_and_mangage

DNS server configuration and management. windows environment settings. (2009-12-26, WORD, 239KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] eferfwer

2、 任务: 液力传动自动变速箱是由液力变矩器和具有前进三档、后退一档共四个档位的动力换档变速箱组成,用于叉车、牵引车等工业车辆。液力传动自动变速箱采用单级二相三工作轮综合式液力变矩器。液力变矩器使该液力传动变速箱具有液力传动输出的自动适应性,能随着外负载的变化而相应改变其输出扭矩和转速,而且要求能够吸收和消除来自发动机和外负载对传动系统的冲击振动。所采用的换档方式为电磁换档并带有缓冲阀,使操纵简单、方便,起动平稳,较大地减轻操作者劳动强度。
good (2009-12-25, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载19次)


[其他书籍] ZigBee

ZigBee-based wireless communication module and serial memory interface Method (2009-11-02, PDF, 392KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] TKStudio_EasyARM2103_book

LPC2103 是一个基于支持实时仿真的16/32 位ARM7TDMI-S CPU 的微控制器,并带有 32KB 的嵌入高速Flash 存储器,128 位宽度的存储器接口和独特的加速结构使32 位代码能 够在最大时钟速率下运行。
LPC2103 is a real-time simulation based on the support of the 16/32 bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU of the microcontroller and 32KB with embedded high speed Flash memory, 128-bit memory interface width and speed up the structure of a unique 32-bit code to enable the maximum clock run rate. (2009-07-28, Asm, 1529KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] fast_rubust

fast rubust (2009-07-27, matlab, 254KB, 下载14次)


[其他书籍] Cisco_Icons

cisco 的图标大全,包含路由器,交换机等各种交换设备。
cisco icon Guinness, including routers, switches and other switching equipment. (2009-07-26, PPT, 142KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] ElectronicsGanssleEmbeddedHardware(Newnes2008)

嵌入式微处理器经典外文电子书Electronics_Ganssle-Embedded-Hardware (Newnes,2008)
Electronics_Ganssle-Embedded-Hardware (Newnes,2008).pdf (2009-04-25, Unix_Linux, 5131KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] 16

Text editor is the most commonly used document creation and editing tools. With the computer science and technology, to deal with the text editor can be seen everywhere, and in various forms. For example, Windows under Notepad, WordPad, EditPlus, UltraEdit, etc. are very good text editor and processing tools. In this chapter, we will explain the reader how to use C language to develop the development of a simple text editor (2008-12-03, C/C++, 35KB, 下载53次)


[其他书籍] s3c2440-5

s3c2440数据手册中文翻译 第五章内存控制器
S3C2440 Data Sheet Chinese translation of Chapter V memory controller (2008-11-28, Unix_Linux, 407KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] TCL

TCL在解码器、机顶盒方面的进展与规划 $
TCL in decoders, set-top boxes of progress and planning $ (2008-03-27, PDF, 815KB, 下载21次)


[其他书籍] Clanguagestudy

C 语言完全解析教程 pdg格式.需安装阅读器
C language tutorial completely resolve PDG format. Need to install the reader (2007-08-06, Visual C++, 6395KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] uvision2_rumen

C51系列微控制器的开发工具 uVision2入门教程 使用指南
C51 microcontroller development tools uVision2 Guide to Getting Started Guide (2005-12-10, PDF, 760KB, 下载11次)
