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[绘图程序] 【CASS】程序命令TT

CASS function small plug-in, APPLOAD loading, use it very convenient. (2018-04-24, Java, 7KB, 下载3次)


[绘图程序] SineWave

Through the Windowns programming,It can be implemented to create a separate window and map out the sine curve.500 can find the coordinates of the points on the curve, and connect the various points together.I hope you improve together. (2015-12-21, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[绘图程序] AutoLISP_-entry

Auto LISP 可以直接调用几何所有的AutoCAD命令,为AutoCAD提供了使用高级语言开发编程的途径,使得用户能充分利用它对AutoCAD进行二次开发。
Auto LISP can directly call all geometry of the AutoCAD command, AutoCAD provides access to high-level language programming, so that users can make full use of it to secondary development of AutoCAD. (2015-05-17, LISP, 830KB, 下载11次)


[绘图程序] ECC

已知椭圆曲线E23(16,10): y 2 ≡ x3 +16x +10mod23和它上的一个点G=(5,10), 计算G 的所有倍点。相当于用C语言编程实现了该题
Known elliptic curve E23 (16,10): y 2 ≡ x3+ 16x+ 10mod23 and a point G on it = (5,10), All times the point G is calculated. Equivalent to using the C programming language implements this title (2014-10-14, C/C++, 168KB, 下载5次)


[绘图程序] TheEvolutionofLisp

Lisp是世界上最伟大的编程语言或它的支持者认为的Lisp语言的结构使得它很容易扩展语言,甚至实施全新的 没有从零开始的方言。
Lisp is the world’s greatest programming language—or so its proponents think. The structure of Lisp makes it easy to extend the language or even to implement entirely new dialects without starting from scratch. (2014-07-07, LISP, 522KB, 下载1次)


[绘图程序] LISP-adjusts-to-use-DLL

Make use of an Autocad the lisp plait distance code need not quote from to directly adjust with the lisp language to draw up with the VB in VBA of take DLL of window body (2014-04-16, Visual Basic, 16KB, 下载4次)


[绘图程序] GetKindsLinesPts

Select CAD entities and write entities pts to a text file.It is helpful for those learn ObjectARX and C++.You can learn something about ARX Entities and VC. (2014-03-27, Visual C++, 44KB, 下载19次)


[绘图程序] VBCAD

《用Visual Basic开发交互式CAD系统》书所附源码,非常好的图形绘制、移动、放大、缩小、平移、图形选择等功能,具备基本的CAD功能,很好的图形编程参考。
Developed using Visual Basic interactive CAD system book annexed source, very good graphics rendering, move, zoom in, zoom out, pan, graphical selection function with basic CAD functionality, good graphical programming reference. (2012-10-21, Visual Basic, 452KB, 下载29次)


[绘图程序] VC_Oscilloscope

VC++ program to implement simple oscilloscope, waveform up to achieve the four-channel display, suitable for beginners to programming exercises VC (2011-08-08, Visual C++, 2120KB, 下载131次)


[绘图程序] c

问题的提出:根据“心”形曲线的数学参数方程,绘制曲线并输出屏幕。在各坐标点处循环显示“LOVE”的各字母。 编程思路:“心”形曲线的数学参数方程为:
Of the problem: According to the " heart" -shaped mathematical curve parameter equation, drawing curves and output screen. Coordinates of points in the cycle show " LOVE" in the letter. Programming idea: " heart" -shaped mathematical curve parameter equation: (2010-06-02, C/C++, 110KB, 下载5次)


[绘图程序] computergraphicsprogramming

我对计算机图形学的编程实践,包括画直线、反走样直线、画圆、 画椭圆、画矩形、画多边形、矩形填充、多边形填充、3D变换、光照、贴图等。由于 精力有限,未对原码做任何注释。出于简化编程的考虑,许多地方指定了常数,未做 通用处理。解压缩后建立gui16目录,在其下有原代码和工程文件。在gui16下建立 release目录,其下有一可执行文件及其所须的位图及模型文件。如在release目录之 外执行程序,必须复制所需位图及模型文件。 必须复制的文件: Chopper.asc chopper.bmp cp.bmp end.BMP end.txt w1.bmp w2.bmp w3.bmp 如有问题欢迎大家和我交流! 联系方式: e-mail:cproom@163.net http://cproom.yeah.net 通讯地址:陕西省西安市太白南路202号(骊山微电子公司)陈鹏(收) 邮编  :710065 电话  :(029)-8234582
computer graphics programming using GDI (2010-04-17, Visual C++, 334KB, 下载5次)


[绘图程序] yxj

AUTOCAD与DXF文件处理相关源码. 包含dxf导入导出,浏览,界面处理等.是学习运动控制编程的参考
AUTOCAD and DXF files to deal with the related source code. Contains import and export dxf, browsing, interface processing. Is the study of motion control programming reference (2009-07-26, Visual C++, 8959KB, 下载31次)


[绘图程序] yan

显示所选彩色图像的原始图像和颜色直方图 编程对颜色直方图的颜色多少按大小排序,取前n个(分别取1、2、5、8、16)值对应的颜色编号,作为图像的n个主色调,可实现 显示出n种色调,本文选择5种 (2008-05-08, matlab, 1KB, 下载166次)


[绘图程序] tuxingxueshiyan3

实验三 图形交互技术 实验目的: 1、通过本次实验,掌握图形输入和交互技术的方法。 2、掌握部分图形交互技术的实现方法。 3、进一步熟练编程语言环境中图形绘制技术。 实验内容: (必做)1、综合使用鼠标、菜单、橡皮条等交互技术实现直线、圆和矩形等基本图形的绘制。 (选做)2、使用2D变换原理,绘制一个2D图形,然后用键盘或鼠标控制使它能进行适当的2D变换。
three experimental interactive graphics technology experiment : one, through the experiments. master graphics and interactive techniques. 2, master of graphic interactive technology are realized. 3, further skilled programming language environment graphics rendering technology. Experiment : (regimen) a comprehensive use of the mouse, menu, rubber, and other interactive technology to achieve straight lines, round and rectangular basic graphics rendering. (Election so) 2, the use of 2D transform theory, drawing a 2D graphics, then use the keyboard or mouse control so that it can take appropriate 2 D transform. (2007-05-15, Visual C++, 274KB, 下载30次)


[绘图程序] wen8

the CAD/CAM courses, some basic programming, including parametric mapping, Drag the mouse mapping and other functions, there are some geometric transformation, coordinate transformation, etc (2007-04-17, Visual C++, 3786KB, 下载36次)


[绘图程序] MyDrawhuitu

this source is a simple drawing program, you can, through his painting some simple graphics, A is a simple drawing program, but you learn through his VC graphics programming. (2007-03-29, Visual C++, 4972KB, 下载84次)


[绘图程序] Skyblue_chart_drawing_ctrl

VC++ programming, available in the control chart types, Packaging completed, pie, 3-D column, etc.. (2006-08-07, Visual C++, 46KB, 下载529次)


[绘图程序] Java-game

In this paper the author used to prepare a small Java software. Why write game software game software requirements of the higher programming capabilities, there is also little to write game software than the more exciting creative work (2006-03-14, Java, 25KB, 下载2次)


[绘图程序] vtk编程技巧

VTK is a three-dimensional reconstruction of large libraries, widely used in medicine, computational fluid dynamics and three-dimensional data visualization etc. (2005-11-11, Visual C++, 300KB, 下载808次)


[绘图程序] DrawPaper

my drawing, and so Albert located at the VC familiar with the resolution after a drawing program, to understand VC program is important to help. Painting can achieve straight, rectangular, round and other graphics. Suggest (2005-05-16, Visual C++, 50KB, 下载116次)
