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[数据库系统] SQL必知必会(第4版)

结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)简称SQL(发音:/?es kju? ?el/ "S-Q-L"),是一种特殊目的的编程语言,是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询、更新和管理关系数据库系统;同时也是数据库脚本文件的扩展名。 结构化查询语言是高级的非过程化编程语言,允许用户在高层数据结构上工作。它不要求用户指定对数据的存放方法,也不需要用户了解具体的数据存放方式,所以具有完全不同底层结构的不同数据库系统, 可以使用相同的结构化查询语言作为数据输入与管理的接口。
SQL is a special purpose programming language, is a database query and programming language, used to access data and query, update and manage relational database systems; it is also an extension of database script files. (2018-12-29, SQL, 663KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] SQL实用教程第二版

The second edition of SQL Practical Tutorial, this book can help you master SQL programming technology as soon as possible. It provides rich examples to help you learn how to create and modify database objects. (2018-11-21, SQL, 15093KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] SQL必知必会 第4版

SQL即结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language),是一种特殊目的的编程语言,是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询、更新和管理关系数据库系统
The relational data model and use of the SQL language allows for enterprise level performance and scalability (2017-07-20, SQL, 1502KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] sql

各种关于SQL的程序编程,存储过程,触发器,三级模式、动静态游标 declare cursor2 cursor static for select * from student go open cursor2 go fetch first from cursor2 update student set sage=sage+1 where sno= 0001
On the various programming SQL, stored procedures, triggers, three modes, static and dynamic cursor declare cursor2 cursor static for select* from student go open cursor2 go fetch first from cursor2 update student set sage = sage+1 where sno = ' 0001 ' (2013-12-04, SQL, 7KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] ASP-Web-and-SQL-Server-2000-

ASP Web与SQL Server 2000 数据库编程技术 一、web数据库技术概述 二、运行平台 三、asp与sql server基础 四、asp对象 六、asp与html表单的结合 七、……
ASP Web Programming with SQL Server 2000 database a web database technology overview run platform three, asp and sql server foundation asp object VI, asp html form seven, ... (2012-08-31, SQL, 8120KB, 下载9次)


[SQL Server] Fundamentals-of-SQL-programming

This book is a photocopy version of the nation' s classic study guide series in SQL programming exercises and answers " If you want to learn the SQL language is a very good reference for learning materials. (2012-05-31, SQL, 5205KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] Database-theory-and-application

本书选用以网络环境为背景而广泛使用的 SQL Server 2000 关系型数据库管理系统作为数据库系统平台,全面系统地介绍了数据库技术的基础理论、数据库系统设计方法、现代数据库系统开发应用等。介绍了Transact-SQL 编程、网络数据库系统安全、面向对象数据库技术、并行数据库系统和分布式数据库系统、数据仓库、数据挖掘,以及以SQL Server 2000 作为网络编程的后台数据库,通过ODBC 和ADO 数据库访问技术,把ASP 技术或JSP 技术制作的Web 网页与数据库之间连接起来等。
The book is a comprehensive introduction to the SQL2000 Chinese version of the basics of database systems and network database application development, including: the SQL2000 Chinese version of the installation and configuration management tools, database and table design, constraints, indexes, queries and view mechanismTSQL programming, stored procedures and triggers, network, database management and maintenance, client development, and network database (2012-05-16, SQL, 2050KB, 下载6次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Database

目的:掌握数据库系统的基本概念、原理和方法;学会如何有效地使用数据库管理系统,包括数据库的设计和对数据库的编程。 方法:理论结合实践;实用性原则。
Purpose: To master the basic concepts of database systems, principles and methods learn how to effectively use the database management system, including database design and database programming. Method: theory with practice practical principles. (2011-09-29, SQL, 371KB, 下载2次)


[MySQL数据库] MySQL

" MySQL database design and adjustment." This book is a high-level programming and high-performance MySQL management authority Manual, " MySQL Performance Optimization" covers the basics and advanced topics, including reliability, performance, optimization and MySQL adjusted. (2011-06-23, SQL, 8734KB, 下载13次)



Provides some methods on database programming, in which the system will be connected to the database. This resource provides a system and SQL database connection method. Learners can make the database connection method. (2010-12-03, SQL, 2896KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] SQL_Server2005_Database

《SQL_Server2005数据库开发与实现》详细介绍SQL Server 2005数据库开发、管理与实现的基本知识。内容融合SQL Server 2005数据库Transact-SQL语句编程和图形界面操作两个方面。
" SQL_Server2005 database development and implementation of" detailed SQL Server 2005 database development, management and implementation of basic knowledge. Content integration of SQL Server 2005 Transact-SQL statement, database programming and graphical user interface operating two aspects. (2010-10-16, SQL, 954KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] Java-Connection-database-SQL-Server2005

在基于Java 的软件系统中通过加载JDBC 驱动和相关jar 包,既可以实现在Java 编程 中连接SQL Server,也可通过连接池来连接SQL Server 数据库。
Java-based software systems and related through the load JDBC driver jar package, both can be achieved in the Java programming to connect SQL Server, also available through the connection pool to connect to SQL Server database. (2010-08-21, SQL, 90KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] SQL

精通SQL电子书籍本书内容全面、结构清晰、查询方便,不仅全面地介绍了SQL语句,并且兼顾了其在SQL Server和Oracle数据库产品中的实现。全书共分为23章,通过实例全面、系统地讲解了SQL语言各方面的相关知识。 本书示例丰富、简单易学,适用于广大运用SQL编程的读者,尤其适合SQL的初学者,同时也是查询SQL知识点的必备参考书。
本书内容全面、结构清晰、查询方便,不仅全面地介绍了SQL语句,并且兼顾了其在SQL Server和Oracle数据库产品中的实现。全书共分为23章,通过实例全面、系统地讲解了SQL语言各方面的相关知识。 本书示例丰富、简单易学,适用于广大运用SQL编程的读者,尤其适合SQL的初学者,同时也是查询SQL知识点的必备参考书。 (2010-04-17, SQL, 4996KB, 下载19次)


[SQL Server] PLSQL

pl/sql programming guide, more comprehensive book, originally from the Internet when it does not catalog and bookmarks, reading is very inconvenient to me to add a bookmark by chapters. (2009-07-04, SQL, 11323KB, 下载54次)


[数据库编程] IBM-DB2-COBOL

IBM大型机Z/OS DB2 数据库教程资料,包括了数据库入门理论和,DB2特性,并且联合COBOL进行数据库编程。
IBM Mainframe Z/OS DB2 database tutorials, including Introduction to the theory and the database, DB2 features, and a joint database COBOL programming. (2009-06-25, SQL, 2074KB, 下载2323次)


[其他] sushu

PL-SQL programming source, the source code to achieve a custom mod function to determine the question of quality, tested, the results correctly. Can be judged from the number you enter between the two prime numbers and the full output. (2009-01-26, SQL, 1KB, 下载3次)



网络考试系统《网上考试系统》是前台应用DreamweaverMX2004、FireworksMX2004、FlashMX2004等软件,后台结合ASP编程技术和数据库知识开发出来的。 关键词:题库管理,考试时间控制,随机抽题,用户管理,ASP
Network Test System online examination system is the front-end applications DreamweaverMX2004, FireworksMX2004, FlashMX2004 such as software, the background light of ASP technology and database programming knowledge developed. Key words: item bank management, examination time control, random questions, user management, ASP (2008-12-08, SQL, 648KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] xueshengshujukucaozuo

With c# Database programming language, for students to achieve all kinds of information operations such as insert, delete, query and so on. There are project files can be modified based on the element of the database to learn! (2008-10-28, SQL, 84KB, 下载9次)


[SQL Server] asset

SQL stored procedure programming with the XML database. Is an asset management database, built very well. Can be slightly modified to be a company (2008-04-10, SQL, 903KB, 下载88次)


[Oracle数据库] classic_document_of_oracle

oracle经典文档,虽然版本只是8i之前,但是包含了标准的SQL,PL/SQL编程,和ORACLE DBA管理等很多方面的东西,值得一看
oracle classic document, although the version just prior to 8i, but contains a standard SQL, PL/SQL programming and ORACLE DBA management and many other things, worth a visit (2007-10-30, SQL, 1406KB, 下载7次)
