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[DirextX编程] DirectDraw

DirectDraw中文手册 DirectDraw 是 DirectX 应用程序编程接口(API)的一个部件.它使得你可以直接地对显存操作,硬件位图映射(hardware blitter).支持硬件覆盖及换页技术(flipping surface). DirectDraw 提供这些功能的同时保证了对现有基于 Microsoft Windows 的应用程序及设备驱动程序的兼容.
DirectDraw Chinese manual DirectDraw DirectX application programming interface (API) a part of it makes you directly to memory operation, hardware bitmap mapping (hardware blitter) hardware overlay support and page (flipping surface). DirectDraw provides these functions at the same time ensure that the existing Microsoft Windows applications and device driver compatibility. (2013-04-28, Visual C++, 270KB, 下载5次)


[DirextX编程] GameEngine

最近自己写的一个基于DirectX3D的游戏场景。 里面包括了灵活的摄像机、地形、人物骨骼动画、下雪粒子、雾化、公告板、MP3音乐播放、天空盒、键盘输入输出类的封装、纹理动画类的封装等,供给初学DirectX游戏编程人员参考与学习。
Write your own based DirectX3D of the game scenes. Which includes a flexible camera, terrain, characters skeletal animation snow particles, atomized, bulletin board, an MP3 music player, sky box, the keyboard input and output package, texture animation class packaging, supply beginner DirectX game programming staff Reference and Learning. (2012-12-14, Visual C++, 7915KB, 下载88次)


[DirextX编程] vcPP-BOOK_6

DirectShow开发指南.pdf DirectShow实务精选.pdf GFW的工作原理及突破技术.pdf Makefile及GCC编译.ppt MFC学习总结 (67个技巧).rar P2P网络技术原理与C++开发案例-5.pdf Primer第四版(中文版).zip VC++动态链接库(DLL)编程.zip
DirectShow Development Guide. Pdf DirectShow Practice Featured pdf GFW' s works and breakthrough technology. Pdf Makefile and GCC compiler. Ppt MFC learning skills Summary (67). Rar P2P networks technology principle and C++ developed case-5.pdf Primer first Fourth Edition (Chinese Edition) zip VC++ dynamic link library (DLL) programming. zip (2012-09-17, Visual C++, 52142KB, 下载17次)


[DirextX编程] BCIjiemian

本代码实现了用户界面的设计 界面包括bci的刺激范式:随机闪烁的图片和输出结果显示 使用DirectX实现刺激界面的编程,导入其中的ddraw、dinput、dxguid静态链接库,并使用其中的函数来实现屏幕中灯的绘制和闪烁,导入winio静态链接库控制设备I/O端口直接驱动显卡控制屏幕上灯的闪烁频率,以获得稳定的闪烁频率,最后导入winmm静态链接库使键盘能够对刺激界面进行有效控制。
This code implements the user interface design interface includes bci stimulus paradigm: randomly flashing pictures and output results using DirectX programming interface to achieve stimulation, into which the ddraw, dinput, dxguid static link library, and use one function to achieve screen drawing and flashing lights, static link library into winio control device I / O port directly drive the graphics control screen lights flicker frequency, flicker frequency to obtain stable, and finally the static link library into winmm able to stimulate the keyboard interface effective control. (2011-08-15, Visual C++, 18478KB, 下载10次)


[DirextX编程] DirectX9.0c-A-Shader-Approach

本书是一本描述Directx 9.0可编程渲染管线,Shader技术的入门书籍。作者是Frank D. Luna,有丰富的DirectX程序经验,已出版过多本DirectX相关书籍。书中讲解由浅入深,且配合大量实例,是游戏入门书籍的精品!
This book is a description of Directx 9.0 programmable pixel pipelines, Shader technology introduction to books. The author is Frank D. Luna, has a wealth of DirectX programming experience, has published books over the DirectX. The book explain the progressive approach, and with the large number of instances, the game started fine books! (2011-05-22, Visual C++, 6461KB, 下载58次)


[DirextX编程] Direct3D-Game-Programming-Tutorial

Direct3D游戏编程入门教程 本书基于DirectX 9.0,是介绍Direct3D技术的入门教程,详细介绍了Direct3D的背景、基本知识以及3D程序设计的相关概念与技术。全书由浅入深,分为四个部分,第一部分介绍Direct3D的发展历史和基本知识,对3D程序设计中的术语、概念进行了深入讲解;第二部分着重讨论纹理映射技术,包括多重纹理等;第三部分通过多个示例来探讨高级shader编程,并对.MD3文件格式做了详细分析;第四部分是附录,对本书中用到的概念和技术知识背景进行了简单补充。 本书适用于略有DirectX基础的C/C++程序员学习Direct3D游戏开发,也适用于具有Direct3D开发经验的程序员参考。
Direct3D Game Programming Tutorial Book is based on DirectX 9.0, Direct3D technology is to introduce introductory tutorial, detailing the Direct3D- Background, basic knowledge and related concepts of 3D programming and technology. Progressive approach to the book, divided into four departments Points, the first part describes the historical development of Direct3D and basics of 3D programming terms, almost Read in-depth explanation The second part focuses on texture mapping techniques, including multi-texture III Points through multiple examples of high-level shader programming, and. MD3 file format to do a detailed analysis fourth Part is the appendix of the book concepts and techniques used in a simple background knowledge to add. This book is for slightly DirectX-based C/C++ programmers to learn Direct3D game development, but also to a Development experience with Direct3D programmers reference. (2011-05-20, Visual C++, 16212KB, 下载5次)


[DirextX编程] 8.5

8.5 以点(point)类为基类,重新定义矩形类和圆类。点为直角坐标点,矩形水平放置,由左下方的顶点和长宽定义。圆由圆心和半径定义。派生类操作判断任一坐标点是在图形内,还是在图形的边缘上,还是在图形外。缺省初始化图形退化为点。要求包括拷贝构造函数。编程测试类设计是否正确。
8.5 point (point) class is the base class, redefined class and rounded rectangle class. Points for the rectangular coordinates, horizontal rectangle, length and width from the lower left vertex and definitions. Defined by the center and radius of the circle. Derived class action to determine coordinates of any point within the graph or the edge of the graph, or in the graphics outside. Degradation as the default initialization point graphics. Requirements include copy constructor. Programming test class design is correct. (2010-12-16, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[DirextX编程] HFileAndLibFile

一些c++编程的时候会用到的一些头文件和链接库文件。 即.h和.lib文件 DX2009C SDK 编译环境需要用到的一些文件,我整理好了。把这些文件包含到VC的里面就可以过了。 如果缺什么文件的话。。请说明一下。。 一定会更新的。。
Some c++ programming will be used when the number of header files and link libraries. Ie. H and. Lib file DX2009C SDK build environment need to use some of the files, I organize better. These files contain the VC of which can be passed. What if the missing documents say. . Please explain. . Will update. . (2010-08-06, Visual C++, 5968KB, 下载145次)


[DirextX编程] DirectX9.0_3D

DirectX9.0_3D游戏开发编程基础完整源码。在Visual Studio环境下建立工程时请在工程属性的连接器的输入项中添加d3d9.lib d3dx9.lib winmm.lib 这三个链接库,否则无法运行。
DirectX9.0_3D game development programming based on the full source code. In Visual Studio environment, the establishment of projects at the engineering properties of the input connector to add d3d9.lib d3dx9.lib winmm.lib key three-link library, or can not run. (2010-06-03, Visual C++, 3488KB, 下载41次)


[DirextX编程] DX8TS

Direct3D8 Tutorial: 3D, focuses on the foundations of mathematics, 3D programming. The first chapter is ready. The second chapter, drawing triangle. Chapter III, rotating cube. Chapter IV, full-screen mode and depth buffer. Chapter V, matrix transformation. Chapter VI, texture. Chapter VII, lighting and materials. Chapter VIII, index buffer. Chapter IX, there is the texture of the sphere, cylinder and cone. Chapter X, load the model. Chapter XI, 3D in 2D. Chapter XII, keyboard and mouse input. Chapter XIII, sound and music. (2009-09-30, Visual C++, 1817KB, 下载13次)


[DirextX编程] Dshow.h

Although it is very small, only a few KB bar, but it is still very useful! ! Use VC6 for DirectShow programming environment settings when the solution! ! This is my last one, following a solution to solve Streams.h header file after the upload again (2009-09-20, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载428次)


[DirextX编程] WindowsApplication1

 Visual C#使用Direct X的实现视频播放有以下几点:   1. 掌握在Visual C#引入Dirext X函数库的方法。   2. 设置Direct X视频播放的宿主组件。   3. 基本的播放命令的设置:播放、停止、暂停等。 4.全屏、退出的用法。 .net Framework SDK中并没有包含Direct X SDK,所以必须先下载、安装Direct X SDK。具体的下载地址为:http://download.microsoft.com/download/a/c/d/acdfb557-266f-4af4-8673-6ab8009b4ddd/dxsdk_apr2005.exe。此版本是2005四月份推出的英文版。这并不妨碍下面的程序实现。安装完Direct X后,就会在存在"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Managed DirectX"这样一个目录,此目录中目录中应该有九个DLL文件和九个XML文件。九个DLL文件大致对应于DirectX中的十个命名空间。编程中就是使用其中的命名空间来提供对输入设备、声音、网络播放、图形等的支持。
err (2008-10-13, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载78次)


[DirextX编程] DirectShow-kai-fa-zhi-nan-coder

《DirectShow开发指南》源码 本书以DirectX SDK 9.0版为蓝本,内容几乎涵盖了在Windows平台上使用DirectShow进行C++编码的方方面面。全书共分4个部分。第1部分详细介绍了DirectShow的基础知识。第2部分重点讨论了Filter的开发,以及DirectShow应用程序的开发,包括目前非常流行的音视频采集、数码摄像机的支持、非线性编辑等应用。第3部分深入分析了DirectShow SDK提供的部分典型源代码。第4部分结合作者个人的一些开发实践,通过案例和开放源码分析,进一步介绍DirectShow的实务应用。 本书内容丰富,条理清晰,实用性强。适合广大的流媒体应用开发人员,以及对Windows平台上多媒体处理感兴趣的编程爱好者学习、参考。
err (2008-09-27, Visual C++, 588KB, 下载34次)


[DirextX编程] DirectShow_wushijingxuan_code

本书是“DirectShow专业著作”丛书的第二本,侧重介绍了DirectShow技术在当前主要的几个领域中的应用,包括音视频采集、视频聊天、视频点播、视频叠加、媒体播放等。在介绍各种应用的同时,辅助以大量详尽的实例源代码。这些实例,不仅具有很强的实用价值和指导意义,更让读者理论联系实践,使学习DirectShow技术变得轻松自如。本书的配套光盘提供了DirectShow SDK 9.0的安装程序及书中各章节涉及的所有实例源代码。 本书结构合理,内容丰富新颖、条理清晰,适合广大的流媒体应用开发人员、系统设计人员、以及对Windows平台上多媒体处理感兴趣的编程爱好者学习和参考。
err (2008-09-11, Visual C++, 12809KB, 下载918次)


[DirextX编程] DirectXSDK+LIB

DirectX 2D\3D学习必备,是以前本人学习DirectX收集的Directx7 directx8 directx8.1的库文件和查询手册,好东西哦,后两个查询手册是英文的,英文的也要学着看啊,对自己编程和学习是有好处的!
DirectX 2D D essential learning is before I learn DirectX collected Directx7 directx8 directx8.1 the library file and query manuals, good things Oh, the latter two inquiries manuals are in English, the English should learn to look forward to ah, right themselves programming and learning is good! (2008-07-17, Visual C++, 33843KB, 下载425次)


[DirextX编程] Billiard.V1.2.Src

花了接近1年的业余时间精心制作的一款台球/桌球游戏,声音与画面做了很多处理 软件界面可以更换皮肤 技术含量:DirectX8的建立3D引擎, 光投影反射,矢量的碰撞检测,动量守恒与反射定律,以及能量守恒定律,其中还有资源的加密处理移位反相... 非常强大的源码,现在无偿共享给大家。想学习DirectX编程的人必看,可作为精品源码收藏
Spent nearly 1 year of free time elaborate a billiards/snooker games, sound and picture has done a lot of processing software interface technology can replace the skin: DirectX8 establishment 3D engine, light projector reflection vector collision detection, momentum Conservation and反射定律, as well as energy conservation law, including shifting resources to deal with encryption RP ... very powerful source, is now free for everyone to share. Want to learn DirectX programming people see as a fine collection source (2008-06-24, Visual Basic, 7112KB, 下载103次)


[DirextX编程] Direct9HeightMapRender-080612-by-hzz

用Directx9实现由高度图生成3D地形 开发环境VC6.0+directx9 2008/6/12 by huangzanzhen 操作: WASD旋转场景,箭头控制视角,M改变渲染模式,F1全屏切换,ESC退出 程序有详细注释,程序框架设计合理,方便添加后续功能,学习direct编程的朋友可以下载下来研究
With directx9 map from a high degree of development environment to generate 3D terrain VC6.0+ Directx9 2008/6/12 by huangzanzhen operation: WASD rotating scenes, the arrow control perspective, M to change the rendering mode, F1 to switch full screen, ESC to withdraw from the process detailed notes, procedural framework designed to facilitate follow-up feature to add, learning programming direct friends can download study (2008-06-13, Visual C++, 696KB, 下载119次)


[DirextX编程] racecargame

此程序是在一国外网站上艰难获得,为一个经典赛车小游戏!经过本人在vc6.0 vc++2003上测试均已成功,个别文件自己修改做了标注!欢迎对游戏编程赶兴趣绝对不要错过!很经典!
This procedure is in a difficult access to foreign Web site for a classic car racing game! After I vc6.0 vc++ 2003 test had been successful, the individual documents to do their own modifications of the mark! Welcomed the interest in game programming is absolutely not miss out! Classic! (2007-10-20, Visual C++, 17795KB, 下载301次)


[DirextX编程] Visual_C++_DirectX9_3D_GameDevelop1

DirectX9 3D游戏开发导引第一部分(由于整本书200多M太大了,分成五部分上传) 书全面地介绍了使用Visual C++/DircctX9开发3D游戏的基本方法和步骤。全书共分为21章,主要内容包括Win32 API编程、3D游戏中的数学基础、各种3D渲染原理及其实现技术、DirectInput输入处理和DirectSound声效处理等。另外,对四元数的数学构造、骨骼动画的原理和实现,以及四叉树细节层级地形等其他同类书中很少提及的内容,本书都给出了十分详细的阐述和分析。 配套光盘中提供了书中实例的完整工程文件和全部源代码,以方便读者编译、调试,巩固所学知识。 本书面向于游戏开发人员,同时也可作为高等院校相关专业和培训机构的游戏课程用书。 (2007-09-22, Visual C++, 37199KB, 下载790次)


[DirextX编程] directx_tutorial

DirectX基础(初级篇) 1、什么是DirectX? 2、如何安装和使用DirectX 3、一个DirectDraw入门程序 4、DirectDraw图形编程基础知识 DirectDraw核心(高级篇) 1、DirectDraw架构 2、控制级 3、显示模式 4、DirectDraw对象 5、页面 6、调色板 7、裁减器 8、多显示器系统 9、高级DirectDraw主题 DirectDraw函数、结构参考 1、IDirectDraw2接口函数 2、IDirectDrawSurface3接口 3、IDirectDrawPalette接口 4、IDirectDrawClipper接口 5、全局函数
DirectX basic (primary chapter) 1, What is DirectX? 2, how to install and use DirectX 3, a DirectDraw entry procedures 4, DirectDraw graphical programming core of basic knowledge of DirectDraw (Senior Part) 1, DirectDraw framework 2, control level 3, display mode 4, DirectDraw object 5, page 6, palette plate 7, the reduction of 8, 9 multi-display system, the theme of DirectDraw Advanced DirectDraw function, structure, reference 1, IDirectDraw2 interface function 2, IDirectDrawSurface3 interface 3, IDirectDrawPalette interface 4, IDirectDrawClipper interface 5, the overall function (2007-09-22, Visual C++, 150KB, 下载294次)
