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[防火墙与安全工具] CheckNetworkInfrastructure

编程模拟web服务(在本地主机上保留选定的TCP UDP端口)并检查与其他主机的网络连接...
Program to mock web services(reserve selected TCP/UDP ports on localhost) and check net-connection with other hosts. It could be used to check network infrastructure to catch firewall issues. (2020-02-24, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[防火墙与安全工具] Host-Based-Firewall

A firewall to be a system which is programmed with a set of predetermined security rules. As network traffic enters and leaves the machine, the firewall rules determine whether the traffic should be allowed or blocked. (2018-11-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[防火墙与安全工具] blackwall

A programmable firewall designed for Node.js, integrate it into your TCP connections or as an Express middleware and program your rules and policies with ease. (2017-08-14, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[防火墙与安全工具] Firewall-Implementation

我们已经在Linux Mach上使用Python中的BSD Socket编程成功地实现了基于包过滤的防火墙...
We have successfully implemented packet-filtering based firewall using BSD Socket Programming in Python on Linux Machine. It is programmed in such a way that it can block packets of any protocol, IP address and can block all the packets destined to Port number on the machine. (2018-03-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[防火墙与安全工具] firewall-raw-socket

Creating a simple Firewall using Socket Programming Extending the rule set and its operation on Firewall Performance examination and improvement Improving the firewall performance Detecting DDos attacks in the network using Firewall (2022-08-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[防火墙与安全工具] AAFW

The AAFW firewall AAFW.dll of the source code, open source purposes: defense CC, types of attacks, shared ISAPI programming ideas, the pursuit of the spirit of sharing. (2013-05-13, Visual C++, 19KB, 下载10次)


[防火墙与安全工具] AAFW

:VC/C++源码,网络相关,防火墙,AAFW.dll   AAFW防火墙AAFW.dll的源代码,开源目的:防御CC、类型攻击,共享ISAPI编程思路,追求共享精神。
: The VC/C++ source, network-related, firewall, AAFW.dll AAFW firewall AAFW.dll source code, open source purpose: Defense CC type attack, shared ISAPI programming ideas, the pursuit of the spirit of sharing. (2013-01-06, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载7次)


[防火墙与安全工具] 11Firewall

An important application of the firewall, using mfc development, specific applications to the programming socket and hook use. (2011-05-05, Visual C++, 2934KB, 下载9次)


[防火墙与安全工具] FirewallSystem

acorrding to Individual users for computer network security problems, we are using Winsock2 programming methods to design and implement a personal firewall software under windows. (2010-05-31, Visual C++, 4165KB, 下载28次)


[防火墙与安全工具] [_Process_1876044122005

Process gateway is basically a firewall for processes. It allows you to choose which processes you want to allow to run on your computer. When a new processes is detected, it prompts you to allow or block it. If no option is chosen in 10 seconds it blocks automatically, but that can be disabled. You have the option to password protect all aspects of the program and there are vaious stealth modes. These include hiding itself from taskbar systray, and making itself hidden and only accesable with a Hotkey. It also has the ability to mask itself in CTRL+ALT+DEL (Task Manager). It does this by reading Task Manager memory and editing it. It finds its name and can change it to any other process name, Such as explorer, and in turn change explorer to something else. So if you try ending the process appearing to be Process Gateway, it actually closes another process. Effectivly hiding itself. (2009-05-24, Visual Basic, 305KB, 下载25次)


[防火墙与安全工具] PureVBFireWalltmp

Using VB to develop a network firewall source code, more code can be used as reference for Network Programming. When debugging the first quote " MThreadVB.dll" , otherwise there may be components of the error can not create. Card program to run from time to time, you may need to optimize the process. (2009-05-11, Visual Basic, 364KB, 下载15次)


[防火墙与安全工具] icmp

利用icmp穿透防火墙 对网络编程的人来说是不可多得的代码哦
Use icmp penetrate the firewall on the network for programming the code is hard to come by Oh (2007-10-27, Visual C++, 1987KB, 下载112次)


[防火墙与安全工具] NetDefender

一个用VC 编写的网络防火墙程序,能够处理常见的攻击,对于学习网络编程者有一定帮助
The preparation of a VC network with a firewall program that can deal with common assault, for the learning network programmers have a certain extent, help (2007-10-10, Visual C++, 119KB, 下载45次)


[防火墙与安全工具] Vistandis

vista下的ndis编程开发文档,主要描述了ndis filter(vista下推出的)和WFP,用来开发相应的底层网络程序,如防火墙
NDIS under vista Programming Document, mainly describes the ndis filter (vista launched under) and WFP, to develop appropriate procedures for the underlying network, such as firewall (2007-08-17, Visual C++, 109KB, 下载77次)


[防火墙与安全工具] stun_client_win32_linux

a lightweight nat through the server, the source of high quality, very suitable for learning programming, Special procedures for the preparation of network learning from the people. (2007-02-11, C/C++, 123KB, 下载126次)


[防火墙与安全工具] RSAdisplay

RSA demo programming, user-friendly understanding of its encryption theory, to better document security services. (2006-06-18, Visual C++, 46KB, 下载71次)


[防火墙与安全工具] MonitorDir901

one source directory monitors, including surveillance file name, directory, file attributes and safety of a change, and the main window before the commencement of registration dialog pop, I think it is suitable for beginners programming friends. (2006-06-14, Visual C++, 918KB, 下载79次)


[防火墙与安全工具] 2004-03-09_tdi2

windows tdi编程例子,适用于防火墙的开发。或者进行tcp的加解密。
windows TDI programming examples, applicable to the development of a firewall. Tcp or for the encryption and decryption. (2005-08-25, Windows_Unix, 17KB, 下载61次)


[防火墙与安全工具] easy_firewall

a simple firewall code, which is perfect for beginners to learn NDIS programming! (2005-07-13, Visual C++, 83KB, 下载142次)


[防火墙与安全工具] 5ivb_934677

This is a simple firewall, using VB, functional little, but I can learn some lessons from programming, a very useful (2005-04-19, Visual Basic, 19KB, 下载30次)
