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[系统设计方案] 《数字系统设计与verilog HDL》

Data is mainly used for Verilog and other data can be used for programming and modifying code for verification and other design. (2019-04-30, C/C++, 9202KB, 下载0次)


[系统设计方案] IEEE-1588--

Very good on a 1588 paper clock, always engaged in network programming help role is very big, you can download it and see. (2016-06-27, Unix_Linux, 643KB, 下载9次)


[系统设计方案] RN8209C--OR-RN8209D

Tells the story of single-phase metering chip RN8209C and difference between RN8209D, usage, function and programming method. (2016-01-26, Others, 1189KB, 下载126次)


[系统设计方案] Programming-specification-reference

讲述编程的基本结构,包括文件头格式、 函数前注释格式、函数内的注释、函数定义等内容
Describes the basic structure of programming, including the file header format, the function before the comment form, function within the notes, function definitions, etc. (2013-07-26, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] MT4-programming-manual

MT4 编程手册 MT4.0是俄国人写的著名的投资领域的软件,在全球外汇交易软件中占有极大的份额。MT4.0具有显著的MFC的文档/视图风格。
MT4 programming manual (2011-12-10, Others, 77KB, 下载18次)


[系统设计方案] aas

Depicts the god-class diamond tools with programmable source code development, has logged the relevant departments for approval, verification code to be investigated, valve number, etc. (2011-11-16, Visual C++, 15427KB, 下载5次)


[系统设计方案] kebianchengmuzhuanshuyijizaicewen

High Performance Programmable ADC and its application of temperature measurement system. The store contains some of the data size and the modulus of the system of data storage. (2010-07-14, PDF, 115KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] taker

In recent years, with the electronic system design automation and ultra-large-scale rapid development of programmable logic devices, a new type of electronic system development tools are growing in popularity, computer design and programming and electronics manufacturers are looking for a tool that can chip the design and production partners to establish a bridge of communication and exchange of data. (2010-05-18, VHDL, 3KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] dbfg

" Tick, tick, ... ..." alarm sound interface, the microcontroller in the induction cooker design simulation, consists of hardware and software design, assembler (2010-03-26, C++, 29KB, 下载13次)


[系统设计方案] digital_frequency_meter

Detailed digital frequency meter, from design ideas, design diagram compared to software programming, highly detailed. (2009-08-11, Asm, 330KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] Architecturallevelpowerestimationandexperimentatio

有关硬件设计的建模分析的很好的一个论文 国外大学的博士论文 对硬件建模编程有很好的作用
Modeling of the hardware design of a very good analysis of foreign universities doctoral dissertation thesis on the hardware modeling the role of good programming (2009-07-07, Visual C++, 4882KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] xueshengshujuku

本系统使用Delphi7.0开发,后台数据库使用SQL2000 ,Delphi 是美国Borland 公司推出的功能强大的应用程序开发工具。它具有功能强大、运行速度快、易学习和使用以及开发效率高等特点。Delphi 是可视化应用编程开发环境、可重用性面向对象编程语言、快速编译器和数据库的完美结合。
Delphi7.0 use of the system development and back-end database using SQL2000, Delphi is Borland has introduced a powerful application development tools. It is powerful, fast and easy to learn and use and the development of high efficiency. Delphi is a visual development environment for application programming, reusable object-oriented programming language, fast compiler and database combination. (2009-06-28, SQL, 75KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] examsystem

VC++ programming through the completion of a State based on the C/S mode, the procedure of examination system, relatively simple design can be used as a single `` reference `` ` (2009-05-12, Visual C++, 164KB, 下载30次)


[系统设计方案] armok0185386

Very useful ATmega16 microcontroller to control the use of programming as well as examples of analysis is suitable for single-chip developers to learn (2008-11-01, Visual C++, 2486KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] GL824C_Datasheet_103

台湾创惟的USB的OTG 芯片,可编程性高,是个51的内核,可以直接写程序进去
Taiwan, Genesys Logic s USB-OTG chip, programmable high, is a 51-core, you can write programs directly into (2008-10-20, MultiPlatform, 1105KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] KEPServerEXKeygen

dde/opc server 注册文件,西门子公司PLC编程软件STEP7采集工业现场的程序
dde/opc server registration documents, Siemens PLC programming software STEP7 industrial site acquisition procedures (2008-08-12, Others, 9KB, 下载30次)


[系统设计方案] ultrasoniclengthmeasuringsystem

Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Based on 51 single-chip design, programming language for the assembly language and C language, easy to understand and read. (2008-06-24, C/C++, 101KB, 下载59次)


[系统设计方案] VBrealtimedata

各种工业测控系统中,通常利用动态实时数据 曲线,实时监测某点在现场工况变化下的控制稳定 性。而动态实时数据曲线的实现,就成为测控软件 开发中的一个重要环节。目前,由于VB 具有功能 强大和用户界面易实现等优点,已经成为流行的测 控软件开发工具之一,但同其它编程工具一样,VB 也不具备直接的动态曲线绘制能力,必须借助一些 编程技术来实现。本文详细介绍利用Visual Basic 编程,绘制动态实时数据曲线的方法。
A variety of industrial measurement and control systems, usually make use of dynamic real-time data curve, real-time monitoring of a point change in working conditions at the scene under the control of stability. Dynamic real-time data curve and the realization of monitoring and control software development has become an important link. At present, because VB has a powerful and user interface easy to realize the advantages of monitoring and control has become a popular software development tools, but as with other programming tools, VB does not have the direct ability of the dynamic curve drawing, we must use some programming technology to realize. This paper describes the use of Visual Basic programming, rendering dynamic real-time data curve method. (2007-09-17, Visual Basic, 197KB, 下载250次)


[系统设计方案] comTechnologyQFSF

COM-based programming interface to the remote process control system design and implementation CNKI outstanding master's thesis reference (2007-03-27, Visual C++, 3750KB, 下载11次)


[系统设计方案] ComputerUtilizationofReliabilitySymbolicExpression

This is a complex network system reliability symbolic expression of micro-computer paper, lovers can provide a framework for programming! (2007-02-26, Visual C++, 253KB, 下载15次)
