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[系统设计方案] homework-2-2

对以下问题:假定不同的住宅有不同的服务量,值为c [2 1 2 4 4 2 5 1 6 1 1 1 4 2 6 2 1 2 4 5]。重新计算服务中心的地址和服务方案。采用lingo软件建模,编程求解
On the following question: assume different homes have different amounts of service, value c [2 1 2 4 4 2 5 1 6 1 1 1 4 2 6 2 1 2 4 5]. Recalculation and service solutions address service center. Using lingo software modeling, programming solver (2016-08-02, Others, 1KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] tanxinsuanfa

给定一个最大载重量为M的卡车和N种食品。已知第 i 种食品的最多拥有Wi 公斤,其商品价值为Vi元/公斤,编程确定一个装货方案,使得装入卡车中的所有物品总价值最大。
Greedy algorithm to solve the knapsack problem, given a maximum load of M trucks and N kinds of food. Known I kinds of food with a maximum of Wi kg, its commodity value of Vi yuan/kg, programming to determine a loading program, so that the total value of all items loaded into the truck. (2015-12-30, C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] deletenumbers

通过键盘输入一个高精度的正整数n(n的有效位数≤240),去掉其中任意s个数字后,剩下的数字按原左右次序将组成一个新的正整数。编程对给定的n 和s,寻找一种方案,使得剩下的数字组成的新数最小。
Through the keypad to enter a high-precision integer n (n significant digits ≤240), remove any of s digits, the remaining figures about the original order will form a new positive integer. Programming of a given n and s, to find a solution, so the rest of the new minimum number of digits. (2014-11-08, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载9次)


[系统设计方案] MCMC

This archive is a collection of related knowledge about MCMC, including one document concerning Markoff theory, one concerning the generation of Markoff , and one about MCMC simulation theory. (2014-07-24, Others, 2378KB, 下载9次)


[系统设计方案] Essential-CPP

本书为那些没有太多时间学习的程序员提供了一条在工作中学习C++的捷径。它把重点放在那些C++编程中重要的要素上,并覆盖能够帮助解决实际编程问题的特性和技术。 本书将C++的基本内容按照过程风格、泛型风格、基于对象风格,以及面向对象风格进行组织。本书采用复杂度渐进的风格展开,并在讨论解决方案的过程中引入语言特性,便于学习C++的功能和结构,同时理解其目的和基本理念。
This book is not much time to learn those programmers learning C++ provides a shortcut for at work. It is to focus on those important elements C++ programming and coverage to help solve practical problems programming features and technologies. This book will be in accordance with the basic content of the course C++ style, generic style, object-based style, and object-oriented style organization. This book uses a progressive style complexity unfold, and language features introduced in the process of discussing solutions to facilitate learning C++ function and structure, as well as to understand its purpose and basic concepts. (2014-03-18, Visual C++, 10362KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] ispLEVER

ispLEVER 是Lattice 公司最新推出的一套EDA软件。提供设计输入、HDL综合、验证、器件适配、布局布线、编程和在系统设计调试。设计输入可采用原理图、硬件描述语言、混合输入三种方式。能对所设计的数字电子系统进行功能仿真和时序仿真。
Lattice s ispLEVER is the latest set of EDA software. Provide design input, HDL synthesis, verification, device adaptation, layout, programming and debugging in system design. Input can be used to design schematics, hardware description languages, mixed type in three ways. Can the design of digital electronic systems for functional simulation and timing simulation. (2012-01-10, LISP, 890KB, 下载9次)


[系统设计方案] database-management-system

吉农水稻公司进销存数据库管理系统 本文介绍了进销存数据库管理系统的国内外研究及应用现状及发展, 阐述了开发针对具体应用对象的进销存数据库管理系统的必要性及意义, 以 Visual Basic6.0 编程环境结和 Access 数据库和 Excel 电子表格管理 系统为基础,提出构建吉农水稻公司水稻种子进销存数据库管理系统,即 通过软件编程构建出进销存数据库管理系统,使操作人员通过简单的操作 就能够将复杂的数据转换成可视化的图形信息提供给管理者,同时还具有 使数据完善的功能。
Jinong Rice Company Invoicing database management system This article describes the Invoicing database management system and application status of international research and development, Describes the development of application-specific object database management system Invoicing necessity and significance, Programming environment with Visual Basic6.0 end and Access database and Excel spreadsheet management System is proposed based building company Jinong rice paddy seed nvoicing database management system, which Invoicing software program to build a database management system that allows the operator through a simple operation Will be able to convert complex data into visual graphic information to gers, but also with To data integrity features. (2012-01-07, C++ Builder, 1478KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] ADrefernce

ADI拥有一系列种类齐全的高分辨率低带宽的Sigma-Delta ADC 产品,这些产品不仅集成了ADC,还集成了电流源、多路开关、可编程增益放大器PGA,模拟输入缓冲等等,本文档介绍了其具体应用的设计方法。
ADI has a complete range of high resolution low bandwidth Sigma-Delta ADC products, these products are not only integrates ADC, integrated the current source, multiplex switch, programmable gain amplifier PGA, analog input buffer and so on, this document describes the concrete application design method. (2011-12-26, Others, 318KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] Automatic-fire-alarm-system-design

设计要点包括:探测区域、报警区域的划分与探铡 、报警控制器的设置、消防联动设备的控制等。最关键的部分是利用编程软件对火灾自动报警系统进行模拟仿真,模拟一些故障现象并相应产生故障报警。
Design features include: detection of regional, division and regional police probe voltage, alarm controller settings, fire linkage control equipment. The most crucial Key part is to use the programming software for automatic fire alarm system for simulation, modeling some of the symptoms and consequential failure alarm (2011-12-02, DOS, 511KB, 下载9次)


[系统设计方案] xueshengxinxiguanlixitong

Students information management system (2011-06-27, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] newton-MATLAB

The complex plane is derived in detail the principle and Newton' s iteration formula, using MATLAB programming Newton' s iterative method, get some strange colorful fractal images (2010-03-13, matlab, 1373KB, 下载323次)


[系统设计方案] truecolordisplay

采用以FPGA为核心的扫描控制电路,通过MCU提取的数据,经高频率的FPGA处理后送到驱动电路进行显示,既简化了软件编程,也保 证了大屏幕LED的刷新速率。
To adopt a FPGA as the core of the scan control circuit, through the MCU data extracted by high-frequency FPGA treatment sent to the drive circuit to display not only simplify software programming, but also to ensure a large LED screen refresh rate. (2010-01-15, VHDL, 227KB, 下载4次)


[系统设计方案] workflow

Windows Workflow Foundation(以下简称WWF)提供了一个编程框架和工具以开发和执行各种不同的基于工作流的应用程序,比如文档管理、线型的商业应用、贸易单据流程、IT管理、B2B应用以及消费者应用。 有状态的、持久化的、不间断运行的应用程序
Windows Workflow Foundation (hereinafter referred to as WWF) provides a programming framework and tools to develop and implement a variety of workflow-based applications, such as document management, line of business applications, trade documentation processes, IT management, B2B applications, and consumer applications. Stateful, persistence, and continuous applications running (2010-01-12, Flex, 9KB, 下载25次)


[系统设计方案] TMS320F2407andAD73360

介绍两种不同结构 SPI 的接口电路软硬件设计方法。给出了由 TMS320F2407 DSP 与 16 位 Σ-ΔA/ D 转换器 AD73360 组成的多路数据采集系统,具有硬件结构简单、6 通道相关信号同时采样、内置抗混叠滤波器和程控放大器、采样速率和抗混叠滤波频率可通过编程选择等特点,最高采样率可达 64 k/ s, 已在矿山设备机械故障诊断、电力参数测量系统中得以应用,效果良好。
The design of TMS320F2407 DSP and AD73360 (2009-11-22, C/C++, 146KB, 下载85次)


[系统设计方案] RemoteAccessApplicationwithFTPinVxworks

阐述采用Vxworks 实时嵌入式操作系统实现与Windows 系统通过FTP 进行远程访问 的方法,对Vxworks 的网络设施进行了分析,重点阐述了FTP 在服务端的配置及在客 户端的配置与编程。对于使用VxWorks 对其他系统进行远程访问一定的参考意义。
Describes how to use FTP to access remote file in windows system with Vxworks system, analyzes network facilities of Vxworks, focusing on the configuration and programming in the service and client with FTP. It has some consulting significance to remote access applications in other system with Vxworks system (2009-09-09, C/C++, 130KB, 下载7次)


[系统设计方案] 12

The design is divided into four modules, namely: the signal prior to adjustment module, data acquisition module, data output module and control module. Signal adjustment module to the high-speed low-noise analog switch (MAX4545) and broadband operational amplifier (MAX817) constitutes a programmable operational amplifier, the amplitude of the input signal range were dealing with different levels of amplification (2009-07-25, WORD, 90KB, 下载8次)


[系统设计方案] tuxiangfenge

(2) 理解基于各像素值的阈值分割算法,基于区域性质的阈值分割算法, 基于坐标位置的阈值分割算法;软件编程实现利用基于各像素值的阈值分割算法进行图像分割,要求完成如下内容:包括极小值点阈值、最优阈值、迭代阈值,基于最大方差的阈值,基于最大熵的阈值等方法,利用之实现图像分割,这里的图像可以针对核磁共振图像
err (2008-12-27, matlab, 101KB, 下载65次)


[系统设计方案] PP_OrderManagement_IntegrationGuide

PayPal payment platform programming interface documentation. PayPal is an international electronic payment in the most commonly used platform for the development of e-commerce site if you need to address the issue of international payments, they can use the platform. This document explains how to integrate PayPal payment platform to your e-commerce site. (2008-10-06, MultiPlatform, 1120KB, 下载20次)


[系统设计方案] MAXII_application_handbook(chinese)

MAX II CPLD具有灵活的可编程接口,合并了分立的FLASH存储器件,能快速和容易地配置FPGA,DSP,ASIC等。本中文手册将让用户对CPLD有一个宏观的认识。
MAX II CPLD with a flexible programmable interface, the merger of the separation of FLASH memory, can quickly and easily configure the FPGA, DSP, ASIC, etc.. Chinese manual will allow users to have a macro on the CPLD awareness. (2008-08-01, PDF, 967KB, 下载62次)


[系统设计方案] 程序存储问题

程序存储问题:设有n 个程序{1,2,…, n }要存放在长度为L的磁带上。程序i存放在磁带上的长度是Li ,1≤i≤n 程序存储问题要求确定这n 个程序在磁带上的一个存储方案,使得能够在磁带上存储尽可能多的程序。 编程任务: 对于给定的n个程序存放在磁带上的长度,编程计算磁带上最多可以存储的程序数。 数据输入:由文件input.txt给出输入数据。第一行是正整数n,表示文件个数。接下来的1 行中,有n 个正整数,表示程序存放在磁带上的长度。 结果输出: input.txt output.txt 6 50 5 2 3 13 8 80 20
program storage problem : There n procedures (1,2, ..., n) to be stored in the length of the L tape. I kept in the proceedings on the tape length is Li, 1 i n storage procedures to seek to establish that n procedures on tape storage of a program that allows the tape to store as much as possible the procedure. Programming tasks : to the n procedures stored in the tape length, calculated programming on tape can store up to the number of procedures. Data input : from the document input.txt given input data. The first line is a positive integer n, said the document number. Following a visit, n is an integer, said procedures stored on tape length. Results output : input.txt output.txt 6 50 5 2 3 13 8 80 20 (2005-04-07, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载56次)
