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[Oracle数据库] Oracle_Trigger_Stored_Procedure

用Oracle有效地创建和管理大型数据库!数据库专家Kevin Owens是美国财政部计算机中心的Oracle数据库管理员,他将与您共同探讨PL/SQL——Oracle的结构化查询语言(SQL),并教您如何通过构建健壮、大型的数据库来解决您的业务问题。《Oracle触发器与存储过程高级编程(第3版)》语言通俗易懂,并引入大量代码示例。书中详细介绍了许多技术来利用Oracle的特性,如触发器和存储过程等。这些特性支持数据库结合业务规则,并可以根据业务的发展变化对规则进行管理和修改。本书讨论的主题包括:· 查看数据字典中的约束· 实施复杂的规则· PL/SQL程序单元和语言特性· 数据类型和复合结构· 错误处理和异常· 进程间的通信· 声明性约束,包括主键约束、惟一性约束、外键约束和检查约束等本书对于希望构建和维护智能化大型数据库的开发人员、设计人员和项目负责人来说,都是不可多得的宝贵资源。
With Oracle to efficiently create and manage large database! Database expert Kevin Owens is the U.S. Treasury Department s Oracle database administrator computer center, he will work with you to discuss PL/SQL- Oracle s Structured Query Language (SQL), and teach you how to build robust, large databases to solve your business problems. "Oracle triggers and stored procedures advanced programming (3rd edition)" language easy to understand, and to introduce a large number of code examples. The book details the many techniques to take advantage of Oracle features such as triggers and stored procedures. These features combined with business rules to support the database and may change based on the development of business rules to manage and modify. Topics discussed in this book include: the constraints in the data dictionary view to implement the complex rules of PL/SQL program units and language features composite structure, data types and exception error handling and inter-process communic (2010-10-16, SQL, 29901KB, 下载6次)


[数据库系统] librarymanager

数据库课程设计指导书 一、 设计题目:图书馆管理系统 二、 设计目的: 1. 进一步学习和掌握数据库原理的基础知识和理论。 2. 学习SQL Server数据库管理系统的基本功能和建立数据库各种对象的方法。 3. 熟练掌握和使用SQL语言操纵数据库,使用T-SQL语言编程。 4. 理解和掌握利用数据库所学的理论知识来设计数据库的基本方法和步骤。 5. 通过上机操作和调试程序,提高学生理论联系实际和动手操作能力。 三、 设计内容和步骤: 1. 需求分析:根据图书馆信息管理系统的用户需求,确定图书馆管理系统数据需求和功能需求。 数据需求: 读者信息、图书信息、出版社信息、借阅信息等。 功能需求: 数据的更新功能(如读者数据插入,删除和修改等) 借书和还书功能 数据的查询功能(如根据读者号查询其所借的全部书籍等) 统计功能(如根据读者号查询其所借图书数量的函数,统计所有逾期未还的书及其罚款金额等) …… 2. 概念模型设计:根据需求分析的结果,确定组成本系统的实体、属性和实体间的联系。设计系统E-R 图。 系统的E-R 图:
Database curriculum design guide book 1, Design Title: Library Management System 2, designed to: 1. Further study and master the basics of database principles and theories. 2. To learn SQL Server database management system s basic functions and the establishment of a database of various objects methods. 3. Familiar with and use the SQL language to manipulate database using T-SQL language programming. 4. Understand and master the use of databases to learn the theoretical knowledge to design a database of basic methods and procedures. 5. Through computer operation and debugging procedures, to enhance students integrate theory with practice and hands-on operational capability. Third, design the content and steps: 1. Requirements Analysis: According to the library information management system user needs to determine the library management system data requirements and functional requirements. Data needs: the reader information, book information, publishing information (2010-01-21, SQL, 11KB, 下载49次)


[xml/soap/webservice] SQLSeveryingyong

本书由浅入深、全面而系统地介绍了SQL Server 2005数据库管理系统的使用方法和开发技巧,是作者多年教学与开发经验的总结。全书分为4个部分共23章。第1部分主要介绍数据库基本理论、SQL语言和Transact—SQL语言的语法;第2部分介绍了SQL Server 2005的安装、体系结构及服务器的管理、开发工具、数据库和数据表以及索引和视图的管理、查询优化、游标、存储过程和触发器、数据完整性、SQL Server 2005安全性、SQL Server 2005数据库备份与恢复等;第3部分介绍了访问SQL Server2005数据库的若干技术,以及两个应用系统开发实例;第4部分主要介绍基于SQL Server 2005的各种高级课题,包括数据仓库、数据集成服务(SQL ServerIntegration Services)、数据分析服务(SQL ServerAnalysis Services)、报表服务(SQL Server Reporting Services)和XML支持等。本书内容丰富、实例详尽,既适合于SQL Server 2005初学者,也适合于具有一定编程经验的程序员和开发人员,也有助于具有丰富开发经验的系统分析员、系统测试员等,是一本较全面的SQL Server参考书。
This book Deep comprehensive and systematic introduction to SQL Server 2005 database management system use and development of skills, is the author many years of teaching and development experience. The book is divided into four parts with 23 chapters. Part 1 introduces the basic theory of databases, SQL language and the syntax of Transact-SQL language Part 2 describes the installation of SQL Server 2005, architecture and server management, development tools, databases and data tables, and management of indexes and views , query optimization, cursors, stored procedures and triggers, data integrity, SQL Server 2005 Security, SQL Server 2005 database backup and recovery, etc. Part 3 describes the access to SQL Server2005 database, a number of technologies, as well as two application systems development example Part 4 focuses on SQL Server 2005, based on a variety of senior issues, including data warehousing, data integration services (SQL ServerIntegration Services), data analysis ser (2009-10-26, SQL, 2071KB, 下载14次)
