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[其他] 1

系统主要功能: 1、页面基本信息 2、用户在线报修 3、报修单管理 4、报修状态检索 5、报修信息导出和打印
The main functions of the system: 1. The basic information of the page 2. Online repair by users 3. The management of the report 4. Retrieval state retrieval 5. Information export and printing (2018-08-07, ASP, 1121KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] 8

Online video website / online education system is a.Net system source code online classes. (2018-04-12, ASP, 46299KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 2

The online examination system of the school has adopted the Internet technology to quickly build an online examination system platform, which has fully realized the networking, paperless and automation of the examination work. The system is easy to operate and has abundant questions. It is widely used in online examinations such as enterprises and institutions, school education and training institutions, online examination and online examination. (2018-04-11, ASP, 1909KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] Exam_2.3

To build the platform of online examination system, the full realization of the network, the examination work of the paperless, automated. The system has the advantages of simple operation, rich in the kinds of questions, widely used in enterprises and institutions, school education and training institutions and other online exam, network examination, online examination (2014-10-02, ASP, 1344KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] yyxlt_v1.01

本程序使用追梦阳光贴吧核心、深山简易bbs风格、无忧E吧的优化。 管理用户:鱼鱼/123456 测试用户:liyu/123456
This program uses the sun Dream posted it core, mountains bbs style simple, worry-free optimization E bar. Managing User: fish/123456 Test user: liyu/123456 (2014-06-18, ASP, 1840KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] TCMSfree_2.81

Worry Questionnaire school system is the means of using the Internet access to users on the site through an online questionnaire feedback (2014-01-07, ASP, 4183KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Survey

Secure survey system refers to the use of the Internet by means of online questionnaire to obtain user feedback information (2013-12-29, ASP, 834KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Company

Secure enterprise web site system is a set of oriented companies, enterprise station system, system uses Div+Css structure, perfectly compatible with the IE browser, has the characteristics of beautiful design, functional and practical, easy operation etc.. Web Webpage, production of reference materials. (2013-12-28, ASP, 1970KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Customer_v1.0

系统概述:校无忧客户信息管理系统是一款简单的客户信息管理系统,以客户为中心,把科学的管理与信息技术结合起来,实现客户信息的统一管理。系统适用于企业、公司、教育培训机构、企事业单位…… 系统功能主要功能: 1、客户信息 2、客户管理 3、在线查询 4、批量导入 ……
System Overview: School worry customer information management system is a simple customer information management system, customer-centric, the scientific management and information technology combine to achieve unified management of customer information. System is suitable for business, corporate, education and training institutions, enterprises and institutions ...... System function main functions: 1, customer information 2, customer management 3, online inquiry 4, batch import ...... (2013-09-24, ASP, 717KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] emlog_5.1.1

emlog是国人开发的一个博客程序,功能绝不含糊,性能十分出色。与wordpress相比,更贴近国人的使用习惯,而且比wp速度快很多he。时隔半年,发布了emlog v5.0.0,该版本增加了评论嵌套,增加分类别名等功能。 功能介绍 支持日志url自定义,对搜索引擎更为友好 独有的碎语(微博)功能,让你用简单的文字记录生活 一键式更换模板,方便快捷打造个性博客 清爽的日志撰写页面、配以自动保存,书写博文更加舒适无忧 日志草稿箱功能,方便保存你未完成的日志 完美支持手机访问,随时随地记录你的生活 支持离线写作,
emlog is people develop a blog program, function unambiguously, the performance is very good. Compared with wordpress, closer to people' s habits, and wp much faster than he. After a lapse of six months, released emlog v5.0.0, this version adds a comment nesting increase the classification alias functions. Features Support Log url customization, more friendly to search engines unique broken language (microblogging) feature that allows you to record life with a simple one-button text replacement templates, quick and easy to create personalized blog refreshing bloggers pages, with auto-save, worry more comfortable writing Bowen log Drafts function, easy to save your unfinished logs perfect support mobile access, anytime, anywhere to record your life support offline writing, (2013-07-09, ASP, 573KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_School_asp

系统概述:校无忧学校网站系统是一套中、小学通用的学校网站管理系统,采用适合学校的专用网站模版,增强了系统的针对性和易用性。现有学校概况、校园快讯、教学教研、德育长廊、教育法规、教师风采、学生乐园、互动平台、联系方式等栏目…… 系统主要功能: 1、学校信息:学校简介,校长寄语,领导班子,学校荣誉,联系我们…… 2、新闻中心:新闻分类,新闻信息内容,首页图片推荐 3、教师风采:添加教师信息,可上传图片 4、学校风貌:展示学校精彩图片 5、互动平台:提供留言建议,反馈信息 6、友情链接:多类别的链接显示
System Overview: school worry-free school website system is a set of primary and secondary general school website management system, the use of a dedicated web site templates for school, to enhance the relevance and ease of use of the system. Outline of the school, campus alerts, teaching and research, moral promenade, Education Code, the style of teachers, students parks, interactive platform, contact details and other columns ...... system main functions: 1 School Information: School Profile Message from the President, the leadership School Honors ...... 2 News: News Category, news and information content, recommended by the Home Pictures, teacher style: add teachers, upload pictures, school style: show school Photo Gallery 5, interactive platform: the Message recommended that feedback Links: multi-class link (2013-04-20, ASP, 2496KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] wangzload

后台功能: ※设置网站的基本信息。 ※管理员帐号/密码更改。 ※添加、修改、删除网站分类。 ※方便重新分类和做行业网站。 ※后台网站黑名单功能,让黑名单网站不能显示 ※网站点入点出:清除10分钟数据,清除今天点入数据,清除总点出数据 ※站内搜索功能。 ※生成htm内容页面,生成htm分类页面及其它页面。 ※htm页面全模板管理与修改. ※具有数据在线【备份】【压缩】【恢复】功能,让你高枕无忧 ※具有在线广告管理功能,后台广告位标注,站内广告设定时间限制,全站广告后台控制。 演示管理帐号:admin 演示管理密码:admin
Back-office functions:* Set the site. ※ administrator account/password change. ※ add, modify, delete a site classification. ※ convenience to reclassification and do industry website. ※ the background website blacklist feature blacklist website can not display ※ web sites into points out: Clear, 10 minutes of data, clear the data into the data today, Clear total points out ※ station search function. ※ generated the htm contents page, generated htm category page and other pages. ※ htm page the whole template management and modification. ※ with data online [backup] [compression] [restore】 functions, allows you to sit back and relax ※ online advertising management capabilities, background advertising spaces marked station advertising set time limits, the station advertising background control. The Presentation Manager account: admin demonstrates administrative password: admin (2013-01-09, ASP, 1956KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] xwyvote

校无忧评选投票系统是一套基于WEB的网站程序,它用于举办网上评选活动,它适用于人物评选,摄影作品,书法绘画作品的网上评选投票活动。 校无忧评选投票系统 1.3 更新内容: 1、首页添加评选介绍 2、添加复选投票功能 3、添加评选验证功能
School worry-free selection voting system is a WEB-based site procedures for holding an online contest, it applies to the character selection, photography, calligraphy paintings online selection of voting activities. The Award voting system school worry-free 1.3 Update: Home Add selection introduces 2, add a check of the voting feature, add selection validation function (2013-01-08, ASP, 1217KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] xiaowuVote

The worry about the voting system is a set of program based on WEB site, it used to hold online selection activities, it is suitable for character selection, photography, calligraphy paintings online selection vote activities. (2012-12-16, ASP, 1209KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Vote

The worry about the voting system voting system free version (2012-12-16, ASP, 1206KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Software-instructions

Site on the school-enterprise cooperation system design, software manual (2012-05-22, ASP, 3340KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] exam

This system is examination system, can be used for students in the school as one of their own design software, reference filial piety. (2011-05-29, ASP, 1698KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Query_v1.0

校无忧录取查询系统是一套学校为方便考生通过网络更快速直接的了解录取信息的查询系统...... 系统后台http://网站地址/admin/login.asp是登陆页面,帐号和密码都是admin 。
School Admission Query System is a worry-free schools to help candidates directly through the network more quickly understand the admission of information inquiry system website address http:// ...... system background/admin/login.asp is the landing page, the account and password are admin. (2011-03-11, ASP, 112KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] 5ucms_gbk_1.2.2024

无忧网络文章管理系统 v1.2.2024 更新说明: 1. 修复图片加链接导致图片消失的错误 2. 增加关键字分析功能(当然不是很精确的,GBK版本可用性强) 3. 后台原COOKIES验证,改为COOKIES+SESSION双重验证,可防COOKIES伪造 4. 默认插件状态关闭 5. 标题及描述过滤日文
Worry-free network management system v1.2.2024 update the article: 1. Restoration picture plus links lead to disappearance of the error image 2. Add keywords analysis function (of course not very accurate, GBK version of the availability of strong) 3. The background of the original COOKIES authentication, change To COOKIES+ SESSION two-factor authentication, can prevent forgery COOKIES 4. default plugin state closed 5. title and description filter Japanese (2010-06-24, ASP, 789KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] gaokaofensuchaxun

问题描述: 现要开发一个开放式的高校本科招生最低录取分数线的查询系统,供师生和学生家长等查询,高校自愿放入该校的信息,可能随时有高校加入。 功能要求: 要求实现的查询功能有: (1) 查询等于用户给定分数的高校; (2) 查询大于(或小于)用户给定分数的高校; (3) 查询最低录取分数线在用户给定的分数段中的高校。
Description: Now want to develop a Open University undergraduate enrollment lowest to admit fractional line of inquiry system for the teachers and students, parents, such inquires into the college voluntarily, may at any time. University Functional requirements: Requirement: the query achieve (1) the scores query is given the user universities (2) (or less) than inquires the university user given scores (3) inquires the lowest to admit fractional line in the universities of band user is given. (2009-04-08, ASP, 5KB, 下载3次)
